1. 如何寻找这个隐秘处?在何处找到它?如何安住于其中?这些问题如今比人类历史上的任何其他时代都更能打动人类的心灵。我对它的渴望超过了任何其他事物。它肯定也是你的渴望。
1. How to seek the secret place -- where to find it -- how to abide in it -- these are the questions that today, more than at any other time in the history of the world, are engaging the hearts of men. More than anything else it is what I want. It is what you want.

2. 我们为传讲真理之道和彰显真理之光所做的全部事情,都在带领我们迅速前进,让我们终将自觉地拥有基督的完美灵魂,并必然因此获得爱、美、健康和力量。
2. All the steps that we are taking by speaking words of Truth and striving to manifest the light which we have already received are carrying us on swiftly to the time when we shall have consciously the perfect mind of Christ, with all the love and beauty and health and power which that implies.

3. 我们不必过于急切或匆忙地将这种光明完全彰显出来。我们任何时候都不应忘记,我们的愿望即便再伟大,它也只是我们心中的上帝的愿望。“若不是差我来的父吸引人,就没有人能到我这里来。”(约翰福音6:44)我们心中的父渴望向我们揭示其存在的奥秘,否则我们就不会渴求这个秘密或真理。
3. We need not be anxious or in a hurry for the full manifestation. Let us not at any time lose sight of the fact that our desire, great as it is, is only God's desire in us. "No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him" (John 6:44). The Father in us desires to reveal to us the secret of His presence, else we had not known any hunger for the secret, or for Truth.

4. “不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们,并且分派你们去结果子。”(约翰福音15:16)
4. "Ye did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that ye should go and bear fruit" (John 15:16).

5. 当你读到这些话时,不管你是谁,也不管你处于何地,无论是在讲坛上宣讲福音,还是在最简陋的小屋中寻求真理,你都可以在生活中更温柔、更有力、更无私地将它彰显出来,并从此永远知道,不是你在寻求上帝,而是上帝在寻求你。你渴望将真理更充分地彰显出来的愿望本身,就是促使世界运转的永恒动力,它也会通过你更完满地显现出来。你无须担心和着急,也无须努力。只要顺其自然就行。要学会如何顺其自然。
5. Whoever you are that read these words, wherever you stand in the world, be it on the platform preaching the gospel, or in the humblest little home seeking Truth, that you may make it manifest in a sweeter, stronger, less selfish life, know once and forever that you are not seeking God, but God is seeking you. Your longing for greater manifestation is the eternal energy that holds the worlds in their orbits, outpushing through you to get into fuller manifestation. You need not worry. You need not be anxious. You need not strive. Only let it. Learn how to let it.

6. 在我们走过各种弯路并四处追逐我们内心的欲望以后,我们必然会来到祂的面前,因为祂就是每个愿望的满足,等待着向我们并透过我们将祂自身更多地彰显出来。如果你想获得我的爱或我的灵魂(而不是我拥有的东西),你不会去汤姆·琼斯和玛丽·史密斯那里。这些人可能会告诉你,我能够并愿意将自己给予你,但你必须直接来寻求我,接受我独特的本质,因为我就是我的本质。
6. After all our beating about the bush, seeking here and there for our heart's desire, we must come right to Him who is the fulfillment of every desire; who waits to manifest more of Himself to us and through us. If you wanted my love or anything that I am (not that I have), you would not go to Tom Jones or to Mary Smith to get it. Either of those persons might tell you that I could and would give myself, but you would have to come directly to me, and receive of me that which only I am, because I am it.

7. 在某种意义上来说,在我们尽力寻求光明与真理之后,我们必须学会等待,每个人都要等待,等待上帝将这个内在的真理启示给我们并与我们联合。
7. In some way, after all our seeking for the light and Truth, we must learn to wait, each one for himself, upon God for this inner revelation of Truth and our oneness with Him.

8. 我们渴求的光明不是上帝给予的某种东西,而是上帝本人。上帝并没有将生命或爱当成某件东西给予我们。上帝就是生命、光明和爱。不管我们将内心的渴望称为什么,我们都希望在心中更多地感受到上帝。
8. The light that we want is not some thing that God has to give; it is God Himself. God does not give us life or love as a thing. God is life and light and love. More of Himself in our consciousness, then, is what we all want, no matter what other name we may give it.

9. 赋予我的力量必然来自于高处,来自于我心中更高的地方,它超越了我现在的清醒意识;对你来说也肯定如此。必然是(和谐的,完整的,完满的)圣灵从你存在的本质中下降到了你的清醒意识之中。我们想要获得的启示永远只能以这种方式降临,彰显善的力量也是如此。
9. My enduement of power must come from "on high," from a higher region within myself than my present conscious mind; so must yours. It must be a descent of the Holy (whole, entire, complete) Spirit at the center of your being into your conscious mind. The illumination we want can never come in any other way; nor can the power to make good manifest.

10. 我们听到了关于“静坐等待”的大量教导。对许多人来说,这意义不大,因为他们还没有学会如何“默默无声,专等候神”(诗篇62:5),或者学会倾听内在的声音。噪音属于外在的世界,它不属于上帝。上帝只在静默中做工,我们可以等待我们的生命之父,从而意识到他在我们心中静静地做工,意识到我们的愿望已得满足。 “但那等候耶和华的必从新得力”(以赛亚书40:31)。
10. We hear a great deal about "sitting in the silence." To many it does not mean very much, for they have not yet learned how to "wait. . .in silence for God only" (Psalms 62:5), or to hear any voice except external ones. Noise belongs to the outside world, not to God. God works in the stillness, and we can so wait upon the Father of our being as to be conscious of the still, inner working -- conscious of the fulfillment of our desires. "They that seek Jehovah shall renew their strength" (Isa. 40:31).

11. 在爱德华·埃弗雷特·希尔 讲述的故事之中,他曾经提到一个小女孩,当她在乡下与蝴蝶鸟儿玩耍的时候,她常常会跑进附近的教堂祷告,祷告完以后,她总是会纹丝不动地继续呆上几分钟,“等待,”她说,“看看上帝是否想对我说什么话”。儿童往往最接近天国。
爱德华·埃弗雷特·希尔(Edward Everett Hale,1822~1909),美国唯一神派牧师和作家,著有《以他的名义》、《如果主耶稣来到波士顿》。
11. In one of Edward Everett Hale's stories, he speaks of a little girl who, amidst her play with the butterflies and birds in a country place, used to run into a nearby chapel frequently to pray; and after praying always remained perfectly still a few minutes, "waiting," she said, "to see if God wanted to say anything" to her. Children are often nearest the kingdom.
(Edward Everett Hale,1822~1909)

12. 当开始练习静坐时,不要觉得你需要和其他人共同修习。其他人的存在容易让你分心。首先要学会如何与无所不在的造物主独自交流。当你能够从外在世界中退隐,独自与祂相处的时候,此时,和其他人共同修习静坐才可能会对你和他有益。
12. When beginning the practice of sitting in the silence, do not feel that you must go and sit with some other person. The presence of another person is apt to distract the mind. Learn first how to commune alone with the Creator of the universe, who is all-companionship. When you are able to withdraw from the outside and be alone with Him, then sitting with others may be profitable to you and to them.

13. “静坐”不只是消极地顺其自然。它是无为的,但目标明确:等待上帝的降临。当你想要静坐时,那就尽量安排时间,放下所有的挂虑,静坐片刻。学习静默时,首先要向存在之父祈祷,以便振作精神。不要担心祈祷会让你变得过于“循规蹈矩”。你并不是要向上帝祈求什么东西,因为“无论你求什么”(马太福音11:24),上帝都已经赐予你了。你早就知道,在你向祂呼求之前,祂就赐予给你了,否则你就不会渴求它们。
13. "Sitting in the silence" is not merely a sort of lazy drifting. It is a passive, but a definite, waiting upon God. When you want to do this, take a time when you can, for a little while, lay off all care. Begin your silence by lifting up your heart in prayer to the Father of your being. Do not be afraid that, if you begin to pray, you will be too "orthodox." You are not going to supplicate God, who has already given you things "whatsoever ye desire" (Mark 11:24 A.V.). You have already learned that before you call He has sent that which you desire; otherwise you would not desire it.

14. 你知道不能带着怀疑向上帝祷告。但是,如果在练习静默时首先花点时间与天父直接交流,这能让你的心思专注于永恒。许多真心想要安静地仰望上帝的人们发现,当他们坐下来闭上眼睛之时,他们的心灵被没有变得专注起来,反而充满了各样妄想。各种鸡毛蒜皮的小事会接连不断地涌入他们的脑海之中,比如系鞋带啊,上周的八卦谈话啊,等等,在一个小时的静坐结束之时,他们往往毫无所获。这让他们感到很沮丧。
14. You know better than to plead with or to beseech God with an unbelieving prayer. But spending the first few moments of your silence in speaking directly to the Father centers your mind on the Eternal. Many who earnestly try to get still and wait upon God have found that, the moment they sit down and close their eyes, their thoughts, instead of being concentrated, are filled with every sort of vain imagination. The most trivial things, from the fixing of a shoestring to the gossipy conversation of a week ago, chase one another in rapid succession through their minds, and at the end of an hour the persons have gained nothing. This is to them discouraging.

15. 当你试图不动脑子时,自然就会产生这种结果。大自然憎恶空,如果你让(或试图让)自己的心灵空空如也,有关周围环境的各种意象或念头就会纷纷涌进来,填补这个空隙,让你尽可能远离神的存在。您可以在静坐时首先祈祷,以免出现这种情况。
15. This is but a natural result of trying not to think at all. Nature abhors a vacuum, and if you make (or try to make) your mind a vacuum, the thought images of others that fill the atmosphere about you will rush in to fill it, leaving you as far away from the consciousness of the divine presence as ever. You can prevent this by beginning your silence with prayer.

16. 在做过“愿你的旨意行在我的身上”的祷告以后,心灵往往更容易明白无误地说:“你的旨意此刻正行在我的身上。”在做过“当我等待时,愿你的生命之水流淌在我心中,使我获得新生”的祷告以后,心灵往往更容易满足地说:“神的生命之水在心中流淌,赐予我生命、平安和力量。”祈祷当然不能改变上帝对我们的心意,但是,对人类的心灵来说,坚定而充满信心地接连迈出几小步,比冒失地奋力跳到高处并稳稳地站在那里要容易得多。当你的心思专注于上帝身上,专注地与你生命的创造者进行明确的交流之时,任何外在的意象都不可能涌进来或让你分心。你会向外在世界关闭心扉,不再向它敞开,相反,你只会仅仅向神——你所渴望的所有美善的源头——敞开心灵。
16. It is always easier for the mind to say realizingly, "Thy will is being done in me now," after having prayed, "Let Thy will be done in me." It is always easier to say with realization, "God flows through me as life and peace and power," after having prayed, "Let Thy life flow through me anew while I wait." Of course prayer does not change God's attitude toward us, but it is easier for the human mind to take several successive steps with firmness and assurance than for it to take one big, bold leap to a point of eminence and hold itself steady there. While you are thus concentrating your thoughts on God, in definite conversation with the author of your being, no outside thought images can possibly rush in to torment or distract you. Your mind, instead of being open toward the external, is closed to it, and open only to God, the source of all the good you desire.

17. Of course there is to be no set form of words used. But sometimes using words similar to the first few verses of the 103d Psalm, in the beginning of the silent communion, makes it a matter of face-to-face speaking: "Thou forgivest all mine iniquities (or mistakes); Thou healest all my diseases; Thou redeemest my life from destruction, and crownest me with loving kindness, now, now, while I wait upon Thee." Sometimes we may enter into the inner chamber with the words of a familiar hymn; as:
Thou art the life within me, O Christ, Thou King of Kings;
Thou art Thyself the answer
To all my questionings.

18. 再三重复这些祷告词,不要焦虑和勉强自己,也不要向外寻求,要远离外在的上帝。只需要安静地祈祷,真诚地让心灵上升到某种更高的境界,甚至接触到“在我里面的父”(约翰福音14:11)。要用孩子向慈父说话时的那种安静和信心来祷告。
18. Repeat the words many times, not anxiously or with strained effort, not reaching out and up and away to an outside God; but let the petition be the quiet, earnest uplifting of the heart to a higher something right within itself, even to "the Father in me" (John 14:11). Let it be made with the quietness and assurance of a child speaking to his loving father.

19. 有些人在从事他们所说的“静坐”时,会流露出勉强而漠然的神色。他们很难认识到,上帝就在他们心中,当他们安静下来的时候,他们却在向外寻求上帝。这些虔诚者确实在寻求上帝,幸运的话,也可能会找到祂,而事实上,上帝始终都近在咫尺,甚至就在他们心中。因此不要向外寻求。这就如同种子被撒在地里,仅仅因为认识到阳光能够赋予它活力和生命,它就全力向上生长,以便获得更多的阳光。你立刻就能意识到,如果这样做,它就没有遵照上帝的旨意,在泥土中扎下坚实的根基。种子需要向下扎根,同时它也需要转向太阳,让阳光促使它向上生长。
19. Some persons carry in their faces a strained, white look that comes from an abnormal "sitting in the silence," as they term it. It is hard for them to know that God is right here within them, and while in the silence they fall into the way of reaching away out and up after Him. Such are earnest men truly feeling after God if haply they may find Him, when all the time He is near them, even in their very hearts. Do not reach out thus. This is as though a seed were planted in the earth, and just because it recognized a vivifying, life-giving principle in the sun's rays, it did nothing but strain and stretch itself upward and outward to get more of the sun. You can see at a glance that by so doing it would get no solid roots in the earth where God intended them to be. The seed needs to send roots downward while it keeps its face turned toward the sun, and lets itself be drawn upward by the sun.

20. 我们渴望成长,并意识到我们需要在静默中等候上帝赐予我们生命和活力,但有些人会错误地对待自己的身体。这种反常的做法既不明智,也毫无益处。只要稍稍苦待肉体,我们就会手脚冰凉,头晕脑胀。因此,当我们摒弃这个身体时,它就会变得软弱而无益。这完全是错误的。即便我们在追随公义的神子时也不需要摒弃肉体。毋宁说,我们应该安静下来,让神子光照我们。阳光会根据种子的承受能力,促使它茁壮地发芽成长。我们不需要依靠自己的力量成长,只需要让神子来帮助我们成长。
20. Some of us, in our desire to grow, and having recognized the necessity of waiting upon God in the stillness for the vivifying and renewing of life, make the mistake of climbing up and away from our bodies. Such abnormal outstretching and upreaching is neither wise nor profitable. After a little of it, one begins to get cold feet and congested head. While one is thus reaching out, the body is left alone, and it becomes correspondingly weak and negative. This is all wrong. We are not to reach out away from the body even after the Son of righteousness. We are rather to be still, and let the Son shine on us right where we are. The sun draws the shoot up as fast as it can bear it and be strong. We do not need to grow ourselves, only to let the Son "grow" us.

21. 然而,我们要自觉地让上帝这样做;而不仅仅是采取消极的态度,仅仅不反对他而已,相反,我们应该自觉地让神子来光照我们,在仰望上帝时“要休息,并知道”(诗篇46:10)他在做工。在仰望上帝之时,我们应该尽可能地放松身心。打个非常简单而有用的比方,我们整个人生态度就如同在阳光下的沙滩上漫步的飞鸟。然而,在这整个过程中,我们也不仅仅是被动地让自己放松下来。我们必须自觉而主动地接受上帝慷慨地赐予我们的东西。
21. But we are consciously to let it; not merely to take the attitude of negatively letting it by not opposing it, but to put ourselves consciously where the Son can shine on us, and then "be still, and know" (Psalms 46:10) that while we wait there it is doing the work. While waiting upon God, we should, as much as possible, relax ourselves both mentally and physically. To use a very homely but practical illustration, take much the attitude of the entire being as do the fowls when taking a sun bath in the sand. Yet there is something more than a lax passivity to be maintained through it all. There must be a sort of conscious, active taking of that which God gives freely to us.

22. 现在我尽量表达得简单些。我们要让自己的身体和心灵摆脱外在的世界,尽力向内寻求,“进入你的内屋,关上门”(马太福音6:6)(我们最隐秘的存在,最深处的那个自我)。只需要说:“你住在我里面,你是鲜活的上帝,拥有各种大能,你是我最终的渴望,你从我生命的中心向四周发散出光芒,作为我圆满的愿望进入可见的世界之中。”然后保持安静,绝对安静。放松你的全部生命,相信上帝正在做工。每次仰望上帝的时候,上帝的本质就会进入你的内心,然后通过你流向可见的世界。对于“凡祈求的”(马太福音7:8),这都是不变的法则。无论你渴望什么,你都能如愿以偿。“照着你们的信给你们成全了罢”(马太福音9:29)。
22. Let me see if I can make it plain. We first withdraw ourselves bodily and mentally from the outside world. We "enter into thine inner chamber, and . . . shut thy door" (Matt. 6:6) (the closet of our being, the very innermost part of ourselves), by turning our thoughts within. Just say, "Thou abidest within me; Thou art alive there now; Thou has all power; Thou art now the answer to all I desire; Thou dost now radiate Thyself from the center of my being to the circumference, and out into the visible world as the fullness of my desire." Then be still, absolutely still. Relax every part of your being, and believe that it is being done. The divine substance does flow in at the center and out into the visible world every moment you wait; for it is an immutable law that "every one that asketh receiveth" (Matt. 7:8). And substance will come forth as the fulfillment of your desire if you expect it to. "According to your faith be it done unto you" (Matt. 9:29).

23. 如果你发现自己心中妄念翻飞,那就再次说“上帝正在做工,在我心里做工,我正在实现我的愿望”之类的话,以此来让自己收心。不要寻求神迹奇事,只要保持安静并知道,你真正渴望的东西正在进入你心中,并将立刻或在不久以后向外界彰显出来。
23. If you find your mind wandering, bring it right back by saying again: "It is being done; Thou art working in me; I am receiving that which I desire," and so forth. Do not look for signs and wonders, but just be still and know that the very thing you want is flowing in and will come forth into manifestation either at once or a little farther on.

24. 你还要超越它,向这个最内层的存在表示感谢,感谢它已经聆听并做出回应,感谢它正在彰显出来。感恩似乎能够促使人的心灵远远超越怀疑,具备坚定的信心和信任,知道“在神凡事都能”(马太福音19:26)。即使你最初没有意识到上帝的恩赐,也不用担心,不要因此不再感恩。不要再去祈求,而要继续感谢神在你仰望他时你所获得的恩赐,感谢神的恩赐正在显明出来;相信我,你很快就会充满欣喜和感恩,而这种感恩并不是出于僵硬的义务,而是因为你的欲望显然已经实现。
24. Go even beyond this and speak words of thanksgiving to this innermost Presence, that it has heard and answered, that it does now come forth into visibility. There is something about the mental act of thanksgiving that seems to carry the human mind far beyond the region of doubt into the clear atmosphere of faith and trust, where "all things are possible" (Matt. 19:26). Even if at first you are not conscious of having received anything from God, do not worry or cease from your thanksgiving. Do not go back of it again to the asking, but continue giving thanks that while you waited you did receive, and that what you received is now manifest; and believe me, you will soon rejoice and give thanks, not rigidly from a sense of duty, but because of the sure manifest fulfillment of your desire.

25. 不要让静默中的仰望变成束缚你的东西。如果你发现自己陷入紧张或兴奋的心理状态,那就起身,暂时做些外在的事情。或者,如果你发现心中妄念翻飞, 那就不要继续努力聚精会神;当你陷入僵化的心理状态之时,你就关闭了心门,无法让神进入你的心中。必须既要放松无为,同时又要怀着信心积极努力。我们是不是可以将之称为有为中的无为呢?
25. Do not let waiting in the silence become a bondage to you. If you find yourself getting into a strained attitude of mind or "heady," get up and go about some external work for a time. Or, if you find that your mind will wander, do not insist on concentrating; for the moment you get into a rigid mental attitude you shut off all inflow of the Divine into your consciousness. There must be a sort of relaxed passivity and yet an active taking it by faith. Shall I call it active passivity?

26. 当然,随着属灵智慧和愿望的成长,我们很快就能获得我们最梦寐以求的东西,对于无穷智慧和爱的渴望将在我们身上得以成全。“耶和华说,我的意念非同你们的意念,我的道路非同你们的道路。天怎样高过地,我的意念也怎样高过你们的意念。”(以赛亚书55:8)
26. Of course, as we go in spiritual understanding and desire, we very soon come to the place where we want more than anything else that the desires of infinite wisdom and love be fulfilled in us. "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isa. 55:8).

27. 我们的愿望就是上帝的愿望,但这种说法有其限制。我们要迅速地摒弃我们的缺陷和有限愿望(至少,当我们意识到更多地接纳上帝意味着更多的美善、快乐和幸福之时,我们立刻就应该这样),在静坐中全心全意地向上帝呼求:“愿你的至高旨意行在我的身上。”我们要让自己成为陶匠手中的陶土,乐意被他塑成新的样式,以便“变成主的形状”(哥林多后书3:18),合乎住在我们心中的基督的心意。
27. Our desires are God's desires, but in a limited degree. We soon throw aside our limitations, our circumscribed desires (as soon, at least, as we see that more of God means more of good and joy and happiness), and with all our hearts we cry out in the silent sitting: "Fulfill Thy highest thought in me now!" We make ourselves as clay in the potter's hands, willing to be molded anew, to be "transformed into the same image" (II Cor. 3:18), to be made after the mind of the indwelling Christ.

28. 我们在仰望上帝要不时重复说:“愿你按照你对我的最高旨意赐予我新生,愿你将自己彰显在我的整个生命之中,让我酷似你的形象,因为除你以外,我别无所有。父啊,我感谢你,谢谢你。”在上帝做工时要保持静默。“万军之耶和华说,不是倚靠势力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的灵方能成事。”(撒迦利亚书4:6)
28. We repeat from time to time, while waiting, words something like these: "Thou art now renewing me according to Thy highest thought for me; Thou art radiating Thy very self throughout my entire being, making me like to Thyself -- for there is nothing else but Thee. Father, I thank Thee, I thank Thee." Be still, be still while He works. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith Jehovah of Hosts" (Zech. 4:6).

29. 当你这样仰望神并顺服祂的旨意之时,祂就会做工,让你发生奇妙的变化。你将拥有奇妙而崭新的平静和安宁,感到自己已经被祝福和成全,获得了战胜所有困境的新力量。你就能够说“我与父原为一”(约翰福音10:30)并赋予它新的涵义,充满新的现实感和敬畏感,这会让你觉得无比宁静。哦!自觉触摸到上帝以后会让整个人生变得多么不同啊!所有的困难都能轻松解决,所有的烦心事都再也无法让你担忧,所有讨厌的人和事都再也无法让你生气。为什么呢?因为,此时,我们会像上帝那样去看待世界。我们无须拒绝罪恶,因为此时我们知道,罪恶根本就不存在。我们在行善之时,再也不会出于死板的责任感,而是出于喜悦和自发的愿望,因为我们忍不住想要行善。它向我们展示为美善,信心已经化为现实。
29. While you thus wait, and let Him, He will work marvelous changes in you. You will have a strange new consciousness of serenity and quiet, a feeling that something has been done, that some new power to overcome has come to you. You will be able to say, "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30), with a new meaning, a new sense of reality and awe that will make you feel very still. Oh! how one conscious touch of the Oversoul makes all life seem different! All the hard things become easy; the troublesome things no longer have power to worry; the rasping people and things of the world lose all power to annoy. Why? Because, for a time, we see as He sees. We do not have to deny evil; we know in that moment that it is nothing at all. We no longer rigidly affirm the good from sense of duty, but with delight and spontaneity, because we cannot help it. It is revealed to us as good. Faith has become reality.

30. 如果在这种静坐中,你不能感受到立竿见影的效果,那也不要气馁。圣灵正在做工,让你在基督里成为新的受造物,自觉地具备基督本身的品质和力量。可能你要在很多天以后才能看到任何变化,但它肯定会到来。你很快就会得到它,然后,在任何时间,任何地方,你随时都能进入静默之中,自觉地与神交流。
30. Do not be discouraged if you do not at once get conscious results in this silent sitting. Every moment that you wait, Spirit is working to make you a new creature in Christ -- a creature possessing consciously His very own qualities and powers. There may be a working for days before you see any change; but it will surely come. You will soon get so that you can go into the silence, into conscious communion with your Lord, at a moment's notice, at any time, in any place.

31. 学会完满地仰望上帝,与向外“传讲”神的道以便将这种完满彰显出来,并不存在冲突或矛盾。仰望上帝并自觉接受来自这个源头的祝福,只能让你的“传道”(保持正确的念头和言语)变得更容易,而不是更费力。试试就知道了。
31. There is no conflict or inconsistency between this waiting upon God to be made perfect, and the way of "speaking the word" out toward the external to make perfection visible. Waiting upon and consciously receiving from the Source only make the outspeaking (holding of right thoughts and words) easy, instead of laborious. Try it and see.

32. 明白无疑的启示。道就是心灵所能理解的鲜活真理,当我们坚持不懈地仰望上帝之时,它就必然会降临。但要记住,这里有两个必要条件。你要等候上帝,不能跑进跑出,而是要耐心等候,住在“至高者的隐秘处”(诗篇91:1)。
32. Clear revelation -- the word made alive as Truth to the consciousness -- must come to every man who continues to wait upon God. But remember, there are two conditions imposed. You are to wait upon God, not simply to run in and out, but to abide, to dwell "in the secret place of the Most High" (Psalms 91:1).

33. 当然,我不是说你要用全部时间来独自冥想和静坐,但你的心灵始终要等候上帝,不要追逐其他各种事物,而要聆听天父的声音,渴望天父在你心中彰显出来。
33. Of course I do not mean that you are to give all the time to sitting alone in meditation and silence, but that your mind shall be continually in an attitude of waiting upon God, not an attitude of clamoring for things, but of listening for the Father's voice and expecting a manifestation of the Father to your consciousness.

34. 耶稣是我们属灵知识和力量的老师,祂会花很多时间独自与天父交流,祂最伟大的事工都是在祂和天父交流以后完成的。因此,如果我们想要将基督彰显出来,我们也可以并必须独自与天父交流。但是耶稣并不是始终都在接受,祂用天父给予祂的东西,在日常生活中帮助普普通通的人们。祂用祂的属灵知识来不断地启迪和帮助他人。我们也必须这样做,因为,当我们为帮助他人而不断给予之时,我们就能更快地获得新生和启示。祂说:“随走随传……医治病人……你们白白得来的,也要白白舍去”(马太福音10:7-8)。要去彰显天父赐予你的内在的基督。虽然神在我们心里做工,但我们也必须为救恩完成分内之事。
34. Jesus, our Master in spiritual knowledge and power, had many hours of lone communion with the Father, and His greatest works were done after these. So may we, so must we, commune alone with the Father if we would manifest the Christ. But Jesus did not spend all His time in receiving. He poured forth into everyday use, among the children of men in the ordinary vocations of life, that which He received of the Father. His knowledge of spiritual things was used constantly to uplift and to help other persons. We must do likewise; for newness of life and of revelation flows in the faster as we give out that which we have to help others. "Go, preach. . .Heal the sick. . .freely ye received, freely give" (Matt. 10:7,8), He said. Go manifest the Christ within you, which you have received of the Father. God works in us to will and to do, but we must work out our own salvation.

35. 要想找到至高者的隐秘处并安住于其中,第二个不可或缺的条件就是“我的盼望是从他而来”:
35. The second indispensable condition to finding the secret place and abiding in it is "my expectation is from him":
"My soul, wait thou in silence for God only;
For my expectation is from him."
-- (Psalms 62:5)"Truly in vain is the help that is looked for from the hills, the tumult on the mountains: truly in Jehovah our God is the salvation of Israel" (Jer. 3:23).
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.

36. 你的盼望是从祂而来吗,或者是从书本、老师、朋友、聚会或社会而来呢?
36. Is your expectation from Him, or is it from books, or teachers, or friends, or meetings, or societies?

37. “以色列的王耶和华在你中间”(西番雅书3:15)。要思量这句话。“在你中间”,当你读到这些话时,祂此时就在你生命的深处。不管你是什么人,不管你在哪里,都要默念这句话,思想它,记住它。“在你中间!”既是如此,我们为何还要这样跑来跑去呢?为何还要这样紧张地寻找祂呢?
37. "The King of Israel, even Jehovah is in the midst of thee" (Zeph. 3:15). Think of it; In the midst of you -- at the center of your being this moment while you read these words. Say it, say it, think it, dwell on it, whoever you are, wherever you are! In the midst of you! Then what need for all this running around? What need for all this strained outreaching after Him?

38. 祂的爱子。如果你远离世人,转向你心中的上帝,祂会因你而欢呼喜乐,高声歌唱。祂的歌声和欢乐会因此充满你的生活,你的生活将会满怀着感恩之情。
38. "Jehovah thy God is in the midst of thee (not God in the midst of another, but in the midst of you, standing right where you are) a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over thee with singing" (Zeph. 3:17). You are His love. It is you that He will rejoice in with singing if you will turn away from people to Him within you. His singing and joy will so fill you that your life will be a great thanksgiving.

39. 你的神不是我的神,我的神也不是你的神。你的神是你自己心中的基督,我的神是我自己心中的基督。
39. Your Lord is not my Lord, nor is my Lord your Lord. Your Lord is the Christ within your own being. My Lord is the Christ within my own being.

40. 住在我们所有人心中的圣灵和父是相同的,但它们有不同的表现形式或个性。你的神会救你脱离所有的烦恼。你的神只想将祂自身向你彰显出来,并通过你向世界彰显出来,因此,要让自己充满力量并将祂的力量彰显出来,要因祂的健康而获得健康,要通过彰显基督的完美而变得完美。
40. There is one Spirit, one Father of all, in us all, but there are different manifestations or individualities. Your Lord is He who will deliver you out of all your troubles. Your Lord has no other business but to manifest Himself to you and through you, and so make you mighty with His own mightiness made visible; whole with His health; perfect by showing forth the Christ perfection.

41. 要让你所有的盼望都从神而来。要让自己与神合一。要像你等候任何可见的老师那样,经常等候安住在你心中的基督。当你病了,“你当默默无声,专等候神”(诗篇62:5),要仰望至高者,而不是任何其他的医生。当你在大小的事情上缺乏智慧之时,“你当默默无声,专等候神”,看看上帝会赐予你何等奇妙的智慧。当你渴望传讲上帝的道,拯救其他人脱离疾病、罪恶或痛苦的捆绑之时,“你当默默无声,专等候神”,上帝会赐予你当说的话语和力量,因为靠着圣灵赐予的话语始终是鲜活的。
41. Let all your expectation be from your Lord. Let your communion be with Him. Wait upon the inner abiding Christ often, just as you would wait upon any visible teacher. When you are sick "wait thou in silence for God only" (Psalms 62:5) as the Most High, rather than upon healers. When you lack wisdom in small or large matters, "wait thou in silence for God only," and see what marvelous wisdom for action will be given you. When desiring to speak the word that will deliver another from the bondage of sickness or sin or sorrow, "wait thou in silence for God only," and exactly the right word will be given you, and power will go with it, for it will be alive with the power of Spirit.