In entering upon this course of instruction, each of you should, so far as possible, lay aside, for the time being, all previous theories and beliefs. By so doing you will be saved the trouble of trying, all the way through the course, to put "new wine into old wineskins" (Luke 5:37). If there is anything, as we proceed, which you do not understand or agree with, just let it lie passively in your mind until you have read the entire book, for many statements that would at first arouse antagonism and discussion will be clear and easily accepted a little farther on. After the course is completed, if you wish to return to your old beliefs and ways of living, you are at perfect liberty to do so. But, for the time being, be willing to become as a little child; for, said the Master, in spiritual things, "Except ye . . . become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 18:3). If at times there seems to be repetition, please remember that these are lessons, not lectures.

"Finally . . . be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might" (Eph. 6:10).
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Phil. 4:8).

1. 每个人都认为自己受到肉体以及属于肉体的事物的捆绑。所有的痛苦都源于这种信仰。以色列子民摆脱埃及人长久奴役的历史象征着人类心灵或意识从人类的动物性和官能性成长到灵性。
1. Every man believes himself to be in bondage to the flesh and to the things of the flesh. All suffering is the result of this belief. The history of the coming of the Children of Israel out of their long bondage in Egypt is descriptive of the human mind, or consciousness, growing up out of the animal or sense part of man and into the spiritual part.

2. “耶和华[对摩西说]:我的百姓在埃及所受的困苦,我实在看见了;他们因受督工的辖制所发的哀声,我也听见了。我原知道他们的痛苦。”
2. "And Jehovah said [speaking to Moses], I have surely seen the affliction of my people that are in Egypt, and I have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
3. “我下来是要救他们脱离埃及人的手,领他们出了那地,到美好宽阔的流奶与蜜之地。”(出埃及记3:7,8)
3. "And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey" (Exod. 3:7,8).

4. 这段话表达的正是造物主对祂最卓越的创造物——人类——的态度。
4. These words express exactly the attitude of the Creator toward His highest creation, man.

5. 祂如今而且始终都在告诉祂的子民们:“你们在埃及[黑暗无知]所受的困苦,我实在看见了,你们因受督工[疾病、痛苦、贫穷]的辖制所发的哀声,我也听见了。我下来是要救你们脱离所有这些苦难,领你们到美好宽阔的流奶与蜜之地。”(出埃及记3:7,稍作修改)
5. Today, and all the days, He has been saying to us, His children: "I have surely seen the affliction of you who are in Egypt [darkness of ignorance], and have heard your cry by reason of your taskmasters [sickness, sorrow, and poverty]; and I am [not I will, but I am now] come down to deliver you out of all this suffering, and to bring you up unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with good things" (Exod. 3:7 adapted).

6. 到了某个时候,每个人都必然会醒悟过来。他不再想吃豆荚,将要“起来,到我父亲那里去”。(路加福音15:18)
6. Sometime, somewhere, every human being must come to himself. Having tired of eating husks, he will "arise and go to my Father" (Luke 15:18).
"For it is written,
As I live, saith the Lord, to me every knee shall bow,
And every tongue shall confess to God" (Rom. 14:11).

7. 这不是说上帝是个严厉的独裁者,会运用他的无上权力来强迫人类敬拜他。毋宁说它体现了上帝所制定的律法,至爱至善的律法。人类最初是自私私利的动物,但他会不断成长,经历各个阶段和变化过程,认识到上帝或属灵的事物,知道他与天父是合一的,并从而摆脱各种痛苦,因为他能自觉地驾驭万事万物。在这段旅程中,到了某个时候,人类的意识或领悟力会充满喜悦地敬拜属灵的自我,并承认这个属灵的自我(亦即耶稣)是至高无上的,它就是上帝。从此以后,心灵永远不再会感受到奴役,而会感受到充满喜乐的自由,并大声欢呼:“耶和华作王。”(诗篇93:1)每个人迟早都必然会获得这种体验。
7. This does not mean that God is a stern autocrat who by reason of supreme power compels man to bow to Him. It is rather an expression of the order of divine law, the law of all love, all good. Man, who is at first living in the selfish animal part of himself, will grow up through various stages and by various processes to the divine or spiritual understanding wherein he knows that he is one with the Father, and wherein he is free from all suffering, because he has conscious dominion over all things. Somewhere on this journey the human consciousness, or intellect, comes to a place where it gladly bows to its spiritual self and confesses that this spiritual self, its Christ, is highest and is Lord. Here and forever after, not with sense of bondage, but with joyful freedom, the heart cries out: "Jehovah reigneth" (Psalms 93:1). Everyone must sooner or later come to this point of experience.

8. 亲爱的读者,你我都已经醒悟过来了。意识到沉重的奴役以后,我们起身,开始走出埃及,前往自由之地,现在我们不能往回走。尽管在到达那片流奶与蜜之地以前,我们每个人都可能进入旷野或面对看似无法逾越的红海,我们似乎也会丧失勇气。然而,就像摩西对颤栗恐惧的以色列子民所说的那样,上帝也在向我们每个人说:“不要惧怕,只管站住!看耶和华今天向你们所要施行的救恩。”(出埃及记14:13)
8. You and I, dear reader, have already come to ourselves. Having become conscious of an oppressive bondage, we have arisen and set out on the journey from Egypt to the land of liberty, and now we cannot turn back if we would. Though possibly there will come times to each of us, before we reach the land of milk and honey (the time of full deliverance out of all our sorrows and troubles), when we shall come into a deep wilderness or against a seemingly impassable Red Sea, when our courage will seem to fail. Yet God says to each one of us, as Moses said to the trembling Children of Israel: "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will work for you today" (Exod. 14:13).

9. 每个人迟早都必须学会独自面对他的上帝,此外没有任何人或事能够帮助你或主宰你的命运。在自身内在的上帝之中,你可以找到你所需要或渴求的全部生命、健康、力量、平安、喜乐、智慧和帮助。没有任何人能够像这个内在的天父那样赐福给你。祂是所有喜乐、安慰和力量的源泉。
9. Each man must sooner or later learn to stand alone with his God; nothing else avails. Nothing else will ever make you master of your own destiny. There is in your own indwelling Lord all the life and health, all the strength and peace and joy, all the wisdom and support that you can ever need or desire. No one can give to you as can this indwelling Father. He is the spring of all joy and comfort and power.

10. 在此之前,我们始终认为,他人会给予我们帮助和安慰,外界和环境会带给我们喜乐;但事实并非如此。所有的喜乐、力量和良善都源于我们心中的源泉。如果了解了这个事实,我们就会明白,既然内在的上帝就是我们所有良善的源泉,那么,无论任何人做或说了什么,或者没做或说什么,它们都无法夺走我们的喜乐和良善。
10. Hitherto we have believed that we were helped and comforted by others, that we received joy from outside circumstances and surroundings; but it is not so. All joy and strength and good spring up from a fountain within one's own being; and if we only knew this truth we should know that, because God in us is the fountain out of which springs all our good, nothing that anyone does or says, or fails to do or say, can take away our joy and good.

11. 有人说过:“我们的自由来自于理解上帝对我们的心意和看法。”上帝将人视为祂的仆人还是孩子呢?大多数始终认为,我们是环境的奴隶,而且充其量也只是至高上帝的仆人。两种观点都是错误的。现在是明白正确观点的时候了,我们要明白,我们不是仆人,而是儿女。“既是儿女,必是后嗣”(罗马书8:7)。是谁的后嗣呢?是所有智慧的后嗣,这样我们就不必因为缺乏智慧而犯错了;是所有爱的后嗣,这样我们就不必感到恐惧、羡慕或嫉妒;是所有力量、生命、能力和良善的后嗣。
11. Someone has said: "Our liberty comes from an understanding of the mind and the thoughts of God toward us." Does God regard man as His servant, or as His child? Most of us have believed ourselves not only the slaves of circumstances, but also, at the best, the servants of the Most High. Neither belief is true. It is time for us to awake to right thoughts, to know that we are not servants, but children, "and if children, then heirs" (Rom. 8:17). Heirs to what? Why, heirs to all wisdom, so that we need not, through any lack of wisdom, make mistakes; heirs to all love, so that we need know no fear or envy or jealousy; heirs to all strength, all life, all power, all good.

12. 从孩提时代起,我们就听说了太多的道理,却不明白它们的实质意义。你有没有停下来思考并真正理解 “神的后嗣,和基督同作后嗣”(罗8:17)的含义?它的意思是,“每个人都是上帝的入口,也可以成为其出口。”这意味着,作为神唯一的后嗣,只要我们知道如何领受我们的产业,我们就拥有了祂的全部本质和产业。
12. The human intelligence is so accustomed to the sound of words heard from childhood that often they convey to it no real meaning. Do you stop to think, really to comprehend, what it means to be "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" (Rom. 8:17)? It means, "Every man is the inlet, and may become the outlet, of all there is in God." It means that all that God is and has is in reality for us, His only heirs, if we only know how to claim our inheritance.

13. 本书这些简单的话语,就是教我们学会如何领受属于我们的产业——神希望我们在日常生活中拥有的产业。
13. This claiming of our rightful inheritance, the inheritance that God wants us to have in our daily life, is just what we are learning how to do in these simple talks.

14. Paul said truly: "So long as the heir is a child, he differeth nothing from a bondservant though he is lord of all;

15. "But is under guardians and stewards until the day appointed of the father.

16. “我们为孩童的时候,受管于世俗小学之下,也是如此。”
16. "So we also, when we were children [in knowledge], were held in bondage under the rudiments of the world:

17. “及至时候满足,神就差遣他的儿子……你们既为儿子,神就差他儿子的灵,进入你们(原文作我们)的心,呼叫阿爸,父。”
17. "But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son . . . And because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts [or into our conscious minds], crying Abba, Father.

18. “可见,从此以后,你不是奴仆,乃是儿子了。既是儿子,就靠着神为后嗣。”(加拉太书4:1-7)
18. "So that thou art no longer a bondservant but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God" (Gal. 4:1-7).

19. 我们正是要通过基督,住在我们心里的基督,按照能力或勇气的大小来接纳神的全部本质和产业。
19. It is through Christ, the indwelling Christ, that we are to receive all that God has and is, as much or as little as we can or dare to claim.

20. 无论你最初怀着怎样的目的在寻求真理,它其实都是因为上帝的“时候满足”了(加拉太书4:4),你要起身,开始继承神的产业。你不再满足于世间的事物,也不再受到它们的奴役。想想吧!上帝的“时候满足”了,现在你可以获得自由,管理万物,不再做奴隶,而是神的儿女并承受神的产业!“不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们;并且分派你们去结果子。”(约翰福音15:16)
20. No matter with what object you first started out to seek Truth, it was in reality because it was God's "fulness of the time" (Gal. 4:4) for you to arise and begin to claim your inheritance. You were no longer to be satisfied with or under bondage to the elements of the world. Think of it! God's "fulness of the time" now for you to be free, to have dominion over all things material, to be no longer bond servant, but a son in possession of your inheritance! "Ye did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that ye should go and bear fruit" (John 15:16).

21. 现在我们已经认识到:寻求真理不再是为了回报,不再是试图遵循某种教条,而是必须活出生命。在这些简单的课程中,我们将迈出最初的脚步,脱离被自私、情欲和悲伤所捆绑的埃及,走向具有完满之爱与善的自由之地。
21. We have come to a place now where our search for Truth must no longer be for the rewards; it must no longer be our seeking a creed to follow, but it must be our living a life. In these simple lessons we shall take only the first steps out of the Egyptian bondage of selfishness, lust, and sorrow toward the land of liberty, where perfect love and all good reign.

22. 按照永恒不变的法则,我们每个正确的想法,每个无私的言行,都将结出良善的果实。但在我们前进的过程中,我们必须学会忘记结果,也就是“饼和鱼”(马太福音15:36)。我们必须有意识地寻求成为真理,成为爱、智慧与生命(我们其实本来就是如此,只是我们不曾意识到而已),而不必考虑各种结果。
22. Every right thought that we think, our every unselfish word or action, is bound by immutable laws to be fraught with good results. But in our walk we must learn to lose sight of results that are the "loaves and the fishes" (Matt. 15:36). We must rather seek to be the Truth consciously, to be love, to be wisdom, to be life (as we really are unconsciously,) and let results take care of themselves.

23. 每个人每天都必须花时间安静地冥想。力量隐藏于每天的冥想之中。没有冥想,属灵知识或力量就不会成长。就像练习乐曲那样,要练习如何与神同在。除非每天花时间单独练习乐曲,否则,没有人能够成为音乐大师。每天独自冥想上帝能够促使神更多地与我们同在,并让我们意识到这种同在。
23. Every man must take time daily for quiet and meditation. In daily meditation lies the secret of power. No one can grow in either spiritual knowledge or power without it. Practice the presence of God just as you would practice music. No one would ever dream of becoming a master in music except by spending some time daily alone with music. Daily meditation alone with God focuses the divine presence within us and brings it to our consciousness.

24. 你或许太忙于做事,忙于传递爱和帮助他人(非常无私,就像上帝那样),以致于你发现没有时间“远离众人”。但耶稣的命令,或者更确切地说,耶稣的邀请是“你们来,同我暗暗地到旷野地方去歇一歇”(马可福音6:31)。而只有通过这种方式,你才能获得日常生活所需的明确知识、真正智慧、崭新体验和坚定目标,以及面对未知事物的力量。行为没有生命本身重要。当我们自觉地成为真理,无需任何人为的努力,真理就会从我们身上散发出去并产生作用。如果你没有时间进行安静的冥想,那就得挤出时间,抓紧时间。仔细观察,你就会发现,与其错过定期的冥想,不如放下某些事情,即便是积极无私的行为。
24. You may be so busy with the doing, the outgoing of love to help others (which is unselfish and Godlike as far as it goes), that you find no time to go apart. But the command, or rather the invitation, is "Come ye yourselves apart . . . and rest a while" (Mark 6:31). And it is the only way in which you will ever gain definite knowledge, true wisdom, newness of experience, steadiness of purpose, or power to meet the unknown, which must come in all daily life. Doing is secondary to being. When we are consciously the Truth, it will radiate from us and accomplish the works without our ever running to and fro. If you have no time for this quiet meditation, make time, take time. Watch carefully, and you will find that there are some things, even in the active unselfish doing, which would better be left undone than that you should neglect regular meditation.

25. 你会发现,你每天都会花些时间与无所事事的人闲聊。如果你能够帮助这样的人,那很好;但如果不能,请聚精会神,不要为了迎合他们的懒散而浪费任何时间。你不知道这样做会给你带来多大的损失
25. You will find that some time is spent every day in idle conversation with people who "just run in for a few moments" to be entertained. If you can help such people, well; if not, gather yourself together and do not waste a moment idly diffusing and dissipating yourself to gratify their idleness. You have no idea what you lose by it.

26. 当你抛开世界并开始冥想之时,不要挂虑你自己或你的失败,而要始终专心思想上帝,以及你与宇宙创造者和维护者之间的关系。暂时抛却所有恼人的琐事和忧虑,必要时努力将心思挪开,转而思想耶稣或诗篇中的那些简单话语。思考真理之言,即使是非常简单的箴言。
26. When you withdraw from the world for meditation, let it not be to think of yourself or your failures, but invariably to get all your thoughts centered on God and on your relation to the Creator and Upholder of the universe. Let all the little annoying cares and anxieties go for a while, and by effort, if need be, turn your thoughts away from them to some of the simple words of the Nazarene, or of the Psalmist. Think of some Truth statement, be it ever so simple.

27. 只有练习冥想的人,才知道冥想能够多么有效地平息所有的紧张、恐惧、过度敏感以及日常生活中的所有细小烦恼。而这只需要你花一个小时来从容安静地单单仰望上帝。千万不要让这一个小时成为束缚,要始终让它充满宁静。
27. No person, unless he has practiced it, can know how it quiets all physical nervousness, all fear, all oversensitiveness, all the little raspings of everyday life -- just this hour of calm, quiet waiting alone with God. Never let it be an hour of bondage, but always one of restfulness.

28. 有些人认识到了每天冥想能够赐给人宁静和力量,因此错误地彻底远离世界,将所有时间都花在冥想上。这是苦行,既不明智也无益处。
28. Some, having realized the calm and power that come of daily meditation, have made the mistake of drawing themselves from the world, that they may give their entire time to meditation. This is asceticism, which is neither wise nor profitable.

29. 耶稣代表了我们最高尚的完美生活,祂每天都会离开世界片刻,只为了能够带着新生的精神力量重新回到人群当中。所以,我们撇下世界并进入与神同在的寂静之中,是为了能够带着新的灵感以及更多的勇气和力量回到日常生活之中,完成各种事情并战胜世界。
29. The Nazarene, who is our noblest type of the perfect life, went daily apart from the world only that He might come again into it with renewed spiritual power. So we go apart into the stillness of divine presence that we may come forth into the world of everyday life with new inspiration and increased courage and power for activity and for overcoming.

30. “我们对神说话,就是祷告;神对我们说话,就是启示。”我们遁入寂静之中,新的生命、新的灵感、新的思想力量、新的活水源泉就会涌入;然后我们回到世界,将其散播给周围的人,让他们也受到鼓舞。在一个家庭之中,即便只有一个人每天冥想一个小时,练习与神同在,这个家庭就不可能有冲突。同样,如果我们让心灵不断地重新充满平安与和谐,那么,平安与和谐无疑就会不断地流向整个环境。
30. "We talk to God -- that is prayer; God talks to us -- that is inspiration." We go apart to get still, that new life, new inspiration, new power of thought, new supply from the fountainhead may flow in; and then we come forth to shed it on those around us, that they, too, may be lifted up. Inharmony cannot remain in any home where even one member of the family daily practices this hour of the presence of God, so surely does the renewed infilling of the heart by peace and harmony result in the continual outgoing of peace and harmony into the entire surroundings.

31. 不过,在我们选择的这条道路上,如果我们要活出圣灵而非旧我的生命,我们就需要始终努力,让基督谦卑和爱的精神越来越多地融入我们的日常生活之中。顺服并非屈从,而是面对彼拉多的诬告时能够默然无声的精神。没有谁能像耶稣这样伟大而神圣,因为他明白生命的真理,因此能够温顺而镇定地面对人类的诬告。“你的温和使我为大。”(撒母耳记下22:36)
31. Again, in this new way that we have undertaken, this living the life of Spirit instead of the old self, we need to seek always to have more and more of the Christ Spirit of meekness and love incorporated into our daily life. Meekness does not mean servility, but it means a spirit that could stand before a Pilate of false accusation and say nothing. No one else is so grand, so godlike as he who, because he knows the Truth of Being, can stand meekly and unperturbed before the false accusations of the human mind. "Thy gentleness hath made me great" (II Sam. 2:36).

32. 我们必须宽恕人,就像神宽恕我们那样。宽恕不只是对那些伤害我们的人敬而远之;远不止如此。宽恕是以善报恶——用某些实际而明显的善来回报别人的恶。有人可能会说:“我不需要宽恕谁;我在世界上没有私仇。”然而,如果在某些情况下,你对于上帝的某个孩子所做或所遭受的事情产生了“罪有应得”之类的想法,那么,你还没有学会如何宽恕他人。
32. We must forgive as we would be forgiven. To forgive does not simply mean to arrive at a place of indifference to those who do personal injury to us; it means far more than this To forgive is to give for -- to give some actual, definite good in return for evil given. One may say: "I have no one to forgive; I have not a personal enemy in the world." And yet if, under any circumstances, any kind of a "served-him-right" thought springs up within you over anything that any of God's children may do or suffer, you have not yet learned how to forgive.

33. 你所遭受的痛苦,以及你无法驾驭深深影响你人生的某些事情的事实,也许正源于你对整个世界所怀抱的这种不宽恕态度。要坚决地抛弃它。
33. The very pain that you suffer, the very failure to demonstrate over some matter that touches your own life deeply, may rest upon just this spirit of unforgiveness that you harbor toward the world in general. Put it away with resolution.

34. 不要受缚于自己对境遇或环境的错误看法。无论境遇看似多么恶劣,或者他人看似给你造成了多大的痛苦或烦恼,当你呼求上帝显明其法则的时候,上帝和良善确然存在。也只有良善存在。
34. Do not be under bondage to false beliefs about your circumstances or environment. No matter how evil circumstances may appear, or how much it may seem that some other personality is at the foundation of your sorrow or trouble, God, good, good alone, is really there when you call His law into expression.
35. 如果我们有勇气坚持单单注视上帝,那么,就连“人的忿怒”(诗篇76:10)也必然于我有益。约瑟谈到自己被兄弟卖到埃及为奴时说:“从前你们的意思是要害我、但神的意思原是好的”(创世纪50:20)。对于那些爱神的人,或者对于那些只接纳神的人来说,“万事都互相效力”(罗马书8:28)。万事!如果你能够在万事之中单单坚定的仰望上帝,那么,你人生中似乎令人心碎的境遇,也会在你眼前变为喜乐。

35. If we have the courage to persist in seeing only God in it all, even "the wrath of man" (Psalms 76:10) shall be invariably turned to our advantage. Joseph, in speaking of the action of his brethren in selling him into slavery, said, "As for you, ye meant evil against me; but God meant it for good" (Gen. 50:20). To them that love God, "all things work together for good" (Rom. 8:28), or to them who recognize only God. All things! The very circumstances in your life that seem heartbreaking evils will turn to joy before your very eyes if you will steadfastly refuse to see anything but God in them.

36. 人类心灵会通过逃避当前环境或谋求物质上的变化来逃避困境,这是非常自然的事情。这种逃避是极其无用而愚蠢的。“人的帮助是枉然的。”(诗篇60:11)
36. It is perfectly natural for the human mind to seek to escape from its troubles by running away from present environments, or by planning some change on the material plane. Such methods of escape are absolutely vain and foolish. "Vain is the help of man" (Psalms 60:11).

37. 没有什么外在方法能够帮助我们永远或真正地逃离苦难或环境,所有帮助都必须由内而来。
37. There is no permanent or real outward way of escape from miseries or circumstances; all help must come from within.

38. “神是我的盾牌和拯救”,要在静默中冥想这句话,直到它融入你的生命之中,它能够将你从世界上最机智的律师的双手和争辩之中拯救出来。
38. The words, "God is my defense and deliverance," held in the silence until they become part of your very being, will deliver you out of the hands and the arguments of the keenest lawyer in the world.

39. 真正在内心意识到“耶和华是我的牧者。我必不至缺乏”(诗篇23:1)以后,它就能为你提供全部所需,远比人手所能提供的更加稳定和丰厚。
39. The real inner consciousness that "the LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want" (Psalms 23:1 A.V.) will supply all wants more surely and far more liberally than can any human hand.

40. 每个人的最终目标应该是觉悟到内心中的上帝,然后在所有外在事物中通过这个上帝确实得到拯救。不要东奔西走,想要通过人为努力来帮助上帝,而要从容、宁静、坚定地相信内在的全智全能的上帝能够成就你所渴望的事情。
40. The ultimate aim of every man should be to come into the consciousness of an indwelling God, and then in all external matters, to affirm deliverance through and by this divine One. There should not be a running to and fro, making human efforts to aid the Divine, but a calm, restful, unwavering trust in All-Wisdom and All-Power within one as able to accomplish the thing desired.

41. Victory must be won in the silence of your own being first, and then you need take no part in the outer demonstration of relief from conditions. The very walls of Jericho that keep you from your desire must fall before you.

43. “我的帮助从造天地的耶和华而来。”
44. “耶和华要保护你,免受一切的灾害。”
45. “你出你入,耶和华要保护你,从今时直到永远。”
(诗篇121:1, 2, 7, 8
42. The Psalmist said:
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains [or to the highest One]: From whence shall come my help?
43. "My help cometh from Jehovah, Who made heaven and earth.
44. "Jehovah [your indwelling Lord] will keep thee from evil . . .
45. "Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in From this time forth, and for evermore."
(Psalms 121:1, 2, 7, 8)

46. 哦,只要我们能够觉悟到,这种拯救我们、促使我们变得完美,让我们获得自由和生命的伟大力量永远存在于我们内心之中,那么,从现在直到永远,我们就再也不要将目光投向他人罢。
46. Oh, if we could only realize that this mighty power to save and to perfect, to deliver and to make alive, lives forever within us, and so cease now and forever looking away to others!

47. 只有通过一条道路才能获得这种圆满的觉悟,这就是主耶稣的道路。耶稣通过拿撒勒人的口说:“我就是道路、真理、生命。”(约翰福音14:6)
47. There is but one way to obtain this full realization -- the way of the Christ. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), spoke the Christ through the lips of the Nazarene.

48. 当你感到困惑迷茫、看不到出路的时候,要牢记“主耶稣就是道路”这句话,主必然会为你开辟道路,将你彻底地拯救出来。
48. Your holding to the words, "Christ is the way," when you are perplexed and confused and can see no way of escape, will invariably open a way of complete deliverance.