1. 我们在第二课中了解到,我们肉眼所见的所有事物的真实本质就是神;所有事物都是同一个灵在不同程度上的呈现形式;各种不同的生命形式在本质上都是相同的,都是同一个生命从不可见形态变成了可见的形态;世界上所有的智识和智慧都在不同程序上体现了神的智慧;可以说,人们感受到或向他人表达出来的爱,都只是通过人体彰显出来上帝之爱的只鳞片爪。
1. We learned in the second lesson that the real substance within everything we see is God; that all things are one and the same Spirit in different degrees of manifestation; that all the various forms of life are just the same as one life come forth out of the invisible into visible form; that all the intelligence and all the wisdom in the world are God as wisdom in various degrees of manifestation; that all the love which people feel and express toward others is just a little, so to speak, of God as love come into visibility through the human form.

2. 有些人理解了第一课的内容,明白神就是唯一的生命、唯一的灵、唯一的力量,祂通过各种人和事将自己不同程度地彰显出来。当我们说整个宇宙只有一个心灵,而这个心灵就是神的时候,这些人立刻就会说:“是的,这一点清楚无疑。”
2. When we say there is but one Mind in the entire universe, and that this Mind is God, some persons, having followed understandingly the first lesson, and recognized God as the one life, one Spirit, one power, pushing Himself out into various degrees of manifestation through people and things, will at once say: "Yes, that is all plain."

3. 但还有些人会说:“如果神是唯一的心灵,那么,我为何会有错误的或不属于神的想法呢?”
3. But someone else will say: "If all the mind there is, is God, then how can I think wrong thoughts, or have any but God thoughts?"

4. 宇宙心灵和我们的个体心灵之间的联系是最难描述的,但当我们获得启示以后,我们立刻就能轻易地明白它。
4. The connection between universal Mind and our own individual minds is one of the most difficult things to put into words, but when it once dawns on one, it is easily seen.

5. 事实上宇宙中只有一个心灵(或者灵,亦即生命、智慧等等);但仍然有人认为,我们是彼此独立的个体,我们是自由意志,而不是傀儡。
5. There is in reality only one Mind (or Spirit, which is life, intelligence, and so forth) in the universe; and yet there is a sense in which we are individuals, or separate, a sense in which we are free wills and not puppets.

6. 人是由灵、魂、体构成的。灵是最重要的不变的“我”,从婴儿时期开始从未变过,而且永远也不会改变。有些人所说的“人心”(mortal minds)是我们进行自觉思考的理性区域,也是自由意志。我们的这部分生命处于不断的变化之中。
6. Man is made up of Spirit, soul, and body. Spirit is the central unchanging "I" of us, the part that since infancy has never changed, and to all eternity never will change. That which some persons call "mortal minds" is the region of the intellect where we do conscious thinking and are free wills. This part of our being is in constant process of changing.

7. 作为神在物质世界的呈现形式,我们最深处是灵,是与神同在的;魂可以称为灵的外衣;体则是魂的外衣。然而,三者实则为一体,合而为人,就像气、水和冰,它们是一体的,只是凝结程度各不相同而已。如果我们要变得强大有力,那么千万不要认为我们的灵、魂、体是分开的,而要将它们视为一体。人最初自觉地生活在自己的灵性之中,但后来他的意识沉落到外界或自身更物质的部分,他也因此堕落了。
7. In our outspringing from God into the material world, Spirit is inner -- one with God; soul is the clothing, as it were, of Spirit; body is the external clothing of the soul. Yet all are in reality one, the composite man -- as steam, water, and ice are one, only in different degrees of condensation. In thinking of ourselves, we must not separate Spirit, soul, and body, but rather hold all as one, if we would be strong and powerful. Man originally lived consciously in the spiritual part of himself. He fell by descending in his consciousness to the external or more material part of himself.

8. “人心”这个术语被频繁使用,也给很多人造成了困扰。它实则是通过五种感官搜集外界信息的错误意识。保罗称之为“体贴肉体的(mind of the flesh)”,以区别于灵性之心。保罗很直接地说:“肉体之心(体贴肉体)就是死;体贴圣灵(能够平息情欲,让我们内心的灵说话)乃是生命平安。”
8. "Mortal mind," the term so much used and so distracting to many, is the error consciousness, which gathers its information from the outside world through the five senses. It is what Paul calls "the mind of the flesh" in contradistinction to spiritual mind; and he flatly says: "The mind of the flesh [believing what the carnal mind says] is death [sorrow, trouble, sickness]; but the mind of the Spirit [ability to still the carnal mind and let the Spirit speak within us] is life and peace."

9. 你内在的灵就是上帝之心(divine mind),是真实的心灵。没有它,人的意念就会消失,就如同物体被移走之后,它的影子也会消失。
9. The Spirit within you is Divine Mind, the real mind. Without it human mind would disappear, just as a shadow disappears when the real thing that casts it is removed.

10. 如果你对人类心灵和宇宙心灵的话题感到困惑,不要着急。暂且抛开它们,继续学习后面的课程吧。某天你会灵光忽现,立刻就能非常清楚地理解它们。
10. If you find this subject of human mind and universal Mind puzzling to you, do not worry over it. Just drop it for the time, and as you go on with the lesson, you will find that some day an understanding of it will flash suddenly upon you with perfect clearness.

11. 如今有两种不同心态的人都在寻求解脱,想要摆脱病痛、烦扰和不幸。一种人希望每句话都通过最精确的逻辑推论得到验证,然后才能或才会接受它们。另一类人则愿意立刻“变成小孩子的样式”(马太福音18:3),希望接受教导,迈出通向纯粹智慧(神眼里的真理)的第一步,然后直接从至善者那里获得启示之光。两者都是在寻求,最终都会达到相同的目标,两者都不应该受到谴责。
11. There are today two classes of people, so far as mentality goes, who are seeking deliverance out of sickness, trouble, and unhappiness, by spiritual means. One class requires that every statement made be proved by the most elaborate and logical argument, before it can or will be received. The other class is willing at once to "become as little children" (Matt. 18:3) and just be taught how to take the first step toward pure understanding (or knowledge of Truth as God sees it), and then receives the light by direct revelation from the All-Good. Both are seeking and eventually both will reach the same goal, and neither one should be unduly condemned.

12. 如果你寻求并期望通过论证和推理来获得任何属灵知识,那么,不管你获得多高的学术造诣或者拥有多么伟大的世俗智慧,你都未能理解灵性。因为你在尝试完全不可能的事情:把巨大的无限塞进成你自身智慧所能理解的方寸之地。
12. If you are one who seeks and expects to get any realizing knowledge of spiritual things through argument or reasoning, no matter how scholarly your attainments or how great you are in worldly wisdom, you are a failure in spiritual understanding. You are attempting an utter impossibility -- that of crowding the Infinite into the quart measure of your own intellectual capacity.

13. "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually judged" (I Cor. 2:14). Eventually you will find that you are only beating around on the outside of the "Kingdom of heaven," though in close proximity to it, and you will then become willing to let your intellect take the place of the little child, without which no man can enter in.

14. “神为爱他的人所预备的(不是将要预备的),是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到的。”
15. “只有神藉着圣灵向我们显明了……”
16.“除了在人里头的灵,谁知道人的事?像这样,除了神的灵,也没有人知道神的事。”(哥林多前书2:11)14. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath [not will] prepared for them that love him.
15. "But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. . . .
16. "For who among men knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of the man, which is in him? even so the things of God none knoweth, save the Spirit of God" (I Cor. 2:11).

17. 对于所有必须花费数月甚至数年才能完成这种纯粹智力或心理探索过程的人,如今有很多书可以帮助他们,很多玄学导师也在从事高尚而可敬的工作,来引导这些诚心切愿地寻求真理和满足的人。对于这些人,我们要大声说:“要加紧!”
17. For all those who must wade through months and perhaps years of this purely intellectual or mental process, there are today many books to help, and many teachers of metaphysics who are doing noble and praiseworthy work in piloting these earnest seekers after Truth and satisfaction. To them we cry: "All speed!"

18. 但我们相信保罗的话,“神的愚拙总比人智慧”(哥林多前书1:25),每个人都能直接获得神所拥有的全部特质。我们在等待那个“小孩子”,他无需质疑或讨论,就立刻愿意接受和尝试那些朴素简单的法则(比如,耶稣曾教导给那些“乐意听他”的普通人的法则),通过这些法则,他们可以找到他们内心的基督(或上帝)。而通过这个基督,每个人都能自己摆脱所有的愁苦。
18. But we believe with Paul that "the foolishness of God is wiser than men" (I Cor. 1:25), and that each man has direct access to all there is in God. We are waiting for the "little Children" who, without question or discussion, are willing at once to accept and try a few plain, simple rules such as Jesus taught the common people, who "heard him gladly" -- rules by which they can find the Christ (or the Divine) within themselves, that through it each man for himself may work out his own salvation from all his troubles.

19. 换句话说,有条捷径可以上山;尽管对于那些需要它的人来说,有条虽好但漫长曲折的道路可走,但我们宁愿选择更轻松的道理之路,通过直接寻求上帝允诺驻在我们心中并引导我们通向至高真理的真理之灵,来抵达同样的终点。我的建议是:如果你想要快速地获得灵性成长,那就别再读很多书。它们只是介绍了他人对于真理的观点,或者作者寻求真理的某些经历。你想要内心得到真理的启示,而那根本不可能通过读很多书来实现。
19. In other words, there is a shortcut to the top of the hill; and while there is a good but long, roundabout road for those who need it, we prefer the less laborious means of attaining the some ends by seeking directly the Spirit of truth promised to dwell in us and to lead us into all Truth. My advice is: If you want to make rapid progress in growth toward spiritual understanding, stop reading many books. They only give someone's opinion about Truth, or a sort of history of the author's experience in seeking Truth. What you want is revelation of Truth in your own soul, and that will never come through the reading of many books.

20. 寻求内心中真理之灵的光明罢。要独自前行,独自思考。要独自寻求光亮;如果没有马上找到,也不要气馁,不要转向其他人去寻求光亮。因为,如前文所说,这样做你只会得到理性的观点,可能会比以前更加远离你所寻求的真理:因此人心会撒谎。
20. Seek light from the Spirit of Truth within you. Go alone. Think alone. Seek light alone, and if it does not come at once, do not be discouraged and run off to someone else to get light; for, as we said before, by so doing you get only the opinion of the intellect, and may be then further away from the Truth you are seeking than ever before; for the mortal mind may make false reports.

21. The very Spirit of truth is at your call. "The anointing which ye received of him abideth in you" (I John 2:27). Seek it. Wait patiently for it to "guide you into the truth" (John 16:13) about all things.

22. “你们当以基督耶稣的心为心。”(腓立比书2:5)这是从不犯错的宇宙心灵。暂且抛开知识,聆听宇宙心灵的声音。尽管它只是“微小的声音”(列王记上19:12),但当它说话的时候,你就会知道它所说的乃是真理。
22. "Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5). This is the universal Mind, which makes no mistake. Still the intellect for the time being, and let universal Mind speak to you; and when it speaks, though it be but a "still small voice" (I Kings 19:12), you will know that what it says is Truth.

23. 你怎么知道的呢?就像你知道自己活着一样,你也会知道这一点。世界上所有阻拦你相信直接启示给你的真理的言论都会变得软弱无力。不要简单地认为,你可以用你所知道的真理来帮助他人。当你对他人说话的时候,来自于你灵性的东西会抵达对方的灵性最深处。
23. How will you know? You will know just as you know that you are alive. All the argument in the world to convince you against Truth that comes to you through direct revelation will fall flat and harmless at your side. And the Truth that you know, not simply believe, you can use to help others. That which comes forth through your spirit will reach the very innermost spirit of him to whom you speak.

24. 而源于外界或知识的事物只能影响对方的知识。
24. What is born from the outside, or intellectual perception, reaches only the intellect of him you would help.

25. 智识是真正心灵的仆人,好仆人会力谏主人(不好的主人),但是,如果仆人的信息基于感官证据而非上帝心灵的真实想法,它就容易犯错,谬误不断。
25. The intellect that is servant to the real Mind, and when servant (but not when master) is good, loves to argue; but when its information is based on the evidence of the senses and not on the true thoughts of the Divine Mind, it is very fallible and full of error.

26. 智识善于争辩。灵则会接受神最隐秘的智慧,将真理启示给人。前者可能是对的;后者则始终是对的。灵不会阐述有关真理的见解;它就是真理,并将自身启示给人。
26. Intellect argues. Spirit takes the deep things of God and reveals Truth to man. One may be true; the other always is true. Spirit does not give opinions about Truth; it is Truth, and it reveals itself.

27. 有人真心说过,从自身生命深处学会说“我们的父”的最单纯孩子,绝对比不会这样说的最聪明人强出许多。保罗是个极其聪慧的人,他精通所有的律法,是法利赛人中的法利赛人;但在他受到灵性的启发之后,他写道:“神的愚拙总比人智慧,神的软弱总比人强壮。”(哥林多前书1:25)
27. Someone has truly said that the merest child who has learned from the depths of his being to say, "Our Father," is infinitely greater than the most intellectual man who has not yet learned it. Paul was a man of gigantic intellect, learned in all the law, a Pharisee of the Pharisees; but after he was spiritually illumined he wrote, "The foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men" (I Cor. 1:25).

28. 我们如何看待上帝、我们自己以及我们的邻居,的确会在很大程度上影响我们的日常生活。以前,由于我们不了解真实的自己,也不了解我们的想法所导致的后果,我们就任由自己妄念翻飞。我们的心灵转向自身生命之外的东西,我们的所有信息几乎都来自于我们的五官。由于受到这些感官的误导,我们的思维是错误的,而错误的思维导致了种种纷扰和痛苦。
28. It does make a great difference in our daily lives what we think about God, about ourselves, about our neighbors. Heretofore, through ignorance of our real selves and of the results of our thinking, we have let our thoughts flow at random. Our minds have been turned toward the external of our being, and nearly all our information has been gotten through our five senses. We have thought wrong because misinformed by these senses, and our troubles and sorrows are the results of our wrong thinking.

29. 有人说:“但是我不明白,如果我对上帝或任何人有邪恶或错误的想法,这怎么会让我生病或让丈夫失去工作。”
29. "But," says someone, "I do not see how my thinking evil or wrong thoughts about God, or about anyone, can make me sick or my husband lose his position."

30. 我不准备马上解释错误的想法会怎样逐步产生哪些恶果,但我要请求你尝试正确的思维方式和想法,看看这会产生什么效果。
30. Well, I will not just now try to explain all the steps by which bad results follow false thinking, but I will just ask you to try thinking true, right thoughts awhile, and see what the result will be.

31. 默想“上帝爱我”。反复不断地将这句话想很多天,尽量去接受他们是真实的,然后看看你的身体和环境将会发生怎样的变化。
31. Take the thought, "God loves me." Think these words over and over continually for a few days, trying to realize that they are true, and see what the effect will be on your body and circumstances.

32. 首先,你的心灵会重新变得欣喜不已,拥有巨大的愿望和动力去合神心意;然后,你的血液循环会加快,身体会感到愉快的暖流,然后消化系统会变得更加健康。后来,当真理通过你的生命流向周围环境的时候,每个人都会莫名奇妙地开始表现出对你的爱;最后,环境将开始改变,符合你的愿望,而不是与之相悖。
32. First, you get a new exhilaration of mind, with a great desire and a sense of power to please God; then a quicker, better circulation of blood, with a sense of pleasant warmth in the body, followed by better digestion. Later, as Truth flows out through your being into your surroundings, everybody will begin to manifest a new love for you without your knowing why; and finally, circumstances will begin to change and fall into harmony with your desires, instead of being adverse to them.

33. 所有人都知道,恐惧或悲痛能让人一夜白头,恐惧能让人的心似乎要跳出来,这根本不需要真实或纯粹子虚乌有的原因。正是如此,强大的消极想法可能产生血酸,引起风湿病。与物理负重相比,心理负担更能压弯人的肩膀。如果我们相信神视我们为“可怜的罪人”,相信祂以严厉的眼神不断地注视着我们,对我们的失败不以为然,那么,这会让我们变得极其沮丧,身心在某种程度上处于半瘫痪状态,从而使得我们毫无所成。
33. Everyone knows how strong thoughts of fear or grief have turned hair white in a few hours; how great fear makes the heart beat so rapidly as to seem about to "jump out of the body," this result not being at all dependent on whether there be any real cause of fear or whether it be a purely imaginary cause. Just so, strong negative thoughts may render the blood acid, causing rheumatism. Bearing mental burdens makes more stooped shoulders than does bearing heavy material loads. Believing that God regards us as "miserable sinners," that He is continually watching us and our failures with disapproval, bring utter discouragement and a sort of half paralyzed condition of the mind and body, which means failure in all our undertakings.

34. 你是否很难理解:如果神始终住在我们心里,祂为什么不让我们始终拥有正确的想法,相反却任由我们无知地陷入错误的想法,从而给自己带来烦恼呢?
34. Is it difficult for you to understand why, if God lives in us all the time, He does not keep our thoughts right instead of permitting us through ignorance to drift into wrong thoughts, and so bring trouble on ourselves?

35. Well, we are not automatons. Your child will never learn to walk alone if you always do his walking. Because you recognize that the only way for him to be strong, self-reliant in all things -- in other words, to become a man -- is to throw him on himself, and let him, through experience, come to a knowledge of things for himself, you are not willing to make a mere puppet of him by taking the steps for him, even though you know that he will fall down many times and give himself severe bumps in his ongoing toward perfect physical manhood.

36. 我们都行进在成为最高属灵者的道路上。我们沿路历经波折,但只有通过这样,我们才能不断成长(但波折也不是必然会带来成长)。无论父母的爱有多么强大或深沉,都不能代替孩子成长;活在我们心灵最深处的全能上帝只会促进我们的灵性成长,但不会让我们成为无个性的机器人。
36. We are in process of growth into the highest spiritual manhood and womanhood. We get many falls and bumps on the way, but only through these, not necessarily by them, can our growth proceed. Father and mother, no matter how strong or deep their love, cannot grow for their children; nor can God, who is omnipotence, at the center of our being, grow spiritually for us without making of us automatons instead of individuals.

37. 如果你的心念始终关注外在的自己或他人,你就只能看见虚假短暂的东西。所有他人或环境的错误、失败或缺点,对你来说都会显得非常真实,你会因此感到不快和难受。
37. If you keep your thoughts turned toward the external of yourself, or of others, you will see only the things that are not real, but temporal, and which pass away. All the faults, failures, or lacks in people or circumstances will seem very real to you, and you will be unhappy and sick.

38. 如果你将心念从外界转向灵性,专注于你以及他人内在的良善,你的心中就不会想到所有表面的邪恶,它们随后也会远离你的生活。保罗深谙此理,他写信给腓立比人说:“弟兄们,我还有未尽的话:凡是真实的、可敬的、公义的、清洁的、可爱的、有美名的,若有什么德行,若有什么称赞,这些事你们都要思念。”(腓立比书4:8)
38. If you turn your thoughts away from the external toward the spiritual, and let them dwell on the good in yourself and in others, all the apparent evil will first drop out of your thoughts and then out of your life. Paul understood this when he wrote to the Philippians: "Finally, brethen, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Phil. 4:8).

39. 所有人都可以学习如何将心灵自觉地转向我们内在的宇宙心灵或灵性。通过练习,我们可以让这个每天颠倒迷狂的“体贴肉体的心”安静下来,让上帝(全智全爱)的心意在我们内心做工,并通过我们做工。
39. We all can learn how to turn the conscious mind toward universal Mind, or Spirit, within us. We can, by practice, learn how to make this everyday, topsy-turvy, "mind of the flesh" be still and let the mind that is in God (all-wisdom, all-love) think in us and out through us.

40. 你可以试想有个大水库,水库中流出的水形成了无数的小溪或沟渠。每条沟渠都通向某个小喷泉。喷泉不仅不断地从水库获得水源,它本身也是个辐射中心,将接受到的水向四面八方喷射出去,让附近的所有生命都得到水分和祝福。
40. Imagine, if you will, a great reservoir, out of which lead innumerable small rivulets or channels. At its farther end each channel opens out into a small fountain. This fountain is not only being continually filled and replenished from the reservoir but is itself a radiating center whence it gives out in all directions that which it receives, so that all who come within its radius are refreshed and blessed.

41. 这就是我们与神之间的关系。我们每个人都是个辐射中心。每个人无论多么渺小或无知,都是沟渠尽头的小喷泉,与此同时,沟渠也通向上帝。这里的喷泉代表个人,个人与大水库(神)是分开的,然而又是一体的,没有祂我们什么都不是。
41. This is our relation with God. Each one of us is a radiating center. Each one, no matter how small or ignorant, is the little fountain at the far end of a channel, the other end of which leads out from all there is in God. This fountain represents the individuality, as separate from the great reservoir -- God -- and yet as one with Him, and without Him we are nothing.

42. 我们每个人,无论在世界上多么微不足道,都可以从上帝那里得到他渴求的无穷美善,并将之分给周围所有的人。但请记住,要想获得更多,就必须不断地分给周围的人。停滞就会带来死亡。
42. Each of us, no matter how insignificant he may be in the world, may receive from God unlimited good of whatever kind he desires, and radiate it to all about him. But remember, he must radiate if he would receive more. Stagnation is death.

43. 我希望最单纯的心灵能够牢牢地记住:上帝的智慧、爱、生命和力量本来已经存在,它们亟待通过我们无限地涌流出来!当它不寻常地通过某人的智识涌流出来的时候,人们会惊呼:“多么美好的心灵啊!”当它流过人们的心灵之时,它就是融化所有痛苦、嫉妒、自私和嫉妒的爱;当它作为生命流经人们的身体之时,任何疾病都无法阻挡它。
43. Oh, I want the simplest mind to grasp the idea that the very wisdom of God -- the love, the life, and the power of God -- are ready and waiting with longing impulse to flow out through us in unlimited degree! When it flows in unusual degree through the intellect of a certain person men exclaim, "What a wonderful mind!" When it flows through the hearts of men it is the love that melts all bitterness, envy, selfishness, jealousy, before it; when it flows through their bodies as life, no disease can withstand its onward march.

44. 我们不必祈求太阳的光照,同样,我们也不必恳求上帝任何东西。阳光之所以普照万物,是因为光照是它存在的法则,它无法不去光照万物。同样,上帝无法停止向我们注入无限的智慧、生命、力量和所有的美善,因为给予就是祂存在的法则。除了我们自己的愚钝,没有什么能阻碍祂。太阳可以永远发出耀眼的光芒,但如果我们任性而无知地置身于潮湿黑暗的地窖,或者被我们的祖先关在那里,我们就无法从阳光的光辉中得到快乐和安慰;那么,对于我们来说,太阳就从来不曾光照我们。
44. We do not have to beseech God any more than we have to beseech the sun to shine. The sun shines because it is a law of its being to shine, and it cannot help it. No more can God help pouring into us unlimited wisdom, life, power, all good, because to give is a law of His being. Nothing can hinder Him except our own lack of understanding. The sun may shine ever so brightly, but if we have, through willfulness or ignorance, placed ourselves, or have been placed by our progenitors, in the far corner of a damp, dark cellar, we get neither joy nor comfort from its shining; then to us the sun never shines.

45. 因此,此前,我们根本不知道如何走出无知、怀疑和绝望的地窖;我们错误地认为,尽管我们非常真诚地寻求上帝,祂似乎隐藏了我们如此渴慕的生命、智慧和力量。
45. So we have heretofore known nothing of how to get ourselves out of the cellar of ignorance, doubts, and despair; to our wrong thinking, God has seemed to withhold the life, wisdom, and power we wanted so much, though we sought Him ever so earnestly.

46. 太阳不会今天释放生命和温暖,明天释放黑暗和寒冷;它的存在本质决定了它不可能这样。上帝也不会向我们时而倾注爱,时而倾注愤怒和不满。
46. The sun does not radiate life and warmth today and darkness and chill tomorrow; it cannot, from the nature of its being. Nor does God radiate love at one time, while at other times, anger, wrath, and displeasure flow from His mind toward us.

47. “颂赞和咒诅从一个口里出来,我的弟兄们,这是不应当的。”(雅各书3:11)。
47. "Doth the fountain send forth from the same opening sweet water and bitter? can a fig tree, my brethren, yield olives, or a vine figs" (James 3:11).

48. 上帝是全善,祂始终是良善和爱。无论我们做或没做什么,祂永远都不会改变。祂总是试图通过我们将祂自身更多地彰显出来,从而让我们变得更伟大、更宽广、更完全、更自由。
48. God is All-Good -- always good, always love. He never changes, no matter what we do or may have done. He is always trying to pour more of Himself through us into visibility so as to make us grander, larger, fuller, freer individuals.

49. 当孩子呼求神这个父母的时候,父母也在满怀柔情地渴望满足孩子的需求。
49. While the child is crying out for its Father-Mother God, the Father-Mother is yearning with infinite tenderness to satisfy the child.
"In the heart of man a cry,
In the heart of God, supply."

50. 宇宙中只有一个心灵。
51. 人类的心灵或智识会犯错,因为它获得的众多信息都来自于外界。
52. 宇宙心灵透过内在来观察和言说,它全都是真理。
53. 我们的思维方式决定了我们幸福与否、成功与否。通过努力,我们能够改变我们的思维方式。
54. 尽管我们是所谓的罪人,但上帝每时每刻都在将更多的善注入我们的生活,让我们的生活变得更加丰富和成功。
50. There is but one Mind in the universe.
51. Human mind, or intellect, makes mistakes because it gathers much information from without.
52. Universal Mind sees and speaks from within, it is all Truth.
53. Our way of thinking makes our happiness or unhappiness, our success or nonsuccess. We can, by effort, change our ways of thinking.
54. God is at all times, regardless of our so-called sins, trying to pour more good into our lives to make them richer and more successful.