1. 人心首先是因为“饼和鱼”(马太福音15:36)的缘故才开始寻求真理的,这是非常自然而然的事情。
1. It is very natural for the human heart first to set out in search of Truth because of the "loaves and the fishes" (Matt. 15:36).

2. 也许无需多言,大多数人转向上帝,首先都是因为人生中的软弱、失败,以及几乎难以忍受的匮乏。为了克服困境或满足愿望,他们会徒劳无益地尝试其他各种方式,然后,他们才会在绝望中转向上帝。
2. Perhaps it is not too much to say that the majority of people first turn to God because of some weakness, some failure, some almost unbearable want in their lives. After having vainly tried in all other ways to overcome or to satisfy the want, they turn in desperation to God.

3. 尽管最邪恶者无论如何都不会让他人了解他们的内心,但即便是他们也能本能地感觉到,冥冥之中有种力量能够给予他想要的东西,如果他能够接触到他所理解的上帝,他就会劝说祂给予他想要的东西。这种感受本身就是上帝赐予的。这就是上帝自身在向他指明所有问题的真正疗救之法,尽管在这个人心中,上帝只是很微弱的火星。
3. There is in the heart of even the most depraved human being, though he would not for worlds have others know it, an instinctive feeling that somewhere there is a power that is able to give him just what he wants; that if he could only reach that which to his conception is God, he could prevail on Him to grant the things desired. This feeling is itself God-given. It is the divine self, though only a spark at the center of the man's being, suggesting to him the true remedy for all his ills.

4. 在最近几年里,人们尤其想要为获得奖赏而寻求真理,“也当因我所做的事而信我”(约翰福音14:11),因为他们逐渐认识到,上帝不仅能够而且乐意救他们脱离日常生活的所有重担。每个人都希望像飞鸟那样自由自在,远离疾病、贫困和各种罪恶。他有权利这样做,这是上帝所赐予的权利。
4. Especially have people been led to seek Truth for the reward, "for the very works' sake" (John 14:11), during the last few years, since they have come to know that God is not only able, but willing, to deliver them from all the burdens of their everyday life. Everyone wants to be free, free, free as the birds of the air -- free from sickness, free from poverty, free from all forms of evil; and he has a right to be; it is a God-given right.

5. 迄今为止,几乎各种学说都认为无限之爱只能通过一种形式彰显出来,那就是治愈疾病(包括看似无法治愈的疾病)和无所不在的痛苦,让每个受苦者获得自由。我们尚不知道,我们的天父有力量和意愿——对,而且是强烈的愿望——赐福给我们,而不仅仅是让我们温顺耐心地屈从于苦难。
5. Thus far nearly all teaching has limited the manifestation of infinite love to one form -- that of healing, Sickness, seemingly incurable disease, and suffering reigned on every side, and every sufferer wanted to be free. We had not yet known that there was willingness as there was power -- aye, more, that there was intense desire -- on the part of our Father to give us something more than sweet, patient submission to suffering.

6. 当世人最初听到真理说,上帝作为完满的生命存在于人心之中,而且我们借着对上帝的接纳和信心可以获得完满而丰盛的健康之时,它引起了广泛的关注,这是情理之中的事情。教师和学生们都将眼光聚焦于属灵生活的果实,忽视了内在之父更宏观、更充分、更完满的体现形式。老师教导所有学生时强调最多的就是,这种有关真理的知识能够治愈他们,他们全部的教导就是在解释各种原则,并提供医治身体的各种处方和其他说明书。但历史表明,关于属灵恩赐的真理,还有许多更宏观、更开阔的视野。
6. When first the truth was taught that the divine presence ever lives in man as perfect life, and can be drawn on by our recognition and faith to come forth into full and abounding health, it attracted widespread attention, and justly so. Both teachers and students centered their gaze on this one outcome of a spiritual life, losing sight of any larger, fuller, or more complete manifestation of the indwelling Father. Teachers told all their pupils most emphatically that this knowledge of Truth would enable them to heal, and they devoted all their teaching to explanation of the principles and to giving formulas and other instructions for healing the body. Time has shown that there are larger and broader views of the truth about spiritual gifts.

7. 治疗身体当然是好事。治愈身体的力量属于上帝的恩赐,因此你完全有理由获得这种力量。但上帝想要赐予你的东西,比这要多出无数倍。
7. Healing of the body is beautiful and good. Power to heal is a divine gift, and as such you are fully justified in seeking it. But God wants to give you infinitely more.

8. 事实上,如果不是完全被某种天生的愿望所压倒并因而相信它是上帝对我们的最高愿望,那么,你和我怎么会认为无限者仅仅赐予了某种特定的恩赐呢?在那种情况下,我们不必努力去医治他人。医治能力会从我们身上涌流出来,即使在人群当中,无需我们做出任何努力,病者就能被我们医治。就像拥挤在耶稣身边的人群中的那个女人,病者会“触摸”(马太福音9:21)我们。只有这个女人触摸了祂。
8. Why should you and I restrict the limitless One to the bestowal of a particular gift, unless, indeed, we be so fairly consumed with an inborn desire for it that we are sure that it is God's highest desire for us? In that case we shall not have to try to heal. Healing will flow from us wherever we are. Even in a crowd of people, without any effort of our own, the one who needs healing will receive it from us; that one will "touch" (Matt. 9:21) us, as did the one woman in all the multitude jostling and crowding against Jesus. Only one touched Him.

9. 治疗能力就是名副其实的“葡萄树”的“枝子”(约翰福音15:4),但它不是全部的枝子。还有很多枝子,完美的葡萄树需要所有这些枝子,这棵葡萄树正试图通过你和我结出丰盛的果实。上帝的旨意就是希望我们自觉地与祂联合,意识到祂是全部的美善并安住在我们心中,并知道“凡你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就”(约翰福音15:7)。
9. Healing is truly a "branch" of "the vine" (John 15:4), but it is not the only branch. There are many branches, all of which are necessary to the perfect vine, which is seeking through you and me to bear much fruit. What God wants is that we shall grow into such conscious oneness with Him, such realization that He who is the substance of all good really abides in us, that "ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7).

10. 如果你忠实真诚地照着真理的教导而生活却仍然觉得你拥有的治疗力量起初似乎并不强大,那也要将它视为好事。放心吧,不管别人怎么说,怎么想,这种表面的失败并不意味着你丧失了力量。这意味着,你应该舍弃那些次要的事物,以便你能够理解包含了这些次要事物的全景。此刻不要害怕舍弃体现上帝力量的这个小小枝子,而要选择上帝不可测量的心思中的至高旨意,让它们可以成就在你身上。我们不要将双眼盯着葡萄枝的末梢,盯着结果,而要盯着葡萄树。
10. If you are faithfully and earnestly living what Truth you know, and still find that your power to heal is not so great as it was at first, recognize it as all good. Be assured, no matter what anyone else says to you or thinks, that the seeming failure does not mean loss of power. It means that you are to let go of the lesser, in order that you may grasp the whole, in which the lesser is included. Do not fear for a moment to let go of just one little branch of divine power; choose rather to have the highest thoughts of infinite mind, let them be what they may, fulfilled through you. We need to take our eyes off the ends of the branches, the results, and keep them centered in the vine.

11. 你是上帝用来实现某种旨意的器皿。在时机成熟时,如果你能欣然舍弃被你死死攥在手中的某种特定的世俗恩赐(比如治病能力)而不感到耻辱、羞愧或失败,并“切切寻求那更大的恩赐”(哥林多前书12:31),那么,不管对你来说这是什么样的恩赐,你在世人的眼中都非常了不起。这些事不需要你做出任何努力,因为它们是全知全能的上帝的所为,是上帝藉着你来彰显祂预定的旨意。
11. You are a vessel for some purpose. If, when the time comes, you let go cheerfully, without humiliation or shame or sense of failure, your tense, rigid mortal grasp on some particular form of manifestation, such as healing, and "desire earnestly the greater gifts" (I Cor. 12:31), whatever they may be in your individual case, you will be simply marvelous in the eyes of men. These works will be done without effort on your part, because they will be God, omnipotent, omniscient, manifesting Himself through you in His own chosen direction.

12. 保罗说:“弟兄们,论到属灵的恩赐、我不愿意你们不明白……恩赐原有分别,圣灵却是一位……这人蒙圣灵赐他智慧的言语.那人也蒙这位圣灵赐他知识的言语。又有一人蒙这位圣灵赐他信心,还有一人蒙这位圣灵赐他医病的恩赐。又叫一人能行异能,又叫一人能作先知,又叫一人能辨别诸灵,又叫一人能说方言,又叫一人能翻方言。”(哥林多前书12:1,4,8-10)
12. Paul said, "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. . .Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. . .For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom; and to another the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit: to another faith. . .to another gifts of healings. . .to another workings of miracles; and to another prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits: to another divers kinds of tongues; and to another the interpretation of tongues" (I Cor. 12:1,4,8-10).

13. 这个圣灵始终是相同的,这是同一个神,同一个圣灵,但他们以不同的形式彰显出来。治病的恩赐并不比作先知的恩赐更大更了不起,作先知的恩赐也不比信心的恩赐更大,因为信心(当它确实彰显出我们对上帝的信心之时),即使芥菜籽大小的信心,也能移山倒海。能行神迹异能并不比辨别诸灵(或分辨他人的心思和念头,因为圣灵对人的心思或念头总是洞察无遗的)更了不起。而“最大的是爱”(哥林多前书13:13),因为 “爱是永不止息”(哥林多前书13:8),能消融所有的罪恶、悲伤、疾病和烦恼。“爱是永不止息。”
13. The same Spirit, always and forever the same, and one God, one Spirit, but in different forms of manifestation. The gift of healing is no more, no greater, than the gift of prophecy; the gift of prophecy is no greater than faith, for faith (when it is really God's faith manifested through us), even as a grain of mustard seed, shall be able to remove mountains; the working of miracles is no greater than the power to discern spirits (or the thoughts and intents of other men's hearts, which are open always to Spirit). And "greatest of all these is love" (I Cor. 13:13); for "love never faileth" (I Cor. 13:8) to melt down all forms of sin, sorrow, sickness, and trouble. "Love never faileth."

14. “但这一切都是这位圣灵所运行,随己意分给各人的。就如身子是一个,却有许多肢体,而且肢体虽多,仍是一个身子。基督也是这样……若全身是眼,从那里听声呢?若全身是耳,从那里闻味呢?……眼不能对手说,我用不着你。”“但如今,神随自己的意思,把肢体俱各安排在身上了。(哥林多前书12:11,12,17,21,18)
14. "But all these worketh the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each one severally even as he will. For as the body is one. . .all the members of the body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ. . . .If the whole body were an eye (or gift of healing), where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where the smellig? . . .Ad the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you." "But now hath God set the members each one of them in the body, even as it please him" (I Cor. 12:11, 12, 17, 21, 18).

15. Thus Paul enumerates some of the free "gifts" of the Spirit to those who will not limit the manifestations of the Holy One, but yield themselves to Spirit's desire within them. Why should we fear to abandon ourselves to the workings of infinite love and wisdom? Why be so afraid to let Him have His own way with us, and through us?

16. 我们迄今为止所寻求的唯一恩赐就是治病的恩赐,对我们自己来说,以及对于我们接触到的每个人来说,它难道不是美好而蒙福的恩赐吗?
16. Has not the gift of healing, the only gift we have thus far sought, been a good and blessed one, not only to ourselves, but to all with whom we come in contact?

17. 如果我们知道,无论圣灵怎样彰显自己,那都是美好的事情,对我们自己和身边人都有好处,那么,我们为什么要害怕仰望神并完全乐意让圣灵按照自己的心意在我们身上彰显出来呢?
17. Then why should we fear to wait upon God with a perfect willingness that the Holy Spirit manifest itself through us as it will, knowing that, whatever the manifestation, it will be good -- all good to us and to those around us!

18. 哦,但愿有更多的人敢于完全顺服无限者的旨意,舍弃任何世人的指点,单单寻求他们心中的基督,让上帝按照自己的心意将自身彰显出来!
18. Oh, for more men who have the courage to abandon themselves utterly to infinite will -- men who dare let go every human being for guidance, and, seeking the Christ within themselves, let the manifestation be what He wills!

19. 这种勇气可能意味着,而且首先可能就意味着,某种表面上的失败,意味着舍弃昔日的若干表面成就,屈己降卑。但屈己降卑仅仅意味着你会被高举起来,让上帝按照自己预定的方式,在此时此地通过你将祂最伟大的死里复活彰显出来。此时的失败仅仅意味着不久以后伟大而辉煌的成功。
19. Such courage might possibly mean, and probably would mean at first, a seeming failure, a going down from some apparent success that had been in the past. But the going down would only mean a mighty coming up, a most glorious resurrection of God into visibility through you in His own chosen way, right here and now. The failure, for the time, would only mean a grand, glorious success a little later on.

20. 不要害怕失败,要将失败视为好事;当上帝无言地站在彼拉多面前之时,所有祂珍爱的原则都化为乌有,祂不愿意解救自己,也不愿意在痛苦中显示祂的真实身份,此时,从表面上来看,耶稣难道不也完全是个失败者吗?
20. Do not fear failure, but call failure good; for it really is Did not Jesus stand an utter failure, to all appearances, when He stood dumb before Pilate, all His cherished principles come to naught, unwilling to deliver Himself, or to "demonstrate" over the agonizing circumstances of His position?

21. 但是,如果没有祂此刻表面上的失败,那么,不久以后就永远不会有无限伟大的死里复活。“一粒麦子若不落在地里死了,就仍旧是一粒。若是死了,就结出许多子粒来”(约翰福音12:24)。如果你由于以前接受的教导而执着于某种属灵的恩赐,当你开始失败的时候,请相信我,这种恩赐只是表面上消失了,不见了,以便它可以产生许多新的恩赐,更美好、更高贵、更完满的恩赐,因为它们是神为你所拣选的。
21. But had He not seemed to fail right at that point, there never would have been the infinitely grander demonstration of the Ressurrection a little later on. "Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abideth by itself alone: but if it die, it beareth much fruit" (John 12:24). If you have clung to one spiritual gift because you were taught that, and you begin to fail, believe me, it is only the seeming death, the seeming disappearance, of one gift, in order that out of it may spring many new gifts -- brighter, higher, fuller ones, because they are the ones that God has chosen for you.

22. 神会按照他选定的方式为你成就最奇妙的工作。如果你让圣灵完全充满你,如果你乐意让至高者的旨意不断成就在你身上并通过你彰显出来,你很快就会摆脱目前的局限性(这往往意味着成功了一半),更充分、更完满、更奇妙地彰显神的旨意,这就如同新谷之于旧种,旧种必须落在地里死了才能结出新谷来。
22. Your greatest work will be done in your own God-appointed channel. If you will let Spirit possess you wholly, if you will to have the highest will done in you and through you continually, you will be quickly moved by it out of your present limitations, which a half success always indicates, into a manifestation as much fuller and more perfect and beautiful as is the new grain than the old seed, which had to fall into the ground and die.

23. 旧我必须死去。失败只是旧我的死亡,但你随后会拥有上百倍的收获。如果你最开始未能在病患中彰显出神的旨意,那也不要认为你完全需要依赖他人。让其他人利用流经你的宇宙生命(universal life)来医治你的身体当然是好事,但此刻,有些东西却更加美好而完满。
23. Old ways must die. Failure is only the death of the old that there may be the hundredfold following. If there comes to you a time when you do not demonstrate over sickness, as you did at first, do not think that you need lean on others entirely. It is beautiful and good for another to "heal" you bodily by calling forth universal life through you; but right here there is something higher and better for you.

24. Spirit, the Holy Spirit, which is God in movement, wants to teach you something, to open a bigger, brighter way to you. This apparent failure is His call to you to arrest your attention and turn you to Him.
"Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace:
Thereby good shall come unto thee."
-- (Job 22:21)
Turn to the divine presence within yourself. Seek Him. Be still before Him. Wait upon God quietly, earnestly, but constantly and trustingly, for days -- aye weeks, if need be! Let Him work in you, and sooner or later you will spring up into a resurrected life of newness and power that you never before dreamed of.

25. 上帝会利用这些过渡期将我们带向高处,但是,在这些过渡期降临时,如果我们感到害怕或气馁,我们就会完全错过祂想教导给我们的功课,从而迟迟接受不到祂赐予我们的最完满高贵的礼物。在无知和恐惧之中,我们会死死攥着我们肉眼可见的旧谷粒,不敢将它撒在地里,让它死去,因而就不会有复活和新生,也不会从中产生更伟大庄严的事物。
25. When these transition periods come, in which God would lead us higher, should we get frightened or discouraged, we only miss the lesson that He would teach, and so postpone the day of receiving our own fullest, highest gift. In our ignorance and fear, we are thus hanging on to the old grain of wheat that we can see, not daring to let it go into the ground and die, lest there be no resurrection, no newness of life, nothing bigger and grander to come out of it.

26. 哦,愿我们不再惧怕上帝,他至为慈悲,只想让每个人成为巨人,而不是侏儒!
26. Oh, do not let us longer fear our God, who is all good, and who longs only to make us each one a giant instead of a pygmy!

27. 我们最需要做的仅仅是促使我们的心灵能够熟悉和觉察圣灵。我们必须不再关注结果,只努力过好每天的生活。当我们越来越少地关注我们所做的“事工”,却越来越渴望在整个人生中彰显出我们心中的基督之时,结果就会更多地“加给”(马太福音6:33)我们了。现在,我们必须要少谈真理,也少教导别人这样做。我们必须让真理更多地融入我们的血肉之中。
27. What we all need to do above everything else is to cultivate the acquaintance or consciousness of Spirit within ourselves. We must take our attention off results, and seek to live the life. Results will be "added unto" (Matt. 6:33) us in greater measure when we turn our thoughts less to the "works" and more to embodying the indwelling Christ in our entire being. We have come to a time when there must be less talking about Truth and teaching others to do so. There must be more incorporating of Truth in our very flesh and bone.

28. 你要如何做到这样呢?
29. 住在你生命深处的基督说:“我就是道路、真理,生命。”(约翰福音14:6)
30. “我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面。这人就多结果子。因为离了我,你们就不能作甚么……你们若常在我里面,我的话也常在你们里面,凡你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就。”(约翰福音15:5,7)
28. How are you to do this?
29. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), says the Christ at the center of your being.
30. "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth (consciously) in me, and I in him (in His consciousness), the same beareth much fruit: for apart from me (or severed from me in your consciousness) ye can do nothing. . .If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:5,7).

31. 就像所有的老师那样,我向你们保证,不管你渴求什么,如果你能在它们呈现出来之前,始终坚信它们属于你,那么它们最终都会出现在你的生命之中。但是,亲爱的朋友,难道你不知道吗,你最高的、首要的、理当坚持不懈的目标,应该是努力住在祂里面,将这种真理活出来,而不是将它视为微妙的理论,只从理性上知道祂住在你里面呢?在此之后,无论你求什么,不管是医病的能力,还是赶鬼的能力,乃至于“要作比这更大的事”(约翰福音14:12),都“必给你们成就”(约翰福音15:7)。
31. I do assure you, as do all teachers, that you can bring good things of whatever kind you desire into your life by holding to them as yours in the invisible until they become manifest. But, beloved, do you not see that your highest, your first -- aye, your continual -- thought should be to seek the abiding in Him, to seek the knowing as a living reality, not as a finespun theory that He abides in you? After that, ask what you will, be it power to heal, to cast out demons, or even the "greater works" (John 14:12), and "it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7).

32. 圣灵只有一个——“一神,就是众人的父,超乎众人之上,贯乎众人之中,也住在众人之内。我们各人蒙恩,都是照基督所量给各人的恩赐。”(以弗所书4:6,7)
32. There is one Spirit -- "One God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all. But unto each one of us was the grace (or free gift) given according to the measure of the gift of Christ" in us (Eph. 4:6,7).

33. “为此我提醒你,使你将神借我按手所给你的恩赐,再如火挑旺起来。”(提摩太后书1:6)
33. "For which cause I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee" (II Tim. 1:6).

34. 不要害怕,“因为神赐给我们的,不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心。”(提摩太后书1:7)
34. Do not be afraid, "for God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline" (II Tim. 1:7).

35. 这始终是同一个圣灵。要想获得最大的成就,你不需要我的礼物,我也不需要你的礼物;每个人只需要找到大小、形状、能力、愿望与自己般配的礼物,而这不是出于人的选择,而是出于我们心中的至高者的拣选。要努力被圣灵充满,将真理在心中更多地彰显出来。圣灵会启示你,让你知道自己拥有哪种恩赐,或者上帝想通过你怎样将自己彰显出来。
35. It is all one and the same Spirit. To be the greatest success, you do not want my gift, nor do I want yours; each wants his own, such as will fit his size and shape, his capacity and desires, such as not the human mind of us, but the highest in us, shall choose. Seek to be filled with Spirit, to have the reality of things incarnated in larger degree in your consciousness. Spirit will reveal to your understanding your own specific gift, or manner of God's desired manifestation through you.

36. 让我们不要抛弃自己的工作,抛弃我们内在的上帝,转而关注邻居或模仿他们。不要试图将他的恩赐据为己有;不要批评他没有显明任何特定的恩赐。每当我们“失败”之时,要感谢上帝正在引领我们来到更高的地方,以便祂可以通过我们更充分、更完满地彰显出来。
36. Let us not desert our own work, our own God within us, to gaze or pattern after our neighbor. Let us not seek to make his gift ours; let us not criticize his failure to manifest any specific gift. Whenever he "fails," give thanks to God that He is leading him up into a higher place, where there can be a fuller and more complete manifestation of the divine presence through him.

37. “我……劝你们,既然蒙召,行事为人就当与蒙召的恩相称。凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容,用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心。”(以弗所书4:1-3)
37. And "I. . .beseech you to walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long suffering, forbearing one another in love; giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:1-3).