Download JPG of 1989 Ordination Photo

Front row (left to right) Martha Page, Heather Withers, Virginia Moore, Myrna Tashner, Barbara Mapes, Mary Covington, Phyllis Collins, Helen Callaway, Lana Allen, Cheryl Sunday, Charlotte Carter, Terry Lund, Victor Williams
Row two: Argentina Glasgow, Janet Manning, USRS Chaplain; Adrienne Dorfman, Instructor of Communication Studies and Skills; David LeBeau, Melanie Schley, Christopher Jackson, Elsie Harnisch, Barbara Jeschke, Judith Golden, Pat Young, Vertell Allison, Sylvia Sumter, Chairperson of Communication Studies and Skills; Sandra DiLuzio
Row three: Gladys Branscum, Dean of Student Life; Judith Grimes, Chairperson of Ministry Studies and Skills; Charles Turner, Sandy Benson, Vicky Arden, Chairperson of Pastoral Studies and Skills; Barry Terwilliger, Audrey Morgan, Susan Burnett, Crystal Yarlott, Alyssa Van Til, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Skills; William Allison, Michael Jamison
Row Four: Robert R. Barth, Vice President/Education; John Coolidge, Toni Boehm, Dean of Administration; Ted Turner, Harry Morgan, Jordan Ellis, Ted Lane, Joe Wolpert, Instructor of Historical Studies and Skills; Duke Tufty, Alan Lee, Frank Giudici, Chairperson of Biblical Studies and Skills; Jim Gaither, Chairperson of Historical Studies and Skills

Ministers ordained in Unity in 1989 were (alphabetical order): Lana (Charlton) Allen; Vertell V. Allison; William F Jr. Allison; Patricia Anderson; Sandra A. Benson; Toni Georgene Boehm; Susan Cheryl Burnett; Helen L. Callaway; Charlotte M. Carter (Deceased 2/6/1996); Phyllis McLester Collins; John L. Coolidge; Mary Burkett Covington; Doreen Davenport; Dell DeChant; Sandra Kay DiLuzio (Deceased 11/12/1998); Mary Lee Douglas; Jordan D. Ellis; Argentina E. Glasgow; Judith Saitta Golden; Elsie Harriett Harnisch; Christopher H. Jackson; Michael David Jamison; Barbara A. Jeschke; Hilda Kellis (Deceased 2/27/2008); Luther T. (Ted) Lane; David Arthur LeBeau; Alan W. Lee; Terry O'Neal Lund; Barbara Mapes; Virginia Herd Moore; Harry W. Morgan; R. Eugene Nichols; Patricia (Trish) O'Connor; Johnnie Connor Oji (Deceased 1/22/1989); Martha Ann Page; Audrey J. Palmer; Melanie A. Schley; Cheryl Sunday; Myrna Catherine Tashner; W. Barry Terwilliger; Duke Tufty; Charles A. Turner; Ted Everett Turner; Alyzsa B. VanTil; Victor E. Williams, Jr.; Heather Nowell Withers; Crystal Lynn Yarlott; Patricia Ann (Liska) Young.
Download JPG of 1988 Unity Faculty and Students Photo

Front row (left to right): Judith Grimes, Chairman of Ministry Studies and Skills; Barry Terwilliger, Terry Lund, Virginia Moore, Heather Withers, Gary Browning, Charlotte Carter, Patti Brooks, Barbara Jeschke, Barbara Mapes, Judy Golden, Myrna Tashner, Helen Callaway, Lana Allen, Cheryl Sunday, Larry Sunday, Pat Young, Mary Covington, Orren Evans, Toni Boehm, Dean of Administration; Adrienne Dorfman, Instructor of Communication Studies and Skills; Janet Manning, USRS Chaplain; Vic Williams.
Second row: Leona Slefanko, Chairman of Metaphysical Studies and Skills; Anne Ainsworth, Martha Page, Carol Jean Wright, Sunny Stone, Audrey Palmer, Charlene Smith, Joe Tauer, Mari Gabrielson, David LeBeau, Argentina Glasgow, Elsie Harnisch, Mac McCullough, Vertell Allison, William Allison, Elizabeth Weeks, Nancy Purcell, Tom Callin, Juhlie Swan, Sylvia Sumter, Chairman of Communication Studies and Skills; Joseph Wolpert, Instructor of Historical Studies and Skills.
Third row: Ted Turner, Allen Noel, Frank Giudici, Chairman of Biblical Studies and Skills; Gladys Branscum, Dean of Student Life; Arthur Wells, Charles Turner, Alan Lee, Peggy Wyman, Wanda Bedinghaus, Phyllis Collins, Melanie Schley, Susan Burnett, Colin Hughes, Barry Forrestal, Jane St.John, Evelyn Niles, Gerald Emerald, Michael Mullen, Alphie St, Tours, Cathy McClellan, Debra Chenowelh, Jim Schrotel.
Fourth row: Robert R. Barth, Vice-Presidenl/Educalion; John Coolidge, Michael Jamison, Ed Rabel, Instructor of Metaphysical Studies Skills; Pauline Bernhold, Edward Reifer, Diane Plamondon, Harry Morgan, Kathy McCall, Crystal Yarlott, Duke Tufty, Vicky Arden, Chairman of Pastoral Studies and Skills; Ted Lane, Sandy Benson, Jim Neafcy, Tom Schumacher, Jordan Ellis, Leon Smith, Al LaBrec, Alyssa Van Til, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Skills; Richard Thomas, Judy Thomas, Joe Rowe, Christine Jones (Notpictured: Carolyn Craft, Sandy DiLuzio, and Chris Jackson)