Who And What God Is
Who And What Man Is

1. 耶稣在井边与撒玛利亚妇人说话的时候对她说:“神是个灵,所以拜他的,必须用心灵和诚实拜他。”(约翰福音4:24 A.V.原文是“神是个灵”,旁注“神是灵”,有些版本为“神是灵”)。说“神是个灵”就表示存在着许多个灵。但耶稣的话里没有这层意思。
1. When Jesus was talking with the Samaritan woman at the well, He said to her, "God is Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24 A.V. reads, "God is a Spirit," but the marginal note is, "God is Spirit," and some other versions render this passage, "God is Spirit.") To say "a Spirit" would be to imply the existence of more than one Spirit. Jesus, in His statement, did not imply this

2. 韦伯斯特对灵的定义是:“理论上被视为独立存在类型的生命或意识。神性的一种体现方式;圣灵。”
2. Webster in his definition of Spirit says: "In the abstract, life or consciousness viewed as an independent type of existence. One manifestation of the divine nature; the Holy Spirit."

3. God, then, is not, as many of us have been taught to believe, a big personage or man residing somewhere in a beautiful region in the sky, called "heaven," where good people go when they die, and see Him clothed in ineffable glory; nor is He a stern, angry judge only awaiting opportunity somewhere to punish bad people who have failed to live a perfect life here.

4. 神是灵,或者是生成所有可见之物的创造性力量。作为灵来说,神是隐藏在所有可见事物背后的不可见生命和智慧。如果首先没有灵来成为创造之因,就不可能有身体或可见事物,以及任何其他事物。
4. God is Spirit, or the creative energy that is the cause of all visible things. God as Spirit is the invisible life and intelligence underlying all physical things. There could be no body, or visible part, to anything unless there was first Spirit as creative cause.

5. 神不是具有生命、智慧、爱和力量的某个存在或人。神是不可见的,无形的,但又非常真实,我们称之为生命。神是完满的爱和无限的力量。神是这所有这些事物的总和,是所有隐藏或显现的善的总和。
5. God is not a being or person having life, intelligence, love, power. God is that invisible, intangible, but very real, something we call life. God is perfect love and infinite power. God is the total of these, the total of all good, whether manifested or unexpressed.

6. 宇宙中只有一位神,但这个源头呈现为我们可见的各种生命或智慧形态,无论它们是人、动物、树,还是岩石。
6. There is but one God in the universe, but one source of all the different forms of life or intelligence that we see, whether they be men, animals, trees, or rocks.

7. 神是灵。我们用肉眼看不见灵;但当我们穿戴属灵的身体,灵就会变得可见或显现出来,我们就会认出它来。当你观察自己的身体时,你看不到有生命、会思考的“我”,你只能看见我呈现出来的形态。
7. God is Spirit. We cannot see Spirit with these fleshly eyes; but when we clothe ourselves with the spiritual body, then Spirit is visible or manifest and we recognize it. You do not see the living, thinking "me" when you look at my body. You see only the form which I am manifesting.

8. 神是爱。除非爱被赋予某种形式,否则我们无法看见爱,也无法理解爱的内涵。宇宙中全部的爱就是神。夫妻之间、父母和孩子之间的爱,只是以可见形式呈现出来的神之爱的只鳞片爪。母爱无限温柔而持久,却也只是在母亲身上更大程度地彰显出来的神之爱。
8. God is love. We cannot see love or grasp any comprehension of what love is, except as love is clothed with a form. All the love in the universe is God. The love between husband and wife, between parents and children, is just the least little bit of God, as pushed forth in visible form into manifestation. A mother's love, so infinitely tender, so unfailing, is God's love, only manifested in greater degree by the mother.

9. 神是智慧和智识。我们在宇宙所见的全部智慧和智识就是神,它通过可见形式呈现出来。教育(词根源自educare,引领)从来都不意味着从外部强行灌输,相反,它始终意味着由内挖掘已经存在的东西。神是存在于每个人心中的无穷智慧,只需要加以引导,它便能呈现出来。这才是真正的教育。
9. God is wisdom and intelligence. All the wisdom and intelligence that we see in the universe is God, is wisdom projected through a visible form. To educate (from educare, to lead forth) never means to force into from the outside, but always means to draw out from within something already existing there. God as infinite wisdom lies within every human being, only waiting to be led forth into manifestation. This is true education.

10. 在此之前,我们始终在从外界寻求知识和帮助,不知道真理的圣灵才是所有知识的源头,这个灵就潜伏在我们每个人心中,等待着我们去呼唤它来教导我们万事万物的真相。它是最奇妙的老师,无处不在,而且不需要我们缴纳学费。
10. Heretofore we have sought knowledge and help from outside sources, not knowing that the source of all knowledge, the very Spirit of truth, is lying latent within each one of us, waiting to be called on to teach us the truth about all things -- most marvelous of teachers, and everywhere present, without money or price!

11. 神是力量。这不只是说神具有力量,而是说神就是力量。换句话说,做任何事情的力量都是神。神每时每刻都是我们存在的源头,祂不仅仅是全能的,祂就是全部力量。祂不仅仅是全知的,祂就是全部知识。祂不仅是无所不在的,祂就是无所不在。神并非具备某种特质的存在;祂本身就是良善。我们能够想到的所有美善之物,当它们处于绝对完美状态之时,它们就共同形成了我们称之为神的不可见存在。
11. God is power. Not simply God has power, but God is power. In other words, all the power there is to do anything is God. God, the source of our existence every moment, is not simply omnipotent (all-powerful); He is omnipotence (all power). He is not alone omniscient (all-knowing); He is omni-science (all knowledge). He is not only omni-present, but more -- omnipresence. God is not a being having qualities, but He is the good itself. Everything that you can think of that is good, when in its absolute perfection, goes to make up that invisible Being we call God.

12. 因此,神就是隐藏在每种可见生命、爱、智识或力量形态之后的实体(来自于词根sub,意为“之下”,以及词根stare,意为“站立”)或真实事物。每块石头、每只动物、每件可见事物都是上帝之灵的呈现,只是呈现的程度各不相同;这无数的呈现模式或个体无论多么微不足道,但它们无不包含了整体。
12. God, then, is the substance (from sub, under, and stare, to stand), or the real thing standing under every visible form of life, love, intelligence, or power. Each rock, tree, animal, every visible thing, is a manifestation of the one Spirit -- God -- differing only in degree of manifestation; and each of the numberless modes of manifestation or individualities, however insignificant, contains the whole.

13. 海洋中的一滴水与整个海洋一样,都是纯正的海水。水的构成元素完全相同,无论是一滴水、一桶水、一罐水,还是作为水源的整个海洋,它们都以完全相同的比例或完美的相互关系组合而成;它们各自都是完满的,只是水量有所不同。每滴水都包含了整体;然而,没有人会因此错误地推定,每滴水就是整个海洋。
13. One drop of water taken from the ocean is just as perfect ocean water as the whole great body. The constituent elements of water are exactly the same, and they are combined in precisely the same ratio or perfect relation to each other, whether we consider one drop, a pailful, a barrelful, or the entire ocean out of which the lesser quantities are taken; each is complete in itself; they differ only in quantity or degree. Each contains the whole; and yet no one would make the mistake of supposing from this statement that each drop is the entire ocean.

14. 因此,我们说上帝的每个独立呈现方式都包含了整体,绝不是说每个个体都是完整的上帝,但我是否可以说,它们都是上帝的体现?它们是不同数量或程度的体现。
14. So we say that each individual manifestation of God contains the whole; not for a moment meaning that each individual is God in His entirety, so to speak, but that each is God come forth, shall I say? in different quantity or degree.

15. 人是神性力量最终也最高的呈现方式,是上帝最充分、最完整的表现形式。因此,神赋予人掌管所有其他呈现物的权力。
15. Man is the last and highest manifestation of divine energy, the fullest and most complete expression (or pressing out) of God. To man, therefore, is given dominion over all other manifestations.

16. 神不仅在起初创造了所有可见的智识和生命形态,而且在每个受造物的整个存在过程中,神每时每刻都作为生命存在于其中,使之不断新生、重建和兴盛。祂从来就未离开其受造物,也永远不可能离开。因此,即便是一只麻雀掉在地上,祂又怎么可能不知道呢?而“你们比许多麻雀还贵重”(马太福音10:31)。
16. God is not only the creative cause of every visible form of intelligence and life at its commencement, but each moment throughout its existence He lives within every created thing as the life, the ever renewing, re-creating, upbuilding cause of it. He never is and never can be for a moment separated from His creations. Then how can even a sparrow fall to the ground without His knowledge? And "ye are of more value than many sparrows" (Matt. 10:31).

17. God is. Man exists (from ex, out of, and sistere, to stand forth). Man stands forth out of God.

18. 人是三重存在,由灵、魂、体构成。灵位于我们内心最深处,是真实存在的,它是我们最绝对完满的部分,是我们的主体,尽管我们的想法和环境或许会变化上千次,但灵从未发生任何变化。这部分是神的体现。它是我们心里面的父。就存在的这个核心部分而言,每个人都可以说“我与父原为一”(约翰福音10:30),并能够讲出绝对真理。
18. Man is a threefold being, made up of Spirit, soul, and body. Spirit, our innermost, real being, the absolute part of us, the I of us, has never changed, though our thoughts and our circumstances may have changed hundreds of times. This part of us is a standing forth of God into visibility. It is the Father in us. At this central part of his being every person can say, "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30), and speak absolute Truth.

19. 凡人之心,即保罗所说的“体贴肉体的”,是我们对谬误的意识。
19. Mortal mind -- that which Paul calls "the mind of the flesh" -- is the consciousness of error.

20. 尚未彰显出来的善之全体或曰上帝,就是我的父,我们的父。我们是祂的投影或后代,在祂之中,“我们生活、动作、存留”(使徒行传17:28); “你们都是弟兄”(马太福音23:8),因为每个人都是同一个灵的化身。耶稣意识到了这一点,他说:“也不要称呼地上的人为父,因为只有一位是你们的父,就是在天上的父”(马太福音23:9)。当我们认识到我们与所有人之间的真正关系以后,我们就会立刻摆脱我们狭隘的私爱,摆脱“我和我的”观念,感受到包纳整个世界的宇宙之爱,欢呼感叹:“谁是我的母亲?谁是我的弟兄?”
20. The great whole of as yet unmanifested Good, or God, from whom we are projections or offspring, in whom "we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28) continually, is to me the Father -- our Father; "and all ye are brethren" (Matt. 23:8), because all are manifestations of one and the same Spirit. Jesus, recognizing this, said: "call no man your father, upon the earth: for one is your Father, even he who is in heaven (Matt. 23:9). As soon as we recognize our true relationship to all men, we at once slip out of our narrow, personal loves, our "me and mine," into the universal love that takes in all the world, joyfully exclaiming: "Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold, my mother and my brethren" (Matt. 12:48).

21. 很多人认为神是个个体。“神就是道”这种话让他们感到害怕,他们惊恐地哭喊:“有人把我主挪了去,我不知道放在哪里”(约翰福音20:13)。
21. Many have thought of God as a personal being. The statement that God is Principle chills them, and in terror they cry out, "They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him" (John 20:13).

22. 认为上帝是一个人的观点常常会束缚心灵的博大和宽广,因为人只存在于空间和时间之内。
22. Broader and more learned minds are always cramped by the thought of God as a person, for personality limits to place and time.

23. God is the name we give to that unchangeable, inexorable principle at the source of all existence. To the individual consciousness God takes on personality, but as the creative underlying cause of all things, He is principle, impersonal; as expressed in each individual, He becomes personal to that one -- a personal, loving, all-forgiving Father-Mother. All that we can ever need or desire is the infinite Father-Principle, the great reservoir of unexpressed good. There is no limit to the Source of our being, nor to His willingness to manifest more of Himself through us, when we are willing to do his will.

24. 之前,我们总是向外寻求,以实现和满足我们的愿望,但结果让我们感到非常失望。每个人对于满足感的渴望,就是思乡的孩子对于上帝这个父母的呼唤。内在的圣灵渴望在我们的意识中越来越完满地彰显出来,直到我们完全意识到,我们与至善者是一体的。人类从未,也不可能,满足于不完满的东西。
24. Hitherto we have turned our heart and efforts toward the external for fulfillment of our desires and for satisfaction, and we have been grievously disappointed. The hunger of everyone for satisfaction is only the cry of the homesick child for its Father-Mother God. It is only the Spirit's desire in us to come forth into our consciousness as more and more perfection, until we shall have become fully conscious of our oneness with All-perfection. Man never has been and never can be satisfied with anything less.

25. 通过我们心中的父,我们生命深处的“我”,我们所有人都能直接触及上帝,亦即生命、爱、智慧和力量的伟大总和。现在我们想知道的是,如何从源头获得更多恩赐,以便如何在日常生活中越来越多地将上帝(祂不过是至善的别名)彰显出来。
25. We all have direct access through the Father in us -- the central "I" of our being -- to the great whole of life, love, wisdom, power, which is God. What we now want to know is how to receive more from the fountainhead and to make more and more of God (which is but another name for All-Good) manifest in our daily life.

26. 生命只有一个源头。这个源头就是所有美善——生命、爱、智慧和力量——的活水源泉,是所有美好恩赐的给予者。在你活着的每时每刻,你都与这个源头彼此相通。你可以通过这个源头,获取你已有或将有或你能想到的所有美善之物。
26. There is but one Source of being. This Source is the living fountain of all good, be it life, love, wisdom, power -- the Giver of all good gifts. This source and you are connected, every moment of your existence. You have power to draw on this Source for all of good you are, or ever will be, capable of desiring.