译者介绍 (Introduction to the translator)
Translation by Chuanyan Nie
Senior Book Translator and Spiritual Truth Seeker
"Wisdom is conspicuous through modesty and silence"
This is Chuanyan Nie from mainland China. As a senior book translator and spiritual truth seeker, I am deeply interested in this job and have several unique advantages to do it. Firstly, I have translated fourteen and reviewed four books from English into Chinese with literature, religion/spirituality, psychology, education (especially for children) as my main focus. Among them, many focus on spiritual/philosophical issues, just to list a few, The Little Flower of Jesus (written by St. Therese of Liseux), No Greater Love (written by Mother Teresa), 8 Habits of Love (written by Ed Bacon, an Episcopal priest), Mindfulness in Plain English (written by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, a Theravada monk), Integral Spirituality by the famous USA philosopher Ken Wilber. Most of these books could be found with my Chinese name as the keyword on biggest Chinese online bookstore www.amazon.cn or www.dangdang.com.
Additionally, as a political dissident with deep compassion for people under the yoke of this repressive regime, I have always been delving into academic researches in sociology, politics and economics, and deeply engage with translation in these fields. You might see from this information that I have a broad spectrum of knowledge and expertise.
Also, I have a deep passion for ultimate truth and thereby rich spiritual experience and insight. I was initially baptized a Christian and was very enthusiastic of evangelization despite of political persecution and various obstacles, however, due to my inwardly unresolved doubts upon Christianity, I converted to Buddhism later and lived an ascetic life for two years as a monk in one remote and mountainous Buddhistic temple. And now I am a humanist and semi-mystic, moderately distancing myself from any religion and spiritual movement. Therefore when it comes to spiritual issues, I have both objective perspectives and personal experience.

Copyright of Chinese Translation © 2015 by TruthUnity.net under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). You are free to use this translation for creating ebooks, printed books and other things under certain conditions.