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Read Matt. 17:1-13.
Transfiguration is always preceded by a change of mind. In transfiguration, ideals are lifted from the material to the spiritual.
Going up into the mountain to pray means an elevation of thought and aspiration from the mortal to the spiritual viewpoint. When the mind is exalted in prayer the rapid radiation of mental energy causes a dazzling light radiation from all parts of the body, and especially the head.
Even our so-called physical body reveals a radiant body, (which Jesus referred to as sitting on the throne of His glory), which interlaces the trillions of cells of the organism and burns brightly. Jesus gave His disciples a glimpse of His radiant body when He was transfigured before them. "His face did shine as the sun, and his garments became white as the light."
He was very advanced in spiritual consciousness and was developed to a larger degree than anyone else in our race. But we all have that body of light, and its development is in proportion to our spiritual culture. Jesus did not go down to corruption but, by the intensity of His spiritual devotions, transformed every cell into its innate divine light and power. When John was in the spirit of devotion Jesus appeared to him and "his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto burnished brass." Jesus lives today in that body of glorified light in a kingdom that interpenetrates the earth and its environment.
Jesus is my Way-Shower. In His name I affirm:
"My mind and body are radiant with the light of Spirit, and I am triumphant, glorious, splendid."