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1993 Ministerial Education Program Graduates
Row 1 (left to right): Justin Epstein, Michael Ray, Bea Arline, Richard Talley, Linnea Partington, Tina Dixon-Bartlett, Lisa Thorpe, Martha Mosley, Kris Broderhausen, Marcella Lundgren, Paula Montgomery-Skiles
Row 2: Alexandra Zykova, Carl Osier, Roxanna Walters, Mary Anne Multer, Charles Cournyea, Deb Olive, Cindy Stutting, Katherine Nelson
Row 3: Sally Kinarthy, Georgie Richardson, Allen Liles, Eileen Goor, Dan Holloway, Fred Wright, Toni Boehm, Dean of Administration
Row 4: Jim Butler, Frances Bunting, Pat Wareham, Larry Henson, Ross Tucker, Chairman of Communication Studies and Skills; Evelyn McKnight, Charles Schneider, Helen Rao, Larry Swan
Row 5: Ron Palumbo, Stephen Willingham, Instructor; Gladys Branscum, Dean of Student Life; Jim Gaither, Chairperson of Metaphysical Studies and Skills; Robert Barth, Vice President/Education; Laura Maday, Instructor; Debbie Tyson, Chairperson of Prayer Studies and Skills; Robert Brumet, Instructor; Gerry Sickler
Row 6: Eric Robinson, Frank Giudici, Chairperson of Biblical Studies and Skills; Earl Andersen, Instructor; Tom Thorpe, Chairperson of Ministry Studies and Skills; Adrienne Dorfman, Chaplain; Gary Jones, Dean of Education; Vicky Arden, Chairperson of Pastoral Studies and Skills; Maurice Williams, Instructor; Joe Wolpert, Instructor