1. 人类最渴慕、最热切寻求的事物,就是上帝,“如实地了解上帝就是永恒的生命。”
1. There is nothing the human heart so longs for, so cries out after, as to know God, "whom to know aright is life eternal."

2. 不幸的是,人们焦虑不安地追逐各种事物,总是希望通过获得某种成就或者拥有某些东西来获得安宁和满足。人们以为自己想要房子和土地,博学或权力。他们追逐这些事物,但等到获得它们之时,才发现自己依然焦虑不安,丝毫都不满意。
2. With a restlessness that is pitiful to see, people are ever shifting from one thing to another, always hoping to find rest and satisfaction in some anticipated accomplishment or possession. Men fancy that they want houses and lands, great learning or power. They pursue these things and gain them, only to find themselves still restless, still unsatisfied.

3. 人类心灵的深处有着深沉的思乡之情,只有清楚、鲜活地意识到上帝(我们的父)存在于我们的内心之中,这种乡愁才能得到满足。从古至今,意识到内心在渴慕上帝的虔诚男女们不再寻求物质,转而全心地敬拜神和侍奉他人,寻求进入这种觉醒之中;但鲜少有人成功地到达让他们的“喜乐”可以“满足”的应许之地(约翰福音16:24)。还有些人在希望和恐惧之间挣扎;他们尝试用自身拥有的最佳知识来“找到”他们自己的“得救”之道(腓立比书2:12),却没有明白,必须内外同时用功。“你们得救是本乎恩(白白的恩赐),也因着信。这并不是出于自己,乃是神所赐的;也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。”(以弗所书2:8-9)
3. At the great heart of humanity there is a deep and awful homesickness that never has been and never can be satisfied with anything less than a clear, vivid consciousness of the indwelling presence of God, our Father. In all ages, earnest men and women who have recognized this inner hunger as the heart's cry after God have left seeking after things, and have sought, by devoted worship and by service to others, to enter into this consciousness; but few have succeeded in reaching the promised place where their "joy" is "full" (John 16:24). Others have hoped and feared alternately; they have tried, with the best knowledge they possessed, to "work out" their "own salvation" (Phil. 2:12), not yet having learned that there must be an inworking as well as an outworking. "By grace (or free gift) have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves (nor of any human working), it is the gift of God, not of works, that no man should glory" (Eph. 2:8-9).

4. 对于那些“安息在至高者隐秘处”的人来说,神应许他们免于“毒害的瘟疫”和“捕鸟人的网罗”,免于“黑夜的惊骇”和“白日飞的剑”(诗篇91),甚至免于对这些事物的恐惧。恐惧和邪恶具有多大的破坏力啊!它让我们像婴儿那样无助。它使我们成为傀儡,而只要摆脱它们,我们就可能成为巨人。它是我们所有失败,以及几乎所有疾病、贫穷和不幸的根源。但是神应许我们,在“隐秘处”,我们甚至能够摆脱恐惧和邪恶。“你必不怕黑夜的惊骇”(诗篇91:5)以及其他各种东西。
4. To him who "dwelleth in the secret place of the Most high," there is promised immunity from the "deadly pestilence" and "the snare of the fowler," from "the terror by night," and "the arrow that flieth by day" (Psalms 91); and even immunity from fear of these things. Oh, the awfully paralyzing effect of fear and evil! It makes us helpless as babes. It makes us pygmies, whereas we might be giants were we only free from it. It is at the root of all our failures, of nearly all sickness, poverty, and distress. But we have the promise of deliverance from even the fear and evil when we are in the "secret place." "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night" (Psalms 91:5), and so forth.

"In the day of trouble he will keep me secretly in his pavilion: In the covert of his tabernacle will he hide me" (Psalms 27:5)."
In the covert of thy presence wilt thou hide them from the plottings of man:
"Thou wilt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues" (Psalms 31:20).

5. The secret place! Why call a secret place? What is it? Where may we find it? How abide in it?

6. 它之所以是个隐秘处,是因为它是你在内心深处遇见耶稣的地方,任何外人都不能引导你进去,他自身也无法进入这个隐秘的地方。我们必须放弃他人可以给予我们这片圣所的想法。没有人能够从外面进入这个地方。无数人都在日夜真心寻求,想要获得这种内在的启示。他们不断追随着不同的老师,很多人拼命为此支付各种学费。
6. It is a secret place because it is a place of meeting between the Christ at the center of your being, and your consciousness -- a hidden place into which no outside person can either induct you or enter himself. We must drop the idea that this place of realization of our divinity can be given to us by any human being. No one can come into it from the outside. Hundreds of earnest persons are seeking, night and day, to get this inner revealing. They run from teacher to teacher, many of them making the most frantic efforts to meet the financial obligations thus incurred.

7. 直到世界末日为止,你都可以向世俗的老师以及人写的书籍学习知识;你可以了解从古至今所有的神学知识;你可以从心智上了解所有的真理教导,对那些具有治愈作用的话语诵念如流;但是,除非你的内心获得明确的启示,明白耶稣确确实实住在你的内心之中,祂是生命、健康、力量和万物的源头(祂本身也就是万物),否则,你就不能“与耶和华亲密”(诗篇25:14)。
7. You may study with human teachers and from man-made books until doomsday; you may get all the theological lore of the ages; you may understand intellectually all the statements of Truth, and be able to prate healing formulas as glibly as oil flows; but until there is a definite inner revealing of the reality of an indwelling Christ through whom and by whom come life, health, peace, power, all things -- aye, who is all things -- you have not yet found "the friendship of Jehovah" (Psalms 25:14).

8. 为了获得这种洞见,觉察到神存在于自己心中,很多人愿意(这是明智的做法,因为这比所有其他的知识都伟大)付出他们拥有的所有东西。保罗在26年的侍奉和精彩布道之后,甚至也说:“我也将万事当作有损的,因我以认识我主基督耶稣为至宝。我为他已经丢弃万事,看作粪土,为要得着基督”(腓立比书3:8)。
8. In order to gain this knowledge -- this consciousness of God within themselves -- many are willing (and wisely so, for this is greater than all other knowledge) to spend all they posses. Even Paul, after twenty-five years of service and of most marvelous preaching, said: "I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. . .and do count them but refuse, that I may gain Christ" (or the consciousness of His divine self) (Phil. 3:8).

9. 亲爱的读者,仅仅通过心智的寻求,是无法找到你如此渴求的东西的,同样,以前通过情感来寻求也是毫无所获。直觉和智识本应相伴而行,直觉应始终驾驭智识。“耶和华说:‘你们来,我们彼此辩论’(以赛亚书1:18)。”如果到目前为止,你始终在培养和扩大你对真理的理性认识(很可能如此),那么,为了获得完全的觉悟,你需要暂时停止推理活动。“成为小孩子”(马太福音18:3),并学习保持安静,聆听父通过你的直觉对你说了些什么。只要你保持安静并从那个源头寻找,那么,你渴慕的光明就会从深深的静默之中浮现于你的心头。
9. Beloved, that which you so earnestly desire will never be found by your seeking it through the mental side alone, any more than it has heretofore been found through the emotional side alone. Intuition and intellect are meant to travel together, intuition always holding the reins to guide intellect. "Come now, and let us reason together, saith Jehovah" (Isa. 1:18). If you have been thus far on the way cultivating and enlarging only the mental side of Truth, as probably is the case, you need, in order to come into the fullness of understanding, to let the mental, the reasoning side rest awhile. "Become as little children" (Matt. 18:3), and learning how to be still, listen to that which the Father will say to you through the intuitional part of your being. The light that you so crave will come out of the deep silence and become manifest to you from within yourself, if you will but keep still and look for it from that source.

10. 保罗在歌罗西书中所写的话,“这道理就是历世历代所隐藏的奥秘,但如今向他的圣徒显明了……就是基督在你们心里成了有荣耀的盼望”(歌罗西书1:26,17),就是劝勉我们觉察我们如此渴慕的内在之神。“至高者的隐秘处”(诗篇91:1)是人与神(或者我们心里的神)的神秘会合之处,我们每个人都可以住在那里,远离所有的伤害或对恶的恐惧。在那里,我们不再相信,而是清楚地知道,主耶稣始终住在我们的生命深处,它是完美的健康、解脱、繁荣和力量,当我们呼求它的时候,它随时都乐意显明出来。
10. And conscious knowledge of an indwelling God, which we so crave, is that of which Paul wrote to the Colossians, as "the mystery which hath been hid for ages and generations: but now hath it been manifested. . .Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:26,27). "The secret place of the Most high" (Psalms 91:1), where each one of us may dwell and be safe from all harm or fear of evil, is the point of mystical union between man and Spirit (or God in us), wherein we no longer believe, but know, that God in Christ abides always at the center of our being as our perfect health, deliverance, prosperity, power, ready to come forth into manifestation at any moment we claim it. We know it. We know it. We feel our oneness with the Father, and we manifest this oneness.

11. 掌握了某件事情的奥秘就能让你掌控这件事情。我们心中对于父的这种清醒的切身认识就是拥有所有力量的秘诀所在。我们希望这种神奇的“秘密”向我们启示出来。除了祂,还有谁能够给我们“从父出来真理的圣灵”(约翰福音15:26)呢?绝对没有别人。神要对你说的话和通过你做的事,是世界上任何人都不知晓的大秘密,因为它是住在你心里的圣灵启示给你的,所以除了你之外,其他任何人都不会知晓这个秘密。祂告诉我的这个秘密并未启示给你,祂告诉你的秘密也未启示给我;但是,当神说完和做完以后,每个人都必须通过他心中的子直接与父联系。
11. To possess the secret of anything gives one power over it. This personal, conscious knowledge of the Father in us is the secret that is the key to all power. What we want is the revelation to us of this marvelous "secret." What will give it to us -- who can give it to us except Him, the "Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father" (John 15:26)? Surely none other. That which God would say to you and do through you is a great secret that no man on the face of the earth knows, or ever will know except yourself as it is revealed to you by the Spirit that is in you. The secret that He tells me is not revealed to you, nor yours to me; but each man must, after all is said and done, deal directly with the Father through the Son within himself.

12. 秘密不能在房顶上讲出来;这个最伟大的秘密也不能在人们之间流传。神创造了我们,祂必须亲自悄悄地将这个秘密说给那些活在祂本质中的人。“得胜的(或),我必将那隐藏的吗哪赐给他,并赐他一块白石,石上写着新名,除了那领受的以外,没有人能认识”(启示录2:17)。它是如此隐秘,甚至无法用人类的语言来表述或者通过人的口来传讲。
12. Secrets are not told upon the housetop; nor is it possible to pass this, the greatest of secrets, from one to another. God, the creator of our being, must Himself whisper it to each man living in the very innermost of himself. "To him that overcometh (or is consciously in process of overcoming), to him will I give the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone (or a mind like a clean white tablet), and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it" (Rev. 2:17). It is so secret that it cannot even be put into human language or repeated by human lips.

13. 你我所想要的东西,就是:让我们领受的真理话语变得鲜活起来。我们希望神的启示成为我们内在的生命,成为我们本人的健康心灵。我们不再在乎是否有别人来告诉我们某些东西,我们希望神的启示成为我们内心中的爱,这样我们的整个生命就会充满爱,并因此欣喜不已:这种爱不是源于我们对于爱的理性判断和人为努力,而是源于神自流井的自发和完全之爱,因为井装满了,它不得不溢流出来。
13. What you want today and what I want is that the words that we have learned to say as Truth be made alive to us. We want a revelation of God in us as life, to be made to our own personal consciousness as health. We no longer care to have somebody just tell us the words from the outside. We want a revelation of God as love within us, so that our whole being will be filled and thrilled with love -- a love that will not have to be pumped up by a determined effort because we know that it is right to love and wrong not to love, but a love that will flow with the spontaneity and fullness of an artesian well, because it is so full at the bottom that it must flow out.

14. 如今我们想要的东西就是,我们心中的神向我们启示为无所不能的力量,以便我们能够通过某种行为或样子,“成就我所喜悦的,在我差遣他去成就的事上必然亨通”(以赛亚书55:11)。我们希望内心的父呈现出来,让我们能够亲自认识祂。我们希望觉察到神在我们心中做工,“成就他的美意”(腓立比书2:13),以便我们可以“作成”我们“得救”的功夫(腓立比书2:12)。我们始终在学习如何做外在的功夫,但现在,我们必须学会如何调整我们的态度,以便能够察觉到神在我们内心做工。
14. What we want today is a revelation to our consciousness of God within us as omnipotent power, so that we can, by a work -- or a look -- "accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it" (Isa. 55:11). We want the manifestation to us of the Father in us, so that we can know Him personally. We want to be conscious of God working in us "both to will and to work" (Phil. 2:13), so that we may "work out" our "salvation" (Phil. 2:12). We have been learning how to do the outworking, but have now come to a point where we must learn more of how to place ourselves in an attitude where we can each be conscious of the divine inner working.

15. 马利亚和复活的耶稣说话,以为祂是园丁,直到祂突然叫出她的名字。此时,纯粹的直觉之光掠过她的意识,她立即知道了祂的身份。
15. Mary talked with the risen Jesus, supposing that He was the gardener, until suddenly, as He spoke her name, there flashed into her consciousness a ray of pure intuition, and in an instant the revelation of His identity was made to her.

16. 根据同样的历史记载,在三年的时间里,多马·低土马每天都与有史以来最杰出的灵性导师共同生活。他观察了这位老师的生活,并且身心都参与了祂的生活。他就像目前的你我,同样接受了智力训练和外界教导。但后来,他的内心得到了启示,他因而高呼:“我的主,我的神!”(约翰福音20:28)。在那个瞬间,他拥有了其他人都不知道的神秘名字。在眨眼之间,他认识到了内心的父,认识到祂就是他的主,他的神。不仅仅是我们的父和我们的主,而是我的主和我的神——是直接向我启示的神性自我。
16. According to the same sacred history, Thomas Didymus had walked daily for three years with the most wonderful teacher of spiritual things that has ever lived. He had watched this teacher's life and had been partaker of His very presence, physical and mental. He had had just what you and I have thus far received of mental training and external teaching. But there came a time when there was an inner revealing that made him exclaim, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28). The secret name, which no other man could know for him, had that moment been given to him. There had come, in the twinkling of an eye, the manifestation to his consciousness of the Father in him as his Lord and his God. No longer simply our Father and our Lord, but my Lord and my God -- my divine self revealed to me personally.

17. 这不就是你渴求的东西吗?
17. Is not this that which you are craving?

18. 到了某个时候,,每个人都必然不再寻求外界的帮助,他知道,只有通过始终存在于他内心之中的、无限渴望并无限耐心地等待着将父启示给孩子的力量,“我的主我的神”才能在他内心里彰显出来。
18. Each man must come to a time when he no longer seeks external helps, when he knows that the inner revelation of "my Lord and my God" to his consciousness can come to him only through an in-dwelling power that has been there all the time, waiting with infinite longing and patience to reveal the Father to the child.

19. 永远不能通过人的智识感受到这种启示它必须通过直觉进入心中,作为圣灵在人身上的彰显形式。“然而,属血气的人不领会神圣灵的事,反倒以为愚拙,并且不能知道,因为这些事惟有属灵的人才能看透”(哥林多前书2:14),而且它们必须通过属灵的方式传递给世人。
19. This revelation will never come through the intellect of man to the consciousness, but must ever come through the intuitional to the intellect as a manifestation of Spirit to man. "The natural man receiveth not (nor can it impart them) the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually judged" (I Cor. 2:14), and they must be spiritually imparted.

20. 出于内心的渴求,我们始终在向所有触手可及的源头寻求我们所渴慕的光明。由于不明白如何依靠内心的圣灵来获得拯救,我们始终在东奔西走。千万不要误解我所说的摆脱导师的意思。在某种程度上,老师是好的,必要的。“然而人未曾信他,怎能求他呢?未曾听见他,怎能信他呢?没有传道的,怎能听见呢?”(罗马书10:14)
20. In our eagerness we have waited upon every source that we could reach for the light that we want. Because we have not known how to wait upon Spirit within us for the desired revelation, we have run to and fro. Let no one misunderstand me in what I say about withdrawing himself from teachers. Teachers are good and are necessary, up to a certain point. "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Rom. 10:14).

21. 书籍和讲座都很好,老师也很好,但你本人必须明白,神子耶稣住在你的心中;祂是你内心的光、生命和全部。当你超越智识上的疑问,了解了这一点,你就不再会指望老师带给你灵性的洞见。圣灵必然会启示你:耶稣活在你里面。老师会描述这种光,但光自身必须照进黑暗之中,然后你才能看见这光。
21. Books and lectures are good, teachers are good, but you must learn for yourself that Christ, the Son of God, lives in you; that He within you is your light and life and all. When you have once grasped this beyond a doubt with the intellect, you cease looking to teachers to bring you spiritual insight. That Christ lives in you, Spirit itself must reveal to you. Teachers talk about the light, but the light itself must flash into the darkness before you can see the light.

22. 如果主留在门徒们中间,我怀疑他们能否超越祂的话语,转而追随祂的脚踪。
22. Had the Master remained with the apostles, I doubt whether they would ever have gotten beyond hanging on His words and following in the footsteps of His personality.

23. 耶稣知道,通过祂对真理的认识,门徒们知道如何获得属灵的光明,这将在他们心中留下种子,但是祂也知道,每个人都必须亲身依赖神,来获得持久和真正的内在光明。只有神能够将这个秘密悄悄地告诉每个人。
23. Jesus knew that His treatments for spiritual illumination, given to His apostles from His recognition of Truth, would act in them as a seed thought, but He also knew that each man must for himself wait upon God for the inner illumination which is lasting and real. God alone can whisper the secret to each one separately.

24. 其他人的话并不能带给他们力量,尽管耶稣的话具有巨大的灵性力量和洞察力,也不能做到这一点。这力量“从上”(以赛亚书32:15)而来,进入每个人的心中。它是“父所应许的,就是你们听见我说过的”(使徒行传1:4)。主只是告诉了他们这一点,但无法给予他们这种力量。
24. The inducement of power was not to come to them by the spoken word through another personality, not even through that of Jesus, with His great spiritual power and discernment. It was to come from "on high" (Isa. 32:15) to each individual consciousness. It was the "promise of the Father, which. . .ye heard from me" (Acts 1:4). He had merely told them about it, but had no power to give it to them.

25. 所以,对于我们每个人来说,我们渴求的这种灵性之光,我们愿意付出全部去拥有的这种力量,必须“从上”而来,也就是说,从我们内在的圣灵进入我们心中。这是父极度渴望透露给每个人的真理。正是因为住在我们内心的父渴望向我们显示这个秘密,我们才渴望得到这种启示。它就是我们来到这个世界上的目的——像现在这样逐步成长,直到我们能够领受住在我们心里的主启示给我们的奥秘。
25. So to each of us this spiritual illumination that we are crying out after, this inducement of power for which we are willing to sell all that we have, must come from "on high," that is, to the consciousness from the Spirit within our being. This is the secret that the Father longs with an infinite yearning to reveal to each individual. It is because of the Father's desire within us to show us the secret that we desire the revelation. It is the purpose for which we come into the world -- that we might grow step by step, as we are doing, to the place where we could bear to have the secret of His inner abiding revealed to us.

26. 这些课程中看似有若干自相矛盾之处,请不要因此感到困惑。我在此之前说过,太多的自省并没有好处。我要重提旧话,因为有些人真诚地渴望认识主,而且始终在寻求光,但他们忘记使用已有的光去帮助别人。
26. Do not be confused by seeming contradictions in the lessons. I have said heretofore that too much introspection is not good. I repeat it; for there are those who, in earnest desire to know God, are always seeking light for themselves, but neglect to use that which they already have to help others.

27. 在从父那里获取的同时,必须同等地给予世界,必须保持流入和流出的完美平衡,这样才能维护完美的和谐。我们每个人必须学会如何源源不断地从神那里获得供应,然后按照圣灵的引导,通过布道、教授或静默地活在真理之中,将我们得到的全部恩赐给予所有的受造物。无需我们做出任何努力,供应我们的神将通过我们随时随地闪耀出祂的荣光来。
27. There must be an equal conscious receiving from the Father and giving out to the world, a perfect equilibrium between the inflowing and the outgiving, to keep perfect harmony. We must each learn how to wait renewedly upon God for the infilling, and then go and give out to every creature that which we have received, as Spirit leads us to give, either in preaching, teaching, or silently living the Truth. That which fills us will radiate from us without effort right in the place in life where we stand.

28. 在几乎所有纯粹理性的真理教导中,都会充分谈论有关如何通过正念、否定自我、保持信心来获得拯救。这都很好。但是,我们还需要稍稍多了解一点其他的东西。我们必须学会如何保持静默,让圣灵(自性)在我们心里做工,以便我们能真正成为“新造的人”(加拉太书6:15),在所有的事情上拥有主耶稣基督的心。
28. In nearly all teaching of Truth from the purely mental side, there is much said about the working out of our salvation by the holding of right thoughts, by denials and affirmations. This is all good. But there is another side that we need to know a little more about. We must learn how to be still and let Spirit, the I AM, work in us, that we may indeed be made "a new creature" (Gal. 6:15), that we may have the mind of Christ in all things.

29. 当你学会摒弃自己,转向永恒的圣灵,并每天都这样做的时候,你就会惊讶地发现,尽管你没有着意地付出任何努力,你的内心却发生了神奇的变化。
29. When you have learned how to abandon yourself to infinite Spirit, and have seasons of doing this daily, you will be surprised at the marvelous change that will be wrought in you without any conscious effort of your own.

30. 它会深入你的意识心理之下,根除你本质之中的东西,由于这些东西始终处于休眠状态,等待着被什么东西呈现出来,你鲜少注意到它们。它会将光、生命、爱以及各样美善带入你的意识之中,你只需静静地等待和接受,它就会彻底地补足你的缺乏。我们将在另一课中讲到相关的具体步骤。
30. It will search far below your conscious mind, and root out things in your nature of which you have scarcely been conscious, simply because they have lain latent there, waiting for something to bring them out. It will work into your consciousness light, and life, and love, and all good, perfectly filling all your lack while you just quietly wait and receive. Of the practical steps in this direction we will speak in another lesson.

31. 保罗学会了这种信仰方式,学会了保持静默,让神自然地进入他的意识心理之中,补足他的一切匮乏,他勇敢而坦然地说:
31. Paul, who had learned this way of faith, this way of being still and letting the I AM work itself into his conscious mind as the fullness of all his needs was neither afraid nor ashamed to say:

32. “因此,我在父面前屈膝,(天上地上的各(或作“全”)家,都是从他得名。)求他按着他丰盛的荣耀,藉着他的灵,叫你们心里的力量刚强起来。使基督因你们的信,住在你们心里,叫你们的爱心有根有基,能以和众圣徒一同明白基督的爱是何等长阔高深!并知道这爱是过于人所能测度的,便叫神一切所充满的,充满了你们。”(以弗所书3:14-19)
32. "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that ye may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inward man; that Christ may dwell in your heart through faith; to the end that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be strong to apprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and height, and depth, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled unto all the fulness of God" (Eph. 3:14-19).

33. 接着,他说明了原因:“神能照着运行在我们心里的大力,充充足足地成就一切,超过我们所求所想的。“(以弗所书3:20)
33. And then he gives an ascription: "Unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" (Eph. 3:20).