——箴言3:13-18; 4:7Happy is the man that findeth wisdom,
And the man that getteth unsilver,
And the profit thereof than fine gold.
She is more precious than rubies:
And none of the things thou canst desire are to be compared unto her.
Length of days is in her right hand;
In her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: vAnd happy is every one that retaineth her. . .
With all thy getting get understanding. --
Prov. 3:13-18; 4:7

1. 赐予我们富贵长寿的智慧是什么呢?难道是通过深入研究他人的石头(地质学)、星星(天文学)甚或人体(生理学)图书而获得的智力知识?其实不是,因为这样的知识何曾确保会带来生命、健康、平安、安乐之道,以及长寿和富贵呢?
1. What is this understanding on the getting of which depends so much? Is it intellectual lore, obtained from delving deep into books of other men's rocks (geology), or stars (astronomy), or even the human body (physiology)? Nay, verily, for when did such knowledge ever insure life and health and peace, ways of pleasantness, with riches and honor?

2. 智慧是灵性的起源,是神在人内心的启示。耶稣谈到了这个问题的本质,祂向门徒们提出问题以后,门徒们按照自己的智力领悟能力各自做出了不同的回答。然后祂又问了一个问题,彼得根据直觉而非外在理性做出了回答。祂对彼得说:“西门巴约拿,你是有福的!因为这不是属血肉的指示你的,乃是我在天上的父指示的。”(马太福音16:17)
2. Understanding is a spiritual birth, a revelation of God within the heart of man. Jesus touched the root of the matter when, after having asked the apostles a question that was answered variously, according to the intellectual perception of the men, He asked another question to which Peter gave a reply not based on external reasoning, but on intuition. He said to Peter, "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 16:17).

3. 你可能对真理拥有理性的领悟能力。你也许轻松地就领悟了“神是各种美善——生命、健康和爱——的赐予者”这句话,就像千百年来其他人所领悟的那样。更有甚者,你可能从心智上明白了,神不仅是赐予者,也是美善本身;祂就是我们内在的生命、健康和爱。但是除非“我在天上的父”将真理“指示你”,否则,真理对于你或其他人没有任何实际好处。
3. You may have an intellectual perception of Truth. You may easily grasp with the mind the statement that God is the giver of all good gifts -- life, health, love -- just as people have for centuries grasped it. Or you may go further, and intellectually see that God is not only the giver, but the gift itself; that He is life, health, love, in us. But unless Truth is "revealed. . .unto thee" by "my Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 16:17), it is of no practical benefit to you or to anyone else.

4. This revelation of Truth to the consciousness of a person is spiritual understanding.

5. 你可能会反复对自己说,或者他人可能会反复在心中对你说,你健康、聪明而快乐。在心理层面中,某种“疗法”是有效的,你会暂时觉得自己健康、聪明而快乐。这仅仅是一种催眠或心理疗法。但是,你需要从生命深处意识到你与神是一体的,从内心明白所有智慧、健康和快乐的源头都存在于你自身之内,并随时乐意在你需要的时候涌流出来。在获得这种认识之前,你不会获得灵性的智慧。
5. You may say to yourself, or another may say silently to you, over and over again, that you are well and wise and happy. On the mental plane a certain "cure" is effect, and for a time you will feel well and wise and happy. This is simply a form of hypnotism, or mind cure. But until, down in the depths of your being, you are conscious of your oneness with the Father, until you know within yourself that the spring of all wisdom and health and joy is within your own being, ready at any moment to leap forth at the call of your need, you will not have spiritual understanding.

6. 耶稣的所有教导都是为了引导人们意识到,他们与父是一体的。祂必须从外在的人开始,教导他们要爱仇敌,向人行善等等——因为那时候的人,就类似于现在的人,大多都活在外在事物之中。祂需要采取这些外在步骤,在某种意义上,这就像是砍掉大树的枝桠;但是这些步骤能将人引向愿望和成就之地,让主最终说:“我还有好些事要告诉你们,但你们现在担当不了”(约翰福音16:12)。
6. All the teachings of Jesus were for the purpose of leading men into this consciousness of their oneness with the Father. He had to begin at the external man -- because people then as now were living mostly in external things -- and teach him to love his enemies, to do good to others, and so forth. These were external steps for them to take -- a sort of lopping off of the ends of the branches; but they were steps that led on up to the place of desire and attainment where finally the Master said, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now" (John 16:12).

7. 祂告诉人们,有保惠师要来住在他们心里,在所有事情上教导他们,将“神深奥的事”(哥林多前书2:10)启示给他们,并告诉他们将来的事。换句话说,祂告诉他们如何找到他们心中的天国,找到那个充满了爱、力量和生命的国度。
7. He told them of the Comforter that should be in them, and which should teach them all things, revealing the "deep things of God" (I Cor. 2:10) to them, showing them things to come. In other words, He told them how they might find the kingdom of heaven within themselves -- the kingdom of love, of power, of life.

8. 我们所说的智慧或觉悟,正是指保惠师来到人们的心灵和生命之中,赋予他们战胜各种罪、疾病、痛苦乃至于死亡本身的力量。意识到父住在我们心内,能够带给我们力量,同样,它也曾经给耶稣的跟随者们带来力量。是的,甚至更多;祂不是说“我实实在在地告诉你们:我所做的事,信我的人也要做;并且要做比这更大的事,因为我往父那里去”?吗(约翰福音14:12)
8. The coming of the Comforter to their hearts and lives, giving them power over every form of sin, sickness, sorrow, and over even death itself, is exactly what we mean by understanding or realization. The power that this consciousness of the indwelling Father gives is for us today as much as it was for those to whom the Nazarene spoke. Aye, more; for did He not say, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do" (John 14:12)?

9. 通过所有前面的课程,人们也许会认识到,至高神始终住在我们的内心之中。“岂不知你们的身子就是圣灵的殿吗?”(哥林多前书6:19)
9. All the foregoing lessons have been stepping-stones leading up to the point where man may realize that ever-abiding inner presence of the Most High, God. "Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you?" (I Cor. 6:19).

10. 我无法把神指给你们看,你们也无法把神指给其他人看。如果我知道,我也许能告诉你如何寻求和找到住在每个人心中的神,你或许也能够告诉其他人。但我们心中的灵性能力和潜能的新生确实如同风儿那样,“风随着意思吹,你听见风的响声,却不晓得从哪里来,往哪里去;凡从圣灵生的,也是如此”(约翰福音3:8)。这种新生发生于静默和无形之中。
10. I cannot reveal God to you. You cannot reveal God to another. If I have learned, I may tell you, and you may tell another, how to seek and find God, each within himself. But the new birth into the consciousness of our spiritual faculties and possibilities is indeed like the wind that "bloweth where it will, and thou hearest the voice thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8). The new birth takes place in the silence, in the invisible.

11. 智力知识是可以买卖的;智慧或觉悟却不能。西门曾经试图向他人购买灵性智慧所赐予的能力。但彼得说:“你的银子和你一同灭亡吧!因你想神的恩赐是可以用钱买的。你在这道上,无分无关,因为在神面前,你的心不正。”(使徒行传8:20,21)
11. Intellectual lore can be bought and sold; understanding, or realization, cannot. A man, Simon by name, once attempted to buy the power that spiritual understanding gives, from another who possessed it. "But Peter said unto him, Thy silver perish with thee, because thou hast thought to obtain the gift of God with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right before God" (Acts 8:20,21).

12. 哭号和祈求也不能带来灵性智慧。无数人曾经尝试这种方法,他们诚心寻求却很无知,所以最终都没能得到。他们之所以没得到,是因为他们不知道如何领受神白白赐予的恩典。其他人出于自私的动机或者为了得到能力而寻求灵性智慧。“你们求也得不着,是因为你们妄求,要浪费在你们的宴乐中。”(雅各书4:3)
12. Nor will crying and beseeching bring spiritual understanding. Hundreds of people have tried this method, and have not received that for which they earnestly but ignorantly sought. They have not received, because they did not know how to take that which God freely offered. Others have sought with selfish motives this spiritual understanding, or the power it would give them. "Ye ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that ye may spend it in your pleasures" (or to serve selfish ends) (James 4:3).

13. 要理解或觉悟到上帝存在我们心中,这就如同彼得所说,是“神的恩赐”(约翰福音4:10)。所有学会如何正确地寻求它的人,都会理解这点。艾默生说:“只有全神贯注,这种能量(意识到神存在于灵魂之中)才会进入个人的生活之中。”它会临到谦卑纯粹的人,临到那些愿意脱去外装和骄傲的人;它体现为洞见,宁静和庄严。当我们看见那些拥有它的人,我们会对伟大产生新的认识。经历那种启示(觉醒)之后,人们的心态就会发生变化。他与别人交谈的时候不会在意他们的观点,而是真心对待他们……但是,敬拜神的灵魂是淳朴、真诚的,他没有华衣美服,没有酒肉朋友,不渴求赞美,而是安住于当下。”
13. Understanding, or realization of the presence of God within us, is as Peter said, "the gift of God" (John 4:10). It comes to any and all who learn how to seek it aright. Emerson said, "This energy (consciousness of God in the soul) does not descend into individual life on any other condition than entire possession. It comes to the lowly and simple; it comes to whomsoever will put off what is foreign and proud; it comes as insight; it comes as serenity and grandeur. When we see those whom it inhabits, we are apprised of new degrees of greatness. From that inspiration (consciousness) the man comes back with a changed tone. He does not talk with men with an eye to their opinion. He tries them. . . .But the soul that ascends to worship the great God is plain and true; has no rose color, no fine friends. . .no adventures; does not want admiration; dwells in the hour that now is"

14. “你们寻求我,若专心寻求我,就必寻见(耶利米书29:13)。”你们应该渴求财富、长寿、力量和自我荣耀之外的东西,渴求灵性的智慧。到了那时,神会启示你的心灵,你会意识到父就住在你的心里,祂就是生命、能力、力量和平安。
14. "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13). In that day when, more than riches and honor and power and selfish glory, you shall desire spiritual understanding, in that day will come to you the revelation of God in you, and you will be conscious of the indwelling Father, who is life and strength and power and peace.

15. 有的人可能会非常渴望他心中的神给予部分启示,某方面的启示——比如健康方面的启示——他们因此会全心全意地寻求这种启示。如果他知道,只要坚定地相信自己已经拥有他所渴望的恩赐,他就能获得它,那么,他就会理解或认识到,神就是完美的健康。这也适用于神在其他方面的恩赐。这是正确的做法,是在学习如何从神那里获得自己想要的任何东西。但是,随着灵性逐渐成长,每个人终究都会听到心里有个神圣的声音说“站得更高点”,然后,他会超越所有只能满足他自己的私欲。他将渴求美善,以便能够给予别人更多,他知道,当美善(神)通过他流向其他人的时候,会让他“全然好了”(约翰福音7:23)。
15. One may so desire a partial revelation of God within himself, a revelation along one line -- as, for instance, that of health -- as to seek it with all his heart. And if he has learned how to take the desired gift, by uncompromising affirmation that it is his already, he will get understanding, or realization, of God as his perfect health. So with any other desired gift of God. This is a step in the right direction. It is learning how to take God by faith for whatever one desires. But in the onward growth, the time will come to every man when he will hear the divine voice within him saying, "Come up higher," and he will pass beyond any merely selfish desires that are just for his own comfort's sake. He will desire good that he may have the more to give out, knowing that as good (God) flows through him to others it will make him "every whit whole" (John 7:23).

16. 在所罗门统治以色列之初,上帝在睡梦中向他显现,说:“你愿我赐你什么?你可以求。”所罗门回答说:“所以求你赐我智慧”(列王记上3:9)。
16. In the beginning of Solomon's reign as king over Israel, the divine Presence appeared to him in a dream at night, saying: "Ask what I shall give thee" (I Kings 3:5). And Solomon said: "Give thy servant therefore an understanding heart" (I Kings 3:9).

17. “所罗门因为求这事,就蒙主喜悦。”
18. “神对他说:‘你既然求这事,不为自己求寿求富,也不求灭绝你仇敌的性命,单求智慧可以听讼。’
19. ‘我就应允你所求的,赐你聪明智慧,甚至在你以前没有像你的,在你以后也没有像你的。’
20. ‘你所没有求的,我也赐给你,就是富足、尊荣,使你在世的日子,列王中没有一个能比你的。’”17. "And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing.
18. "And God said unto him, Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life, neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies, but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern justice;
19. "Behold, I have done according to thy word: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there hath been none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.
20. "And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches and honor, so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee, all thy days" (I Kings 3:10-13).

21. 因此,所罗门忽视所有俗世的财宝,所有自私的欲望,渴求明白真理的心(灵性上意识到上帝是智慧、生命和力量并存在于它心中)胜过世间万物,结果他事事亨通,以致于他拥有的世俗财产超过了所有的王。“你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。”(马太福音6:33)“因为凡要救自己生命(他人生中的各种东西)的,必丧掉生命;凡为我丧掉生命的(也就是为了真理的缘故,愿意忘记世俗中的所谓好东西,将寻找自己灵魂中的上帝作为首要目标),必得着生命。”(马太福音16:25)
21. Thus in losing sight of all worldly goods and chattels, all merely selfish ends, and desiring above all things an understanding heart (or a spiritual consciousness of God within him as wisdom, life, power), Solomon received all the good or good things included, so that there was none among the kings like unto him in worldly possessions. "Seek ye first his kingdom (consciousness), and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). "For whosoever would save his life (the things of his life) shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake (that is willing to forget the so-called good things of this life for the Truth's sake, choosing before all things the finding of God in his own soul) shall find it" (Matt. 16:25).

22. 当你最初有意识地渴求灵性的智慧时,你不会立刻获得它。你始终生活在人生的表面,并且相信你自己与神隔绝。就像那个浪子,你要回归自我,首先就是像他那样,说“我要起来,到我父亲那里去”(路加福音15:18),以便将你的意念从外在的假象,转向本质而真实的存在,从心智上明白你并没有与神隔绝,祂永远希望在你心中将自己彰显出来,让你摆脱所有的痛苦和罪。就像耶稣教导的那样,砍掉自私的枝桠,我们就踏上了觉悟之路。我们会尽力去爱,而不是去恨。我们会不再报复自己,而是开始宽恕,即便这需要很大的心理努力。我们会开始拒绝羡慕、嫉妒、愤怒、疾病和所有的缺陷,肯定爱、和平和健康。
22. When you first consciously desire spiritual understanding, you do not attain it at once. You have been living in the external of your being and have believed yourself cut off from God. Your first step after coming to yourself like the prodigal son is to say as he did, "I will arise and go to my Father" (Luke 15:18) to turn your thoughts away from the external seeming toward the central and real; to know intellectually that you are not cut off from God, and that He forever desires to manifest Himself within you as your present deliverance from all suffering and sin. Just as Jesus taught, we begin our journey toward understanding by cutting off the branches of our selfishness. We try to love instead of to hate. Instead of avenging ourselves, we begin to forgive, even if it costs us great mental effort. We begin to deny envy, jealousy, anger, sickness, and all imperfection, and to affirm love, peace, and health.

23. 要从你已经学到的真理之道着手,即便你可能只是从心智上理解了它们。你必须愿意接受最初的光照,并忠实真诚地利用它来帮助自己和他人。有时候,当你枉然地寻求结果的时候,你心中产生的疑问几乎会将你淹没。但是,你必须努力穿越疑问之地;在神的时机成熟之日,当你利用真理之道的时候,神会突然将它们启示给你,让它们在你面前变得鲜活起来,“那光是真光,照亮一切生在世上的人。(约翰福音1:9)”你不再身处黑暗,因为光就存在于你的心里;神的道会在你心里成长;也就是说,你会觉察到,你的身体里里有了全新的、更圣洁的生命,有了对所有人的圣洁之爱,以及全新的、更圣洁的力量去成就万事。
23. Begin with the words of Truth that you have learned, and which perhaps you have as yet only comprehended with the intellect. You must be willing to take the very first light you receive and use it faithfully, earnestly, to help both yourself and others. Sometimes you will be almost overcome by questions and doubts arising in your own mind when you are looking in vain for results. But you must with effort pass the place of doubt; and some day, in the fullness of God's time, while you are using the words of Truth, they will suddenly be illumined and become to you the living word with you -- "the true light, even the light which lighteth every man, coming into the world" (John 1:9). You will no longer dwell in darkness, for the light will be within your own heart; and the word will be made flesh to you; that is, you will be conscious of a new and more divine life in your body, and a new and more divine love for all people, a new and more divine power to accomplish.

24. 这就是灵性智慧。这就是安住在你意识之中的至高者的闪现。“若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人。旧事已过,都变成新的了。”(哥林多后书5:17)此时,你“与人交谈时不再在意别人的观点”,你会突然变得朴实和真实起来,不再渴望得到别人的赞美,别人对你的赞誉之词会让你充满不可名状的谦卑感,所有纯粹的恭维对你来说就如同“鸣的锣、响的钹”(哥林多前书13:1)。的确,受到启示以后,人会模样大变!
24. This is spiritual understanding. This is a flash of the Most High within your consciousness. "The old things are passed away, behold, they are become new" (II Cor. 5:17). this will be the time when you will not "talk with men with an eye to their opinion." This is when you will suddenly become plain and true; when you will cease to desire admiration; when all words of congratulation from others on your success will fill you with an inexpressible sense of humility; when all mere compliments will be to you as "sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal" (I Cor. 13:1). Truly, for that inspiration a man comes back with a changed tone!

25. 当你获得灵性的智慧以后,你会对圣经拥有全新的理解。真理之灵已经到来,将永远和你同在,安住在你的意识之中。它会将神的奥秘启示给你。你不再东奔西走,寻找老师或医治者,并完全依赖他们的指引。你将欣然地接受他们的帮助,直到你明白,你心中的生命之光、鲜活的话语将“引导你们明白所有的真理”(约翰福音16:13)。
25. With spiritual understanding comes new light on the Scriptures. The very Spirit of truth, which has come to bide with you forever in your consciousness, takes the deep things of God and reveals them to you. You will no longer run to and fro, seeking teachers or healers and rely solely on them for guidance. You will gladly let them help you reach the point where you will know that the living light, the living word within you, will "guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13).

26. 我们要做的就是,各自寻求活在我们内心之中的耶稣的启示。我们知道,只有这种神性的彰显能够让我们变得强大而快乐。
26. What we need to do is to seek the revelation of the living Christ within our own being, each for himself, knowing that only this divinity come forth can make us powerful and happy.

27. 每个人心中都渴望重生(尽管他自己可能不知道),进入更高的生命并拥有灵性的智慧。每个人都希望拥有更多的力量、美善和喜乐。尽管对于未觉醒的心灵来说,他们似乎想要拥有更多的金钱或物质,但实则他们渴求的是更多的美善(神);因为所有美善都出于神。
27. Every person in his heart desires, though he may not yet quite know it, this new birth into a higher life, into spiritual consciousness. Everyone wants more power, more good, more joy. And though to the unawakened mind it may seem that it is more money as money, or more goods that he wants, it is, nevertheless, more of good (God) that he craves; for all good is God.

28. 当今的很多人意识到,世界上的物质无法满足人内在的饥渴,他们全心全意地寻求灵性的证悟,或者想要觉悟到无所不在的神。他们已经寻觅了很久,非常希望自己能够抛弃私心,他们觉得,当他们真的找到神的时候,他们会开始服侍他人。忠诚地服务于他人能够让我们更快地觉悟。但神的恩赐并不是对忠诚服务的奖赏,不同于溺爱孩子的母亲给予乖孩子的奖赏。不过,它们的确是一种奖赏,因为服务他人是通向神的完满之地的必经之路。尽管灵性觉悟的确是“神的恩赐”,但它到来的快慢与我们是否充分运用已有的光明成正比。
28. Many today are conscious that the inner hunger cannot be satisfied with worldly goods, and are with all earnestness seeking spiritual understanding, or consciousness, of an immanent God. They have been seeking long, with a great desire of unselfishness and a feeling that when they have truly found God they will begin to do for others. Faithful service for others hastens the day-dawning for us. The gifts of God are not given in reward for faithful service, as a fond mother gives cakes to her child for being good; nevertheless they are a reward, inasmuch as service is one of the steps that leads up to the place where all the fullness of God awaits men. And while spiritual understanding is in reality a "gift of God," it comes to us more or less quickly in proportion as we use the light that we already have.

29. 我认为,太多的内省,太多所谓的“灵性寻求”,对于我们最终的目的——灵性成长——是有害无利的。“灵性寻求”是一种灵性上的自私,这似乎有点荒谬。自始至终,耶稣始终在教导我们,要将我们拥有的给予那些贫乏的人。
29. I believe that too much introspection, too much of what people usually call "spiritual seeking," is detrimental rather than helpful to the end desire -- spiritual growth. "Spiritual seeking" is a sort of spiritual selfishness, paradoxical as this may seem. From the beginning to the end, Jesus taught the giving of what one possesses to him who has none.

30. “我所拣选的禁食,不是要松开凶恶的绳,解下轭上的索,使被欺压的得自由,折断一切的轭吗?”
31. “不是要把你的饼分给饥饿的人,将飘流的穷人接到你家中,见赤身的给他衣服遮体,顾恤自己的骨肉而不掩藏吗?”
32. “这样,你的光就必发现如早晨的光,你所得的医治要速速发明。你的公义必在你前面行;耶和华的荣光必作你的后盾。”
33. “你心若向饥饿的人发怜悯,使困苦的人得满足,你的光就必在黑暗中发现,你的幽暗必变如正午。”
34. “耶和华也必时常引导你,在干旱之地,使你心满意足,骨头强壮。你必像浇灌的园子,又像水流不绝的泉源。”(以赛亚书58:6-11)30. "Is not this the fast that I have chosen (said the spirit of God through the prophet Isaiah): to loose the bond of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free?
31. "Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him.
32. "Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy healing shall spring forth speedily. . . Then shalt thou call, and Jehovah will answer. . .Here I am.
33. "And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in darkness, and thine obscurity be as the noonday;
34. "And Jehovah will guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in dry places, and make strong thy bones; and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not" (Isa. 58:6-11).

35. 停滞就是死亡。如果水池没有进水口和出水口,里面的水就不可能始终干净、甘甜、新鲜。我们的任务是始终将出水口和进水口打开,而神的任务则是让水不停地流进和流出我们心里。除非你将神所给予你的东西用来服务他人,否则要达到灵性觉悟,就是个漫长而沉闷的过程。
35. Stagnation is death. A pool cannot be kept clean and sweet and renewed unless there is an outlet as well as an inlet. It is our business to keep both the inlet and outlet open, and God's business to keep the stream flowing in and through us. Unless you use for the service of others what God has already given to you, you will find it a long, weary road to spiritual understanding.

36. 我们呼求并竭力想要获得完全的智慧,就像有些时候,我们听见那些真诚却完全不明白神圣法则的人在五旬节祈求神用圣灵(路加福音3:16)给他们施洗。耶稣说:“我还有好些事要告诉你们,但你们现在担当不了”(约翰福音16:12)。通过利用我们拥有的光明和知识来服务他人,我们就能不断成长。随着我们越来越多地获得灵性的洞见,我们的心胸会变得逐渐宽广,直到时机成熟——也就是说,我们的灵性已经足够成熟,以致于神认为我们可以领会“好些事”了——我们就会如愿以偿地获得智慧。
36. We cry out and strain every nerve to obtain full understanding, just as sometimes we have heard earnest people, but people wholly ignorant of divine laws, beseech God for the full baptism of "the Holy Spirit" (Luke 3:16) as in the day of Pentecost. Jesus said, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now" (John 16:12). We grow by using for others the light and knowledge we have. We expand, as we go on step by step in spiritual insight, until in the fullness of time -- which means when we have grown spiritually up to the place where God sees that we are able to bear the many things -- we receive the desire of our hearts, understanding.

37. 要寻求你自己的上帝,接受他启示给你的光明;并用它照亮别人。要亲自证明以赛亚书的预言“你的光就必在黑暗中发现,你的幽暗必变如正午”(以赛亚书58:10)和“你的光就必发现如早晨的光。你所得的医治,要速速发明”(以赛亚书58:8)是否是真理。
37. Seek your own Lord. Take the light as it is revealed to you, and use it for others; and prove for yourselves whether there be truth in this prophecy of Isaiah, that "then shall thy light rise in darkness, and thine obscurity be as the noonday" (Isa. 58:10) and "then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy healing shall spring forth speedily" (Isa. 58:8).