1. 在人类千年以来的众多努力的背后,上帝的旨意始终都存在,祂自始至终都注视着我们,像艺术家那样将人类当作祂的器皿,根据器皿的不同,祂时而在这里画上这种颜色,时而那里画上那种颜色。如果不知道这个活生生的事实,我们有时可能会感到气馁。
1. Did we not know it as a living reality that behind all the multitude and variety of human endeavors to bring about the millennium there stands forever the master Mind, which sees the end from the beginning, the master Artist who Himself is (through human vessels as His hands) putting on the picture here a touch of one color and there a touch of another, according to the vessel used, we might sometimes be discouraged.

2. 看到人类试图按照自己的理解能力来限制上帝,即便这算不上荒谬绝伦的话,那也始终是可怜的。不管有人多少了解上帝,总会有些领域是他/她不了解的。当我们说“这就是上帝的全部本质”之时,这仅仅证明我们的视野有多么狭隘。
2. Were it not at times so utterly ridiculous, it would always be pitiful to see the human mind of man trying to limit God to personal comprehension. However much any one of us may know of God, there will always be unexplored fields in the realms of expression, and it is an evidence of our narrow vision to say: "This is all there is of God."

3. 假设有十几个人正站在某堵墙的暗处,墙上有大小不等的各种孔洞。每个人通过自己面前的孔洞向外观看,各自的视野都限于某个半径范围之内。这个人说:“我看到了整个世界;有各种树木和田野。”第二个面前的孔洞更大,因而视野也更宽广,他说“我看到了树木、田野和房屋,这就是整个世界。”而第三个人面前的孔洞更大,他大声说:“哦,你们都错了。只有我看到了整个世界,我看到了树木、田野、房屋、河流和动物!”
3. Suppose that a dozen persons are standing on the dark side of a wall in which are various sized openings. Viewing the scene outside through the opening assigned to him, one sees all there is within a certain radius. He says, "I see the whole world; in it are trees and fields." Another, through a larger opening, has a more extended view; he says: "I see trees and fields and houses; I see the whole world." The next one, looking through a still larger opening, exclaims: "Oh! You are all wrong! I alone see the whole world; I see trees and fields and houses and rivers and animals."

4. 事实上,每个人都通过墙上的孔洞在观看相同的世界,但他以为自己的视野所见就是整个世界。你也许立刻会说,这种局限性只是表明了人人具有的无知和狭隘。每个人都会同情那个高度炫耀自己的无知的人。
4. The fact is, each one looking at the same world sees according to the size of the aperture through which he is looking, and he limits the world to just his own circumscribed view of it. You would say at once that such limitation was only a mark of each man's ignorance and narrowness. Everyone would pity the man who thus displayed -- aye, fairly vaunted -- his ignorance.

5. 从远古时代以来,教派与教派之间就有许多分裂和分歧。如今,尽管我们获得了新的光明,甚至知道上帝内在于每个人的心灵之中,但仍然有许多人执着于外在的差异,因而推迟而不是加速了千禧年的到来,至少他们自身迟迟见不到千禧年的来临。
5. From time immemorial there have been schisms and divisions among religious sects and denominations. And now with the newer light that we have, even the light of the knowledge of one God immanent in all men, many still cling to external differences, so postponing, instead of hastening, the day of the millennium; at least they postpone it for themselves.

6. 如果可能的话,我希望尽力拆毁表面的“中间隔断的墙”(以弗所书2:14),正如基督,永生的基督,打破或摧毁现实中所有误解那样。我想帮助你认识到,在新神学的所有不同教派之间其实并没有墙来产生分歧,只是因为你的视野有限,你才觉得这种墙是存在的。我希望你能认识到——如果你还没有认识到的话——每当你根据自己对真理的认识,想要限制上帝,以为祂只能在某个人身上或通过某个人彰显出来之时,你就无异于在大声说:“嗬!诸位,来看看我的狭隘和无知!”
6. I want, if possible, to help break down the seeming "middle wall of partition" (Eph. 2:14), even as Christ, the living Christ, does in reality break down or destroy all misunderstanding. I want to help you to see that there is no real wall of difference between all the various sects of the new theology, except such as appear to you because of your circumscribed view. I want you to see, if you do not already, that everytime you try to limit God's manifestation of Himself in any person or through any person, in order to make that manifestation conform to what you see as Truth, you are only crying loudly: "Ho! everyone, come and view my narrowness and my ignorance!"

7. 我想促使你忘记所有的差异,所有的枝节和琐事,仅仅寻求一件事,那就是,意识到你的心中和生命中有个内在的上帝。相信我,轴条越是靠近轮毂,彼此之间的距离就越小,同样,当你们越是接近那个完满的中心,亦即父,你和你的兄弟之间的距离就会越小。
7. I want to stimulate you to lose sight of all differences, all side issues and lesser things, and seek but for one thing -- that is the consciousness of the presence of an indwelling God in you and your life. And believe me, just as there is less separation between the spokes of a wheel the nearer they get to the hub, so you will find that the nearer you both come to the perfect Center, which is the Father, the less difference will there be between you and your brother.

8. 信心的疗救师声称他只相信他所说的“上帝的医治”(似乎除开上帝之外,可能还有任何其他治疗办法),这和那些相信只有在追问、寻求、敲门、刨根问底以后才愿意接受真理的所谓灵性科学家是不同的。而教导真理的人知道,他已经获得了上帝白白赐予的生命、健康和其他恩赐,通过传讲真理的话语,这些恩赐会显明出来。两者借助于无形的信心获得了相似的结果(将上帝彰显出来)。前者的心灵通过祈求和祷告被提升到信仰的高处;而后者的心灵则通过传讲真理的话语被提升到信仰的高处。
8. The faith healer, he who professes to believe only in what he terms "divine healing" (as though there could be any other healing than divine), differs from the so-called spiritual scientist only in believing that he must ask, seek, knock, importune, before he can receive; while he of the Truth teaching knows that he has already received God's free gift of life and health and all things, and that by speaking the word of Truth the gifts are made manifest. Both get like results (God made visible) through faith in the invisible. The mind of the one is lifted to a place of faith by asking or praying; the mind of the other is lifted to a place of faith by speaking words of Truth.

9. 有任何真正的区别吗?
9. Is there any real difference?

10. 心理学家通常不屑于与这两派人为伍。他大声宣称,“只有心灵”,他所知道或关心的上帝,就是内在的不可战胜的自我,没有什么东西可以吓倒或克服它。
10. The mental scientist usually scorns to be classed with either of the other two sects. He loudly declares that "all is mind" and that all the God he knows or cares anything about is the invincible, unconquerable I within him, which nothing can daunt or overcome.

11. 他会谈到意识和潜意识,他以为,自己与其他两派人完全不同,比他们高明无数倍。他大胆地宣称:“我拥有真理;其他人都是错误的,太循规蹈矩。”因此,他要求世人关注他用来观看整个广阔世界的小小孔洞。
11. He talks about conscious mind and subconscious mind, and he fancies that he has something entirely different from the infinitely higher than either of the other sects. He boldly proclaims, "I have Truth; the others are in error, too orthodox," and thus he calls the world's attention to the small size of the aperture through which he is looking at the stupendous whole.

12. 亲爱的读者,真理只有一个,这就像你我活着的事实那样千真万确。也许会有差别,但不会有分歧。
12. Beloved, as surely as you and I live, it is all one and the same Truth. There may be a distinction, but it is without difference.

13. 无论发生什么事情,喜乐者都会在心中高呼:“赞美主!”,并由此发现,“万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得着益处”(罗马书8:28)。他们其实就是在形而上学的意义上说“万事皆为善”。每个人“在你一切所行的事上都要认定他[或上帝,或善]”(箴言3:6),这其实是一根神奇的魔杖,正确地使用这根魔杖,它无疑能救我们脱离所有的困苦。
13. The happy person who will from his heart exclaim, "Praise the Lord!" no matter what occurs to him, and who thereby finds that "to them that love God all things work together for good" (Rom. 8:28), is in reality saying the "all is good" of the metaphysician. Each one does simply "in all thy ways acknowledge him [or God, good]" (Prov. 3:6), which is indeed a magical wand, bringing sure deliverance out of any trouble to all who faithfully use it.

14. 圣灵的教导在本质上是相同的,因为圣灵只有一个。不久以前,我在最传统的祷告会上听到了一个没有受过教育的女人的发言。她对宗教知识的了解程度,就相当于婴儿所掌握的拉丁语知识。然而,她的脸庞焕发出基督在她身上彰显出来的光芒。她讲到,五六年以来,她始终都在真心寻求更多地了解上帝(通过祈祷寻求,因为没有人告诉她如何寻求属灵的亮光),有一天,她极其真诚地祈求上帝直接赐给她特殊的话语,并将这些话单单赐给她。于是,下面这些话闪入她的脑海之中:“你的眼睛若瞭亮,全身就光明……一个人不能事奉两个主。”(马太福音6:22-24)
14. The teachings of spirit are intrinsically the same, because Spirit is one. I heard an uneducated woman speak in a most orthodox prayer meeting some time ago. She knew no more of religious science than a babe knows of Latin. Her face, however, was radiant with the light of the Christ manifest through her. She told how, five or six years before, she had been earnestly seeking to know more of God (seeking in prayer, as she knew nothing about seeking spiritual light from people), and one day, in all earnestness, she asked that some special word of His will might be given directly to her as a sort of private message. These words flashed into her mind: "If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. . . .No man can serve two masters" (Matt. 6:22-24).

15. 这段话她读过很多次了,但那天她被圣灵照亮,意识到眼睛“瞭亮”指的是仅仅注视她人生中的一种力量,而她却看见了两种力量(上帝与魔鬼、善与恶),她也正在事奉这两个主。从那天开始,尽管她经历了各种各样的艰难困苦——贫穷的试炼、家人患病、丈夫放纵——她总是忠实地保证眼睛“瞭亮”,单单注目于上帝,因而能够找到最奇妙、最充分、最完满的方式来脱离困境。她不会花片刻时间去关注表面的恶,与它斗争,或让自己摆脱它,因为,正如她所说,“如果用这只眼睛注视上帝而用另外那只眼睛注视恶,那就是眼观两处,而神告诉我要保持双眼瞭亮。”
15. She had read these words many times, but that day they were illumined by Spirit; and she saw that to have an eye "single" meant seeing but one power in her life; while she saw two powers (God and Devil, good and evil) she was serving two masters. From that day to this, though she had passed through all sorts of troublous circumstances -- trials of poverty, illness in family, intemperate husband -- she found always the most marvelous, full, and complete deliverance out of them all by resolutely adhering to the "single" eye -- seeing God only. She would not look even for a moment at the seeming evil to combat it or rid herself of it, because, as she said, "Lookin' at God with one eye and this evil with the other is bein' double-eyed, and God told me to keep my eye single."

16. This woman, who had never heard of any science, or metaphysical teaching, or laws of mind, was combating and actually overcoming the tribulations of this world by positively refusing to have anything but a single eye. She had been taught in a single day by infinite Spirit the whole secret of how to banish evil and have only good and joy in her. Isn't it all very simple?

17. 在本质上来说,永远都只有一个上帝。我相信,在人类历史上,尽管那些十足的异教徒会崇拜金牛犊会将它视为上帝的最高化身,但他们其实是在崇拜上帝。只是他们的大脑还没有发展到更高的状态,无法理解上帝可以脱离可见的形式而存在。他们只能理解可以看见和触摸得到的上帝。但在本质上来说,他们在寻求比他们现在觉察到的自我更高的事物,能够拯救他们脱离邪恶的事物。
17. At the center, all is one and the same God forevermore. I believe that the veriest heathen that ever lived, he who worships the golden calf as his highest conception of God, worships God. His mind has not yet expanded to a state where he can grasp any idea of God apart from a visible form, something that he can see with human eyes and handle with fleshly hands. But at heart he is seeking something higher than his present conscious self to be his deliverance out of evil.

18. 以拥有知识沾沾自喜的我们,做的事情与这有何不同呢?
18. Are you and I, with all our boasted knowledge, doing anything more or different?

19. 异教徒也是上帝的孩子,即便在他们的心中,圣灵也在做工,他们因而才会寻求父神,尽管这种寻求是盲目的。有人敢说他们不会找到自己追求的目标——他们的父神——吗?难道我们不应该说,因为“寻找,就寻见”(马太福音7:8)这条不变的法则,他们也会找到吗?
19. The Spirit at the center of even the heathen, who is God's child, is thus seeking, though blindly, its Father-God. Shall anyone dare to say that it will not find that which it seeks -- its Father? Shall we not rather say it will find, because of that immutable law that "he that seeketh findeth" (Matt. 7:8)?

20. 你现在已经知道,上帝(全能者)始终居住在你生命的深处。由于你与神之间的本质联系,以及祂自身确定的不变法则,你可以意识到祂的存在,并永远在祂里面,祂也在你里面。
20. You have now come to know that, at the center of your being, God (omnipotent power) ever lives. From the nature of your relationship to Him, and by His own immutable laws, you may become conscious of His presence and eternally abide in Him and He in you.

21. 当每个人真正认识到这个绝对真理——也就是,同一个圣灵,甚至同一个父,藉着子彰显出来,并始终住在每个人心中——的时候,他就会知道,他永远不必过分担心如何才能让其他人变得像他那样。如果你的朋友、儿子、丈夫或兄弟不能像你这样认识真相,你也无须再三与他争论,试图改变他。
21. The moment that any man really comes to recognize that which is absolute Truth -- namely, that one Spirit, even the Father, being made manifest in the Son, ever lives at the center of all human beings -- he will know that he can cease forever from any undue anxiety about bringing others into the same external fold that he is in. If your friend, or your son, or your husband, or your brother does not see Truth as you see it, do not try by repeated external arguments to convert him.

22. “我若从地上被举起来、就要吸引万人来归我”(约翰福音12:32)。这里所需要的,并不是你(作为人而言,你会热衷于空谈和争论)竭力将你的兄弟举起来。而是圣灵或内在的基督在宣称:“我若被举起来,就要吸引万人”。你可以默默地举起他生命中这个内在的“我”,吸引这个兄弟来归向——谁呢?你的教导吗?不,归向基督,他内在的上帝。
22. "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself" (John 12:32). That which is needed is not that you (the human, which is so fond of talk and argument) try to lift up your brother. The Holy Spirit, or Christ within him, declares: "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men" (John 13:32). You can silently lift up this I within the man's own being, and it will draw the man up unto -- what? Your teaching? No, unto Christ, the divine in him.

23. 你要活出圣灵的得胜生命,将你自身的光明高举起来。然后记住,你的亲人(和你自己)是父的化身,要让他默默地接受自身心中的圣灵的引导。你不知道上帝想要在他身上怎样做工,你永远都不知道。
23. Keep your own light lifted up by living the victorious life of Spirit. And then, remembering that your dear one, as well as yourself, is an incarnation of the Father, keep him silently committed to the care of his own divine Spirit. You do not know what God wants to do in him; you never can know.

24. 如果你充分认识到,住在你里面的上帝也住在每个人里面,你就会知道,每个人自己的主,每个人内心中的基督,不会犯下错误。你能够给予别人的最大帮助,就是每逢想到他时就默默地告诉他:“圣灵住在你里面;祂爱你,正按照祂对你的愿望在你里面做工,并正在通过你将自身彰显出来。”然后就别再干涉他。要完全对他感到放心,最终结果会比你的预期好无数倍。
24. If you fully recognize that the God that dwells in you dwells in all men, you know that each one's own Lord, the Christ within each one, will make no mistake. The greatest help that you can give to any man is to tell him silently, whenever you think of him: "The Holy Spirit lives within you; He cares for you, is working in you that which He would have you do, and is manifesting Himself through you." Then let him alone. Be at perfect rest about him, and the result will be infinitely better than you could have asked.

25. 始终要记住,在上帝创造的整个宇宙中,每个人都是那个完美者的辐射中心,根据个人的意识觉醒程度,每个人辐射出来的光芒有多有少。如果你已经觉察自己身上的这种发光能力,那就将心灵专注于此,永生上帝的圣灵会带着强大的力量从你身上向四面八方辐射出去,悄无声息地完成伟大的工作,将其他人高举起来。如果你想帮助那些还没有觉悟到这一点的人,那就始终对他们怀着相同的想法:他们是至善者的辐射中心。面对他们时,要让你的眼睛保持“瞭亮”,就像那个没有受过教育的女人那样,然后,圣灵在某一天教给他们的东西,可能比你数年教给他们的东西还多。
25. Keep ever in mind that each living person in all God's universe is a radiating center of the same perfect One, some radiating more and some less, according to the awakened consciousness of the individual. If you have become conscious of this radiation in yourself, keep your thought centered right there, and the Spirit of the living God will radiate from you in all directions with mighty power, doing without noise or words a great work in lifting others up. If you want to help others who are not yet awakened to this knowledge, center your thoughts on this same idea of them -- that they are radiating centers of the All-Perfect. Keep your eye "single" for them, as did the uneducated woman for herself, and Spirit will teach them more in a day than you could in years.

26. 古往今来,人们都很熟悉分离的观点,而不是合一的观点。人们认为自己与神是分离的,也与其他人是分离的。而且,即使我们最近大谈特谈合一,大多数玄学教师还是将上帝的孩子与上帝分离开来了,说:当人子受难的时候,父却对痛苦毫无所知,也不理解人子的受难;我们这些孩子虽然永远是祂的一部分,当我们承受痛苦和伤害的时候,祂却毫无所知,就像冬夜穿过天空的满月那样,继续平静而淡然地向前走。
26. Throughout the ages man has leaned to the idea of separateness instead of oneness. He has believed himself separate from God and separate from other men. And even in these latter days when we talk so much about oneness, most teachers of metaphysics manage again to separate God's children from Him by saying that while the child may suffer the Father knows no suffering nor does He take cognizance of the child's suffering; that we, His children, forever a part of Him, are torn and lacerated, while He, knowing nothing of this, goes on as serenely and indifferently as the full moon sails through the heavens on a winter night.

27. 对许多人来说,关于基督福音的首个有用教导就是解放和力量。因此,毫不奇怪,在他们遇到失败和痛苦之时,他们会重新拾起上帝为慈父的这个古老而狭隘的信仰。
27. It is little wonder that many, to whom the first practical lessons in the gospel of the Christ came as liberation and power, should in time of failure and heartache have turned back to the old limited belief of the Fatherhood of God.

28. 在每个时代,熟悉的父爱对人们来说都至为美好,在认识到上帝是无限的实体以后,我们没有理由丧失这种父爱,没有必要去区分作为实体的上帝和作为慈父的上帝,也没有理由不让两者合一。外在的上帝之原则是不变的法则,我们心中的上帝则是温柔慈爱并怜悯我们所有痛苦的父母,两者是一体的。
28. There is no real reason why we, having come to recognize God as infinite substance, should be by this recognition deprived of the familiar fatherly companionship that in all ages has been so dear to the human heart. There is no necessity for us to separate God as substance and God as tender Father; no reason why we should not, and every reason why we should, have both in one; they are one -- God principle outside of us as unchangeable law, God within us as tender, loving Father-Mother, who has compassion for our every sorrow.

29. 我们没有理由因为以前受到清教徒式的宗教信仰的狭隘限制就在现在夸大我们的自由,以致于认为,我们完全是自给自足的,绝不需要父亲和孩子之间那种美好而鼓舞人心的交流。世间的受造物都在生活和运动,他/她活在造物主之中,需要觉察到造物主的存在,如果知道上帝仅仅是冷酷无情的原则,他/她会感到不太满意。为什么两个概念不能在心灵和头脑中都找到立足点呢?两者都是对的,都是整体的必要组成部分。两者原本是相辅相成的,在最高的意义上也不能分开。
29. There is no reason why, because in our earlier years some of us were forced into the narrow puritanical limits that stood for a religious belief, we should now so exaggerate our freedom as to fancy that we are entirely self-sufficient and shall never again need the sweet, uplifting communion between Father and child. The created, who ever lives, moves, and has his being in his Creator, needs the conscious presence of that Creator, and cannot be entirely happy in knowing God only as cold, unsympathetic Principle. Why cannot both conceptions find lodgment in the minds and hearts? Both are true, and both are necessary parts of a whole. The two were made to go together, and in the highest cannot be separated.

30. 作为万事万物之基石和原则的上帝是不变的,永远不关心时间和意识中的无常之物,也不会受后者的影响。的确,作为原则的上帝不会感到疼痛,不会被人类子民的求救声所打动。这个掌权者是不变的法则,他怎样管理着群星密布的天空,也就怎样管理着人类的事务。这种观念是宏伟而惊人的。当我们沉思这种观念之时,我们就能充分意识到自己的全部生命变得无限广阔而庄严。
30. God as the underlying substance of all things, God as principle, is unchanging, and does remain forever uncognizant of and unmoved by the changing things of time and sense. It is true that God as principle does not feel pain, is not moved by the cries of children of men for help. It is a grand, stupendous thought that this power is unchanging law, just as unchanging in its control of our affairs as it is in the government of the starry heavens. One is fairly conscious of his entire being's expanding into grandeur as he dwells on the thought.

31. 不过,这还不是全部,这还只是从感情角度来说的。的确,世界存在着法则,但也存在着福音。福音不会制定毫无果效的法则,它会履行法则。上帝是原则,但上帝也是每个人独有的。当原则在某个人身上向外彰显出来的时候,此时原则就被个性化了。
31. But this is not all, any more than the emotional side is all. True, there is law; but there is gospel also. Nor does gospel make law of no effect; it fulfills law. God is principle, but God is individual also. Principle becomes individualized the moment it comes to dwell in external manifestation in a human body.

32. 即便“父亲怎样怜恤他的儿女”(诗篇103:13),原则也不会因为怜悯或同情而发生改变。当我们呼求和信靠我们心中的父之时,他总是乐于帮助我们。无穷的智慧和力量向外展扩散开来,就成为造物主、维护者和原则,但是当它们汇聚于某个人心中的时候,它们就仿佛被转化了无限的爱,变成了作为父母的上帝,仁慈而温柔,始终乐于帮助我们。
32. Principle does not change because of pity or sympathy, even "as a father pitieth his children" (Psalms 103:13). The Father in us always moves into helpfulness when called on and trusted. It is as though infinite wisdom and power, which outside are Creator, Upholder, and Principle, become transformed into infinite love, which is Father-Mother, with all the warmth and tender helpfulness that this word implies, when they become focalized, so to speak, within a human body.

33. 我丝毫都不理解这点,但在某种程度上来说,这个内在的上帝的确将祂的孩子的心灵高举起来,让它与上帝、法则和律法平起平坐,这样,两者不再彼此对立,相反,两者——不,三者:人的意识,个人的父,圣灵——成为了一体。在每天的生活中,由于我们的理解力非常有限,即便最勇敢的心灵在面对表面的人生重负时也会感到意识消沉;即便最强大的智者也会弯曲如同“风吹动的芦苇”(马太福音11:7),最自负的心灵也会感到无助并因此呼求“比我更高的磐石”(诗篇61:2)给予帮助。
33. I do not at all understand it, but in some way this indwelling One does move to lift the consciousness of His children up and to place it parallel with God, Principle, Law, so that no longer two are crossed, but the two -- aye, the three -- the human consciousness, the individual father, and the Holy Spirit -- are made one. In every life, with our present limited understanding, there come times when the bravest heart goes down, for the moment, under the apparent burdens of life; times when the strongest intellect bends like a "reed shaken with the wind" (Matt. 11:7), when the most self-sufficient mind feels a helplessness that wrings from it a cry for help from "the rock that is higher that I" (Psalms 61:2).

34. 每个形而上学者要么已经面对过——或者在未来必然会面对——这种局面:在过去,单单人性的上帝不能完全满足我们的需求,而现在,单单作为冰冷原则而存在的上帝同样也无法满足我们的需要。在有些时候,人类的心灵会突然受到重创以致于瘫痪,此时即便做出紧张的努力,心灵也不可能产生正确的想法。
34. Every metaphysician either has reached, or must in the future reach, this place; the place where God as cold principle alone will not suffice any more than in the past God as personality alone could wholly satisfy. There will come moments when the human heart is so suddenly struck as to paralyze it, and for the moment it is impossible, even with strained effort, to think right thoughts.

35. 在这种时候,下面这种想法几乎无法安慰我们:“这种痛苦是因为我的错误想法造成的;但上帝,我的父,并不知情。我必须在孤立无援的处境下独自想办法。”正是在这里,我们必须拥有——也确实拥有——作为慈母的上帝,就像我们对子女的爱不是出于冰冷的原则,此时的上帝也不是冰冷的原则。我会更少地将上帝视为原则,而会更多地将他视为个人所独有的上帝。
35. At such times there will come but little comfort from the thought: "This suffering comes as a result of my wrong thinking; but God, my Father, takes no cognizance of it: I must work it out unaided and alone." Just here we must have, and we do have, the motherhood of God, which is not cold Principle any more than your love for your child is cold. I would not make God as Principle less, but God as individual more.

36. 你的主(你内在的父)的全部任务就是用永恒的爱来关心你,爱你,留心倾听你最微弱的呼声并前来救你。
36. The whole business of your Lord (the Father in you) is to care for you, to love you with an everlasting love, to note your slightest cry, and to rescue you.

37. 然后你会问:“祂为什么不这样做呢?”因为你不知道祂在你心中,也不知道祂的能力。要坚定地相信,在你此刻的自给自足中,祂正在彰显自己。这样就能让祂变得可见。
37. Then you ask, "Why doesn't He do it?" Because you do not recognize His indwelling and His power, and by resolutely affirming that He does now manifest Himself as your all-sufficiency, call Him forth into visibility.

38. 上帝(父母)是随时的帮助,但你必须承认祂的存在,放弃人为的努力,仅仅接纳神(眼睛瞭亮),只有这样,祂才会将自己显明出来。
38. God (Father-Mother) is a present help in time of need; but there must be a recognition of His presence, a turning away from human efforts, and an acknowledgement of God only (a single eye) before He becomes manifest.