"Every man believes himself to be in bondage to the flesh and to the things of the flesh. All suffering is the result of this belief. The history of the coming of the Children of Israel out of their long bondage in Egypt is descriptive of the human mind, or consciousness, growing up out of the animal or sense part of man and into the spiritual part." - Emilie Cady, Lessons In Truth

This opening sentence to Lessons In Truth may be the most-read passage in Unity. It conveys the universal story of spiritual transformation, that overcoming is possible and that God has triumphed. It is a message that has given hope to millions and brought many of them into the Unity movement. It is our gift to western spiritual seekers and it is an open pathway into their heart.
And now, perhaps for the first time, Emilie Cady's well-loved passage is available to nearly one billion Chinese speaking people, approximately 15% of the world's population.
I hope you will look closely at each character of the Chinese text shown above, bringing into consciousness the possibility that some spiritual seeker is also reading each character and knowing, perhaps for the first time, that they are an expression of the Christ spirit within.

I hope you will read about Chuanyan Nie, the able translator of Ken Wilber, Mother Teresa, Ed Bacon and Bhante Henepola Gunaranta, and now, Emilie Cady. And I hope you will read the The Prayer of Faith in Chinese, which Chuanyan has also provided.
This is a CommUnity funded translation, paid for by by contributors to TruthUnity. I am looking for sponsors for translating Charles Fillmore's Prosperity to Chinese and for translating both texts to Korean. Call me if you would like to support or sponsor a Chinese translation of Prosperity or a Korean translation of Lessons In Truth.
As the preacher says, "11:1Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days." Ecclesiastes 11:1

Contributors to this translation include:

This is a CommUnity Funded Translation. You may contribute to this translation and to future translations by clicking on the donate button. Be sure to add a note to indicate which text you are supporting. If you wish to give anonymously, let me know that as well. Include a picture if you can. Email me at mark@truthunity.net for questions or to send me a picture. Thanks so much!

Copyright of Chinese Translation © 2015 by TruthUnity.net under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). This is an open source copyright. You are free and encouraged to use this translation for creating ebooks and printed material under certain conditions.