"Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith cometh to pass; he shall have it." -- Mark 11:23
"Science was faith once." -- Lowell

1. 长久以来,人们普遍认为,信仰这个词代表着出于无知和迷信的单纯信心。那些所谓“有思想的人”——认为知性成就是最高智慧的人——对这个词抱着近乎蔑视的态度。他们轻蔑地称其为“盲目的信仰”,认为它只适合于牧师、妇女和儿童,对于生活中的日常事务并没有实际作用。
1. The word faith is one that has generally been thought to denote a simple form of belief based mostly on ignorance and superstition. It is a word that has drawn forth something akin to scorn from so-called "thinking people" -- the people who have believed that intellectual attainment is the highest form of knowledge to be reached. "Blind faith" they have disdainfully chosen to call it -- fit only for ministers, women, and children, but not a practical thing on which to establish the everyday business affairs of life.

2. 有些人以超越这种盲目的、毫无理性的信心之为荣,按照他们的说法,他们已经成长到只相信可见或可解释的事物的程度。
2. Some have prided themselves on having outgrown the swaddling clothes of this blind, unreasoning faith, and having grown to the point, as they say, where they have faith only in that which can be seen or intellectually explained.

3. 希伯来书的作者显然是个极具智慧的人,是个有学问的神学家,他在详细描述信仰的本质以及其奇妙的作用之时,试着用几句话对信仰做出了简明的定义:
3. The writer of The Epistle to the Hebrews, obviously a most intellectual man, and a learned theologian, before writing at length on the nature of faith and the marvelous results attending it, tried to put into a few words a condensed definition of faith:

4. “信就是所望之事的实底,未见之事的确据。”(希伯来书11:1 A.V.)
4. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11:1 A.V.).

5. 换句话说,信心具备了所望之事的实质,并证明此前不曾看见过的事物是真实的。作者继续谈到信仰,说:“我们因着信,就知道诸世界是藉神的话造成的,这样,所看见的,并不是从显然之物造出来的。”(希伯来书11 :3A.V.) ;也就是说,我们看见的事物不是源于可见的事物,而是源于不可见的事物。因此,在某种程度上,我们明白,我们所渴望的所有东西都存在于周围不可见的物质之中,而信仰有力量将它们变成我们眼前的现实。
5. In other words, faith takes right hold of the substance of the things desired, and brings into the world of evidence the things that before were not seen. Further speaking of faith, the writer said, "Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" (Heb. 11:3 A.V.); that is, things that are seen are not made out of visible things, but out of the invisible. In some way, then, we understand that whatever we want is in this surrounding invisible substance, and faith is the power that can bring it out into actuality to us.

6. 使徒书引述了大量奇妙的事例,这些事情的发生不是源于人为的努力,而是源于信心。接着,书中写到:
6. After having cited innumerable instances of marvelous things brought to pass in the lives of men, not by their work or efforts, but by faith, the Epistle says,

7. “我又何必再说呢?若要一一细说,基甸、巴拉、参孙、耶弗他、大卫、撒母耳和众先知的事,时候就不够了。他们因着信,制伏了敌国,行了公义,得了应许;堵了狮子的口,灭了烈火的猛势,脱了刀剑的锋刃;软弱变为刚强,争战显出勇敢,打退外邦的全军。有妇人得自己的死人复活,又有人忍受严刑,不肯苟且得释放,为要得着更美的复活。”(希伯来书11::32-35)
7. "And what shall I more say? for the time will fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah; of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, waxed mighty in war, turned to flight armies of aliens. Women received their dead by a resurrection (Heb. 11:32-35).

8. 除了此处提到的“制伏了敌国,堵了狮子的口,灭了烈火的猛势,打退外邦的全军,让死人复活”等事情,你想要拥有更伟大的力量或事物吗?即便你的愿望不止于此,你也不必绝望,或不敢宣称它们能够实现,因为比你更大、更了解你的上帝说:“你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。”(马可福音9:23)
8. Do you want any more power or any greater thing than is here mentioned -- power to subdue kingdoms, to stop the mouths of lions, quench fire, turn to flight whole armies, raise the dead to life again? Even if your desires exceed this, you need not despair or hesitate to claim their fulfillment, for One greater than you, One who knew whereof He spoke, said: "All things are possible to him that believeth" (Mark 9:23).

9. 直到最近,每当有人说信心之力可以移动高山的时候,我们总是感到某种绝望。尽管我们相信,神掌管着所有美好的事物,并愿意按照我们的信心赐予我们,但即便我们竭尽全力,我们又怎能确信我们足以取悦祂呢?不是说“人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦”(希伯来书11:6)吗?
9. Until very recently, whenever anyone has spoken of faith as the one power that can move mountains, we have always felt a sort of hopeless discouragement. While we have believed that God holds all good things in His hand, and is willing to be prevailed upon to dole them out according to our faith, yet how could we, even by straining every nerve of our being toward faith, be sure that we had sufficient to please Him? For does it not say, "Without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto him" (Heb. 11:6)?

10. 从我们开始问这个问题的时刻起,我们就在开始质疑自身是否能够达到神所确立的信心标准——这个标准决定着我们的命运。我们也开始质疑,信心到底有没有力量说服“各样美善”的赐予者,让祂赐予祂从未让我们拥有过的东西。
10. From the moment we began to ask, we began to question our ability to reach God's standard of faith on which hung our fate. We also began to question whether, after all, there is any such power in faith to prevail with the Giver of "every good gift" so as to draw out of Him something that He had never let us have before.

11. 从这个角度来看信仰,那么,就难怪理性的头脑会将它视为蛊惑之言,只适合让妇女和儿童去求这求那,而不能带来真实明确的结果,不是给商业界带来帮助。
11. Viewing faith in this light, there is not much wonder that logical minds have looked on it as a sort of will-o'-the-wisp, good enough for women and children to hang their hopes on, but not a thing from which any real, definite results could ever be obtained -- not a thing that the business world could rest upon.

12. 盲目的信仰的确存在。(有人如实说过,盲目的信仰总比没有信仰要好;因为只要坚持这种信仰,不久以后,它就能开启他的双眼。)但也有一种清醒的信仰。盲目的信仰是本能地信任某种更高的力量。清醒的信仰则建立在不变的原则之上。
12. There is a blind faith, to be sure. (Someone has truthfully said that blind faith is better than none at all; for, if held to, it will get its eyes open after a time.) But there is also an understanding faith. Blind faith is an instinctive trust in a power higher than ourselves. Understanding faith is based on immutable principle.

13. 信心不依赖于客观事实,或感官证据,因为它源于直觉,或者说我们内心深处的真理之灵。它的作用远远超过了理性的结论;它是建立在真理之上的。
13. Faith does not depend on physical facts, or on the evidence of the senses, because it is born of intuition, or the Spirit of truth ever living at the center of our being. Its action is infinitely higher than that of intellectual conclusions; it is founded on Truth.

14. 我们内在的直觉是将个体与上帝连接起来的管道。可以说,信心是太阳(神)照射出来的光线,通过直觉之门,光线进入你我的生命之中。通过意识,我们觉察到光束,而智识则无法理解它,或者弄清楚它的成因或源头。然而,我们通过直觉感受到,这束光通向神(美善)。这是“盲目的”信心。它基于真理,但每个人在当时都无法意识到这个真理。只要坚持,即便这种信心也会产生果效。
14. Intuition is the open end, within one's own being, of the invisible channel ever connecting each individual with God. Faith is, as it were, a ray of light shot out from the central sun -- God -- one end of which rays comes into your being and mine through the open door of intuition. With our consciousness we perceive the ray of light, and though intellect cannot grasp it, or give the why or wherefore thereof, yet we instinctively feel that the other end of the ray opens out into all there is of God (good). This is "blind" faith. It is based on Truth, but a Truth of which everyone is not at the time conscious. Even this kind of faith will, if persisted in, bring results.

15. What is understanding faith? There are some things that God has so indissolubly joined together that it is impossible for even Him to put them asunder. They are bound together by fixed, immutable laws; if we have one of them, we must have the other.

16. 几何定律证明了这个道理。例如,三角形的内角和等于二直角之和(180度)。无论三角形是大是小,无论它形成于山顶或是海底,如果有人问我们内角和是多少,我们可以毫不犹豫地回答,180度,我们无需花费任何时间去计算。这是绝对肯定的。甚至在用可见的线条画出三角形之前,这就是肯定无疑的;我们之所以能事先知道它,是因为它基于不变的法则,基于事物的真相或事实。在人们承认它之前,它都和现在同样真实。我们是否知道它都不会改变这个事实。只不过我们越是认识到它是永恒的真理,我们就越能从中受益。
16. This is illustrated by the laws of geometry. For instance, the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles. No matter how large or small the triangle, no matter whether it is made on the mountaintop or leagues under the sea, if we are asked the sum of its angles we can unhesitatingly answer, without waiting an instant to count or reckon this particular triangle, that it is just two right angles. This is absolutely certain. It is certain, even before the triangle is drawn by visible lines; we can know it beforehand, because it is based on unchangeable laws, on the truth or reality of the thing. It was true just as much before anyone recognized it as it is today. Our knowing it or not knowing it does not change the truth. Only in proportion as we come to know it as an eternal truth can we be benefited by it.

17. 一加一等于二也是个简单真理;它是个永恒的真理。一加一不可能产生其他的结果。不管你相不相信,这都不会改变事实。然而,如果你不将两个一相加,你就无法得到二,因为这两者始终是相辅相成的。
17. It is also a simple truth that one plus one equals two; it is an eternal truth. You cannot put one and one together without two resulting. You may believe it or not; that does not alter the truth. But unless you do put the one and one together you do not produce the two, for each is eternally dependent on the other.

18. 心智和属灵的世界或王国也受到某些法则的约束,这些法则就像支配自然界的法则那样真实而永恒。某些心理状态与特定结果紧密相连,彼此无法分开。如果我们拥有其中一个,就必然拥有另一个,这就如同昼夜交替一样确定无疑。这不是因为我们相信了某些聪明人的见证,甚至也不是因为直觉告诉我们如此,而是因为这件事完全基于永远颠扑不破的法则。
18. The mental and spiritual world or realms are governed by laws that are just as real and unfailing as the laws that govern the natural world. Certain conditions of mind are so connected with certain results that the two are inseparable. If we have the one, we must have the other, as surely as the night follows the day -- not because we believe some wise person's testimony that such is the case, not even because the voice of intuition tells us that it is so, but because the whole matter is based on laws that can neither fail nor be broken.

19. 当我们对这些法则有所了解之后,我们就能提前知道,特定的心理状态会产生怎样的结果。
19. When we know something of these laws, we can know positively beforehand just what results will follow certain mental states.

20. 我们已经知道神创造了万物,祂是灵,对于灵性意识来说,祂是可见的。神是所有美善的总和。你生命中所渴望的全部美善在本质上无不是神。神是万事万物的本质,是存在于所有可见美善之中的真实存在。
20. God, the one creative cause of all things, is Spirit, and visible to spiritual consciousness, as we have learned. God is the sum total of all good. There is no good that you can desire in your life which, at its center, is not God. God is the substance of all things -- the real thing within every visible form of good.

21. 神是肉眼不可见的,所有可见之物都由祂而生。祂环绕着我们,等待着我们将他彰显出来。
21. God, the invisible substance out of which all visible things are formed, is all around us waiting to come forth into manifestation.

22. 这种环绕着我们的良善是无限的,它本身能够满足所有要求,满足可见世界或自然界中存在的全部需求。
22. This good substance all about us is unlimited, and is itself the supply of every demand that can be made; of every need that exists in the visible or natural world.

23. 宇宙已经为每个人丰盛地提供了其全部所需,这是宇宙中的永恒真理(“宇宙”指精神世界与自然世界的总和)。换句话来说,神已经预备好各样美善,等待着人们去索取。而另外一个真理则是,要先索取,然后才会被满足。认识到这两个真理并确信它们,是拥有清醒的信仰——基于原则的信心——的全部秘诀之所在。
23. One of the unerring truths in the universe (by "universe" I mean the spiritual and natural worlds combined) is that there is already provided a lavish abundance for every human want. In other words, the supply of every good always awaits the demand. Another truth is that the demand must be made before the supply can come forth to fill it. To recognize these two statements of Truth and to affirm them are the whole secret of understanding faith -- faith based on principle.

24. 现在,我们将它与本节前文所述的信心定义——“信是所望之事的实底,事情没有看到证据”(希伯来书11:1)——对应起来。信仰具备了所望之事的本质,并证明肉眼不可见的事物是真实的,或者将它们彰显出来。
24. Let us square this by the definition of faith, given earlier in the lesson: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11:1). Faith takes hold of the substance of the thing hoped for, and brings into evidence, or visibility, the things not seen.

25. 我们通常所说的神的应许,是某些永恒不变的真理,不管它们出现在圣经还是历书中,它们都是真实的。它们是永久的真理宣言,不可更改。根据韦氏词典的定义,应许就是为了表明未见之事物即将来临而事先给予的东西。它是一个声明,赋予了接受者期待并要求某事发生的权利。
25. What are usually called the promises of God are certain eternal, unchangeable truths that are true whether they are found in the Bible or in the almanac. They are unvarying statements of truth that cannot be altered. A promise, according to Webster, is something sent beforehand to indicate that something unseen is at hand. It is a declaration that gives the person to whom it is made the right to expect and claim the performance of the act.

26. 拿撒勒人耶稣认识到了这个不变的真理,那就是,肉眼不可见的神拥有人所需求的全部东西,祂等待着人们向祂索求。祂说:“你们求就必得着(约翰福音16:24)”。祂只是在传讲不可改变的真理。祂知道,当我们祈求或渴望的时候(祈求是渴望的外在表现),我们就触到了神秘之泉,开始从那里得到我们所求的美善。祂知道,我们不需要去哄骗或恳求神;我们祈求的时候,就是在遵从必然会产生作用的永恒法则;要逃避它是办不到的。祈求和得到是同一件事的两个方面。两者之间有着十分紧密的联系。
26. The Nazarene recognized the unchangeable truth that, in the unseen, the supply of every want awaits demand. When He said, "Ask, and ye shall receive" (John 16:24), He was simply stating an unalterable truth. He knew that the instant we ask or desire (for asking is desire expressed) we touch a secret spring which starts on its way toward us the good we want. He knew that there need not be any coaxing or pleading about it; that our asking is simply our complying with an unfailing law which is bound to work; there is no escape from it. Asking and receiving are the two ends of the same thing. There is a very close connection between them.

27. 祈求源于想要拥有美善的愿望。什么是愿望?内心的愿望始终是上帝带着丰盛的供应在叩击你的心门——除非你索取它,否则这种供应永远无用。“他们尚未求告,我就应允”(以赛亚书65:24)。在你意识到任何缺乏、想要拥有更多幸福和完全的喜乐之前,神这个出色的父母已经替你想到了。你感觉并认为只是(与祂分离的)你自己在渴望这些,但事实上是住在你心中的神在渴望这些。对神来说,给予的愿望和给予本身是同一回事。有人曾经说过,“渴望是被渴望之物的开端”;也就是说,你所求的事物不仅将要属于你,而是早已从神心里供应给你了;你之所以渴求甚或只是想到某种事物,是因为它已经在叩响你的心门了。
27. Asking springs from desire to possess some good. What is desire? Desire in the heart is always God tapping at the door of your consciousness with His infinite supply -- a supply that is forever useless unless there be demand for it. "Before they call, I will answer" (Isa. 65:24). Before ever you are conscious of any lack, of any desire for more happiness, for fullness of joy, the great Father-Mother heart has desired them for you. It is He in you desiring them that you feel, and think it is only yourself (separate from Him) desiring them. With God the desire to give, and giving, are one and the same thing. Someone has said, "Desire for anything is the thing itself in incipiency"; that is, the thing you desire is not only for you, but has already been started toward you out of the heart of God; and it is the first approach of the thing itself striking you that makes you desire it, or even think of it at all.

28. 为了让我们知道祂丰丰富富的供应,以及祂想要给予我们这些,神唯一的办法就是:轻轻地拨动我们每个人心中的神圣火花。祂希望我们变成强大而能干的人,能够更好地管理和驾驭我们所拥有的东西;因此祂悄无声息地将祂自身和他的愿望注到我们的生命深处。可以这么说,祂扩大了你的真实自我,你立刻就意识到某种更宏阔、更庄严、更强烈的崭新愿望。如果祂没有首先在你的生命深处做工,你绝不会想到新的愿望,而是会始终保持原样。
28. The only way God has of letting us know of His infinite supply and His desire to make it ours is for Him to push gently on the divine spark living within each one of us. He wants you to be a strong, self-efficient man or woman, to have more power and dominion over all before you; so He quietly and silently pushes a little more of Himself, His desire, into the center of your being. He enlarges, so to speak, your real self, and at once you become conscious of new desire to be bigger, grander, stronger. If He had not pushed at the center of your being first, you would never have thought of new desires, but would have remained perfectly content as you were.

29. 你认为你想要拥有健康、更多的爱以及更加明亮欢乐的家;简而言之,你希望生命中拥有更少的恶(或甚至不要碰到任何邪恶)和更多的美善。这只是神在推动你内在的生命之门,祂似乎在说:“我的孩子,让我进来;我想要给你各种好东西,让你更加轻松和快乐。”“我的仆人必得吃…我的仆人必得喝…我的仆人必欢喜…我的仆人因心中高兴欢呼…他们要建造房屋,自己居住。”(以赛亚书65:13, 14, 21)
29. You think that you want better health, more love, a brighter, more cheerful home all your very own; in short, you want less evil (or no evil) and more good in your life. This is only God pushing at the inner door of your being, as if He were saying: "My child, let Me in; I want to give you all good, that you may be more comfortable and happy." "Behold, my servants shall eat. . .behold, my servants shall drink. . .behold my servants shall rejoice. . .behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart. . .And they shall build houses, and inhabit them" (Isa. 65:13, 14, 21).

30. 要记住:我们心中对于任何事物的渴望,都是神事先给予我们的应许,在无限丰盛的神之国度里,你所渴望的已经属于你了,你渴望的任何东西你都可以随手拿去。
30. Remember this: Desire in the heart for anything is God's sure promise sent beforehand to indicate that it is yours already in the limitless realm of supply, and whatever you want you can have for the taking.

31. 拿取不过就是意识到供应-需求法则(即便你的祈求看不到任何应验的迹象,就像以利亚求雨时那样,很长时间连巴掌大的云彩也未曾看见)。要确信你已经拥有了你所祈求的美善;要相信这一点,因为你在运用神圣的法则,它不会失败;不要让任何人动摇你的基本原则;在获得应许之前,天国就降临了。
31. Taking is simply recognizing the law of supply and demand (even if you cannot see a sign of the supply any more than Elijah did when he had affirmed for rain, and not a cloud even so big as a man's hand was for a long time to be seen). Affirm your possession of the good that you desire; have faith in it, because you are working with divine law and cannot fail; do not be argued off your basic principle by anyone; and sooner will the heavens fall than that you fail to get that which you desire.

32. “凡你们祷告祈求的,无论是什么,只要信是得着的,就必得着。”(马可福音11:24)
32. "All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24).

33. 现在,我们知道,神的供应丰丰富富,而且在我们索求之先,供应就存在,索求只是将供应彰显出来;我们也知道,我们心中对于美善的所有渴求其实都是神放在我们心中的愿望,也是神想要拥有我们的愿望。那么,在知道这些以后,我们怎样迅速地满足我们的愿望并获得这种权利呢?
33. Knowing the law of abundant supply, and the truth that supply always precedes the demand, demand simply being the call that brings the supply into sight; knowing that all desire in the heart for any good is really God's desire in us and for us, how shall we obtain the fulfillment of our every desire, and that right speedily?

34. “又要以耶和华为乐,祂就将你心里所求的赐给你。”(诗篇37:4)要怀着不可动摇的信心,牢牢地抓住神。不停地欢呼,感谢神将你所渴望的赐予你(而不是将要赐给你)。永远不要忽视这个事实:渴望是被渴望之物的开端。如果神在不可见的国度里没有将美善赐予你,那么,你无论如何都不会渴望它。
34. "Delight thyself also in Jehovah; And he will give thee the desires of thy heart" (Psalms 37:4). Take right hold of God with an unwavering faith. Begin and continue to rejoice, and thank Him that you have (not will have) the desires of your heart, never losing sight of the fact that the desire is the thing itself in incipiency. If the good were not already yours in the invisible realm of supply, you could not, by any possibility, desire it.

35. 有人会问:“假如我觊觎邻居的妻子或他的财产,这也是出于神的愿望吗?我可以确信它是我的,从而实现这种愿望吗?”
35. Someone asks: "Suppose I desire my neighbor's wife, or his property; is that desire born of God? And can I see it fulfilled by affirming that it is mine?"

36. 你无论如何都不应也不能渴慕属于其他人的东西。你不应觊觎邻人的妻子。要渴望你眼中的邻人妻子所代表的爱。你所渴望渴望的事物要能够满足你对于爱的渴求。要坚信神给了你丰盛的供应,并祈求它显现出来。它必然会出现,然后,拥有邻人妻子的所谓愿望也会立刻消失。
36. You do not and cannot, by any possibility, desire that which belongs to another. You do not desire your neighbor's wife. You desire the love that seems to you to be represented by your neighbor's wife. You desire something to fill your heart's craving for love. Affirm that there is for you a rightful and an overflowing supply, and claim its manifestation. It will surely come, and your so-called desire to possess your neighbor's wife will suddenly disappear.

37. 因此,你实际上并不渴望属于邻人的任何事物。你希望拥有它所代表的共同本质。你希望自己也有份。现在,在不可见的天国里,神为每个人预备了丰盛的供应。没有任何人会匮乏。属于你自己的那份在等待着你去领取。通过清醒的信仰或信任,你就有力量得到它。
37. So you do not in reality desire anything that belongs to your neighbor. You want the equivalent of that for which his possessions stand. You want your own. There is today an unlimited supply of all good provided in the unseen for every human being. No man must needs have less that another may have more. Your very own awaits you. Your understanding faith, or trust, is the power that will bring it to you.

38. 艾默生说过,明白这个法则的人“确信神的供应就在他生命的深处…他相信自己无法逃避他的美善”。
38. Emerson said that the man who knows the law "is sure that his welfare is dear to the heart of being. . .He believes that he cannot escape from his good."

39. 了解神圣的法则并遵守它,我们就能永远远离任何焦虑和恐惧,因为“你张手,使有生气的都随愿饱足”(诗篇145:16)。
39. Knowing divine law and obeying it, we can forever rest from all anxiety, all fear, for "Thou openest thy hand, And satisfiest the desire of every living thing" (Psalms 145:16).