Download JPG of 1962 Ordination Photo

Ministers ordained in Unity in 1962 were (alphabetical order): William W Aull; Ida Bowles , 2nd row, 2nd from left, (Deceased 7/14/1999); Mabel Roberts Carlin (Deceased 1/7/1986); Dorothy Edwards (Deceased 11/16/1975); Edward M. Hager (Deceased 5/17/1966); Edward J. Hoge; Naohiko Ide; Lillan Carter Jacobs; Jack D. Kern; Lucille Knox; Edna C. LeSage; Fermor G. Manley (Deceased 1/14/1985); Luis Molinary (Deceased 11/26/1983) Maria Luisa Molinary; Roselle Nutter; Herbert H. Ombaun; Mildred Park (Deceased 1/13/1970); Carol Romberg; Leslie De Witt Saunders; Eugene N. Sorensen; Maria J. Spindle; Helmut H. Steiner; Ester Stewart; Joseph Karl Stiegler; Leona M. Theadgill; Robert C. Wallet, Jr.; Flash Amber Washington; Edna Grace White; Chase Willet (Deceased 5/1/1973); .
Three African American women are in the photo. If you can identify them please click here for the woman in the front row, click here for the woman in the second row (left), or click here for the woman in the second row (right) and leave a comment.