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Ministers ordained in Unity in 1983 were (alphabetical order): Victoria A Abrams; Dianne Alford Allen; Donald E. Allen (Deceased 6/30/1984); Martha C. (Pat) Barker; Laura Sue Barrett (Bennett); Vesta Marjorie Barth; Hermes Jose (Herrera) Bernard; Warren Dale Blackford; Lois E. Caldwell; Eleanor Biggers Campbell (Deceased 5/10/2001); Christopher Ian Chenoweth; Ronald Damion Coleman, Jr.; Tim Cook; Katherine Cooke; Donald C. Crooks; Judith Lee Crooks; Joanne Margaret Dator; Mario DeFerrari; Kathryn C. DeMougin; Kathy (Carver) Ellicott; Claudette J. Farone (Deceased 7/2/1999); Etta W. Farrior; Ronald T. Field; Mary Ann Finch; Donna Marie Foreman; Mike J. Fotheringham; Billie Freeman (Deceased 1/29/1993); Barry Keith Grieve; Gary Norman Griffith; Mercedes R. Hill; MelVera Jeanne Hinton-Brown; Gordon B. Hosbrook; Robert Grover Hudson; Vera H. Jenkins; Harold Hazen Johnson; William Forrest King; Jacqueline A. Leccia; Betty Marie Lelly; Shirley A. LeVere; June C. Miller; Norma R. Montero; Audre M. Morgan; Catherine Jean Norman; John Charles Pearsall; Allen Quay; Anne Duncan Quay; Ruth E Raun; Helen Deora Saunders; Judith Ann Sherman; Harry Maurice Smit; Leila M. Thompson; Festus A. Umeojiego; Wanda Anita Umeojiego; Maria T. Vasquez; Alfreda A. Williams; Maurice Williams; Albert Harold Wingate; Nancy M. Wire.
Source: 1983 Contact Newsletter:
Row 1 (Itor): Nan Wire, Kathryn DeMougin, Eleanor Campbell, Mary Ann Finch, Wanda Umeojiego, Harry Smit, Claudette Farone, Carol Amos, Etta Farrior, Donald Crooks, Judith Crooks, Tim Cook, Ron Coleman, Jr.
Row 2 (Itor): Charles Neal, Director of Ministry Services; Hypatia Hasbrouck, Dean of Faculty; Cathy Ellicott, Anne Quay, Leila Thompson, Mario DeFerrari, Festus Umeojiego, Janet Hankins, Bill King, June Miller, Shirley LeVere, Laura Barrett, Jacqueline Leccia, Gary Griffith, Melvera Jeanne Hinton-Brown, Jean Rennolds, Jack Barker, 1983 AUC President
Row3 (Itor): Ron Field, Chris Chenoweth, Dianne Allen, Hermes Bernard, Vicky Abrams, Gordon Hosbrook, Lois Caldwell, Mike Fotheringham, Katherine Cooke, Alfreda A. Williams, Cathy Jean Norman, Ruth Raun, Helen Saunders
Row 4 (Itor): Mercedes Hill, Warren Blackford, Barry Grieve, Allen Quay, Maurice Williams, Robert Hudson, John Pearsall, Al Wingate, Vera H. Jenkins, Don Allen, (Rita Reiser not present)