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Prosperidade: Perguntas para Estudo (back matter)

página 189

Perguntas para Estudo

página 190

1. A Substância Espiritual, a base fundamental do universo
  1. What is Divine Mind?
  2. What is man, and how is he connected with divine ideas?
  3. What great change in methods of production and distribution seems about to be made? How will it affect our prosperity?
  4. What is the ether of science and metaphysics? To what extent has man drawn on it, and what are its possibilities?
  5. What did Jesus demonstrate regarding the kingdom of the ether?
  6. What is the source of all material, according to science? According to Jesus?
  7. What is the simplest and surest way to lay hold of substance?
  8. Explain from this viewpoint how substance can never be depleted.
  9. Why does God give to just and unjust alike, to all equally?
  10. How does this truth of the ether help us better to understand the nature of God as pure being or Spirit?
  11. What is symbolized by gold and silver? Why are they precious?
  12. What is the threefold activity through which substance must go on its way to becoming manifest as material?
  13. If substance is omnipresent and man can control its manifestation, why does man suffer from lack and limitation?
  14. Explain the teaching of Jesus that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.

página 191

  1. What is meant by "property rights" and the right to wealth? What error is implied in this doctrine? To whom do ideas belong?
  2. What are some of the "great possessions" that must be unloaded before we can enter the kingdom of consciousness?
  3. After recognizing the existence, potentiality, and availability of universal substance, what is the next step in demonstration?
  4. Can the kingdom be found by one with selfish motives? Why should we desire healing and prosperity?
  5. What is the prosperity consciousness? Give examples. How can it be cultivated wisely?
  6. What will be the social and economic results of a widespread prosperity consciousness in the whole race?
2. A Mente Espiritual, o princípio diretivo onipresente da prosperidade
  1. Why are ideas the most important things in life?
  2. What is desire in origin, purpose, and result?
  3. What is the difference between "is-ness" and "existence"?
  4. What is the difference between "being" and "appearance"?
  5. What is the relation of figures to the problem they help solve? How does this illustrate spiritual reality and material phenomena?
  6. What is implied in the fact that man can conceive of an ideal world?
  7. Should we deny the existence of material things? Can we do so successfully? What should we deny about the things of the outer?

página 192

  1. What is the "I AM identity"? How does it differ from Divine Mind?
  2. Why is spiritual understanding important? How is it gained?
  3. What connection exists between ideas in Divine Mind?
  4. What divine idea is back of riches? What ideas are the "parents" of this idea? How can this knowledge help us in demonstrating?
  5. Are all men equally entitled to wealth? What ideas should accompany the acquiring, using, and spending of wealth?
  6. Do we expect God to give us actual loaves of bread when we pray the Lord's Prayer? What does He give instead of material things?
  7. Why do people have dreams? Do dreams help men with their problems?
  8. What is the value of relaxation and the silence when we seek God's gifts?
  9. What relation has prosperity demonstration to the kingdom-of-the-heavens consciousness?
  10. What is the physical, psychological, and spiritual reason for preparing the way for the prosperity demonstration?
  11. What does the parable of the lilies teach us about substance?
  12. What effect does the attitude of thanksgiving and praise have upon our prosperity?
  13. Why is asking in the name of Jesus Christ more effective than any other prayer?
3. A fé na Substância invisível, a chave para a manifestação
  1. What is the starting point in building a prosperity consciousness?

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  1. What is the relation between faith and substance?
  2. What does it mean to "have" faith?
  3. What is a "seeking" faith? For what does it seek?
  4. Explain how doubt retards manifestation.
  5. What is the difference between the conception of John the Baptist and that of Jesus?
  6. How do love and understanding assist faith in its accomplishments?
  7. Are difficult experiences necessary in life? Why do we have them?
  8. Show that it is sinful to think and talk hard times, lack, and other limitations.
  9. Explain the symbology of the five loaves and two fishes.
  10. How does fear produce a stagnation in financial circulation? How does confidence or faith restore normal conditions?
  11. How can we go into "the upper room" to wait for the power from on high?
  12. How does your mind create? Are its creations always real?
  13. Why should our faith be in Spirit rather than in material things?
  14. Show how faith is essential to success in the professions, in manufacturing, in sales, and in other lines of activity.
  15. What do the Bible characters represent to us today? What Bible personage represents faith?
  16. Is science antagonistic to religion or helpful to its cause?
  17. What is the relation between material and substance?
  18. Is there any lack of anything anywhere? What are we to overcome?
  19. What affirmations help most to banish fear and abide in the consciousness of plenty?

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4. O ser-humano como entrada e saída da Mente Divina
  1. What is meant by Principle as applied to prosperity?
  2. How do we establish a consciousness of Principle as related to us?
  3. How can the study of Truth make one happier, healthier, more beautiful, more prosperous?
  4. What is a miracle? Is prosperity miraculous?
  5. How are the keepers of divine law rewarded, and its breakers punished?
  6. What are the legislative, judicial, and executive phases of the divine law?
  7. What is the first rule of the divine law?
  8. What is the effect of thinking and speaking of everything as good?
  9. Is there any virtue in poverty?
  10. What is meant by the "far country," and what is the homeland of the prodigal son?
  11. What is the psychological and spiritual effect of old clothes?
  12. What is symbolized by the putting on of new shoes.
  13. How is true substance wasted, and what is the connection between waste and want?
  14. What is our best insurance of financial security?
  15. How does the law "Seek and ye shall find" apply to prosperity?
  16. Should one who works harder or has more ability receive a greater reward than another?
  17. What power has love in helping one to demonstrate prosperity?
  18. How does the subconscious mind help or hinder in demonstration?
  19. What form does God's answer to prayer take? How do we know when a prayer is answered?

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  1. Must one be morally worthy to become prosperous?
5. A lei que rege a manifestação
  1. What in our consciousness is represented by Moses? By Joshua? By Jesus?
  2. What is the metaphysical significance of eating? How do we break bread in the four-dimensional world?
  3. What retards manifestation when we work to attain the consciousness of abundance?
  4. What do we mean by the "one law"? How may we know it? How keep it?
  5. Explain how our ability to use wealth wisely to a large degree determines our prosperity.
  6. Is it necessary to beseech God for prosperity? To ask? To thank?
  7. How do we look or go "within"?
  8. Compare the sense mind with the spiritual mind and show how true prosperity depends on the latter.
  9. What is the light theory of matter formation, and how does it agree with the teaching of the New Testament?
  10. Where and what is heaven? How is the soul formed?
  11. How did King Solomon demonstrate great prosperity?
  12. What is meant by "laying hold of" the substance?
  13. How did Jesus develop His consciousness of omnipresent substance and what did that consciousness ultimately do for Him?
  14. What is the true interpretation of "rich man" in the famous parable of the camel and the needle's eye?

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  1. How do we constantly "turn stones into bread," and what results?
  2. What does the parable of the talents teach us regarding prosperity?
  3. What six steps necessary to manifestation may be discerned in the story of creation?
  4. What do we contribute to the world by raising our own consciousness to the prosperity level?
  5. Analyze and explain the statement "I trust Thy universal law of prosperity in all my affairs."
6. A riqueza mental se manifesta como abundancia
  1. What is prosperity?
  2. Explain the prosperity law that Jesus gave.
  3. What relation has a prosperity consciousness to wealth in the outer?
  4. What is the "sin of riches"?
  5. What causes crop failure and famine in some countries?
  6. Why did Jesus carry no money and own no property?
  7. What is the only thing that can satisfy human longing, and where is it found?
  8. Is the law of prosperity limited to thought? What else is needful?
  9. Over what is man given dominion by his Creator?
  10. How can man master his fear of financial lack?
  11. Why are prosperity prayers sometimes unanswered?
  12. What is the true idea of God, and how does man give it form?
  13. What causes "depressions" in the affairs of men and nations?
  14. What part does self-control in the matter of sensation play in prosperity demonstration?

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  1. What is the relative importance of denial and affirmation in the demonstration of prosperity?
  2. Who are the real producers of wealth in the nation?
  3. What is the law of increase as applied to Mind substance?
  4. How should we prepare for an increased prosperity?
  5. Should we be specific and definite in our prayers for increase?
  6. Write a prosperity affirmation of your own embodying the four essential steps of recognition, love, faith, and praise.
7. Deus prove prosperidade para todas as casas
  1. Of what great spiritual power is the home the symbol?
  2. What has the "atmosphere" of a home to do with its prosperity? How may an atmosphere of worry and fear be changed?
  3. Explain the importance of speaking true words in the home.
  4. Aside from the feeling of religious duty, why should we be thankful for what we have and express our thanks often?
  5. Is it good policy to condemn the furnishings in the home or to be apologetic about them?
  6. Should our homes be ostentatious and rich looking to attract prosperity?
  7. Why should we be individual in furnishing the home rather than following the "accepted" or "in-the-mode" style only?

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  1. How will a deep and sincere love for God attract prosperity?
  2. Why must there be love and understanding between members of the family to insure a prosperous home?
  3. Explain the law of "Love thy neighbor" as applied to home prosperity.
  4. What is God's will for the home, and how does the home express it?
  5. Explain how trying to live and do as others live and do may hold back our prosperity demonstration.
  6. How can we use our will to help the demonstration of home prosperity?
  7. Why should the individual express his own ideas in order to demonstrate?
  8. Where and how is the prosperity demonstration started?
  9. Do we have any personal claim on God's substance?
  10. How do we "pour" substance into the "empty" places of the home?
  11. Why is it necessary to have determination in order to demonstrate?
  12. Does the possession of material things give satisfaction?
8. Deus irá pagar as suas dívidas
  1. What law of mind is observed in true forgiveness?
  2. Why should we trust rather than distrust people?
  3. Is there any such thing as debt in Truth? Why?
  4. Where must we start in forgiving our debtors and creditors?
  5. How can we forgive ourselves for holding others in our debt?
  6. What is the only sure way of getting out and staying out of debt?

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  1. Explain forgiveness as a good method of bill collecting.
  2. How does God forgive our debts? How does His love pay our debts?
  3. How do debt and worry about debt affect health? What is the remedy?
  4. Does God have a place in modern business?
  5. What are the merits and the dangers of installment buying?
  6. What is the importance of paying all obligations promptly?
  7. What kind of thoughts should one hold toward creditors? Debtors?
  8. What dominant belief has caused world depression, and how must it be overcome? What is our part in its overcoming?
  9. Is the credit system responsible for widespread debt?
  10. Does our faith in supply justify us in assuming obligations and trusting that we shall be able to pay when the time comes?
  11. What is the value of prayer in gaining freedom from debt?
9. Dízimo, o caminho para a prosperidade
  1. What is a "tithe," and how was tithing started?
  2. What benefits accrue to the tither, according to the promises of the Bible?
  3. Should one regard one's tithe as an investment that pays rewards?
  4. In what way is giving a divine grace?
  5. What was the practical plan that Paul suggested to the Corinthians?
  6. What effect does a willing and cheerful spirit have on the giver, the gift, and the receiver?

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  1. How can faith be exercised in giving?
  2. How should wisdom be employed in giving?
  3. How can one who is puzzled about giving--as regards how much, when, and where--be helped by the decision to tithe?
  4. What should tithing mean to the farmer? Businessman? Professional man? Mechanic? Laborer?
  5. How does tithing help fulfill "the first and greatest commandment" about loving God and the neighbor?
  6. Aside from Bible promises, do we have direct evidence that tithing increases prosperity? Cite instances.
  7. Should the tithe have a definite place in the personal or family budget? Should we keep a record of our giving, as we do of other disbursements?
  8. Why is the regular tithe, though it may be small, better than the occasional giving of a larger gift in a lump sum?
  9. What is the psychological basis and effect of tithing?
  10. What attitude should one assume toward a seemingly delayed demonstration?
  11. Should we look for our good to come through the channel of those to whom we give or serve?
  12. Why is it better to give without thought or expectation of return?
  13. What must we do about receiving what God has and desires for us?
  14. Discuss giving as a form of affirmation
10. Doar corretamente, a chave para receber abundantemente
  1. In what ways is the religion of Jesus applicable to the problems of daily living?

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  1. State briefly the law of giving and receiving that Jesus taught.
  2. Why has the teaching of Jesus not been more effective in changing conditions in the world and in individual life?
  3. Why is economic reform so much needed at the present time?
  4. Can any effective reform be based on the material phase of the economic problem? Why?
  5. Why do men who direct finance and business fail to seek any advice or assistance from the church?
  6. Why is individual reform necessary before national or world changes can be made?
  7. What do metaphysical teaching and study contribute toward world betterment?
  8. How does the desire for the accumulation of money and goods affect the finer nature and sensibilities of people?
  9. Does avarice or greed have any effect on the health of men?
  10. What is the chief cause of stagnation in money circulation and its attendant evils?
  11. What rule did Jesus give us for freeing ourselves from financial lack?
  12. Is the method practiced by the early Christians practicable in the world as it is today?
  13. What substitute is now being advocated for the commercial standard of payments for goods and service?
  14. What is the divine law of equilibrium? Why does it not seem to operate in financial matters?
  15. Is there any direct connection between poverty and ill-health? How may this problem be approached? Is there a problem at the other extreme--great wealth? How may it be solved?
  16. What is meant by the "race consciousness"? Can we escape its effects? How can we help to change it for the better?

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  1. What should we do about saving money for the future?
  2. What attitude should we take toward charity?
11. Acumulando tesouros
  1. What is the law of conservation as applied to spiritual substance?
  2. What is the difference between hoarding and conserving?
  3. Is accumulation of substance necessary to demonstration?
  4. How is spiritual substance accumulated? How dissipated?
  5. What is the true objective of man's life?
  6. Explain why character development must be a part of our study of the demonstration of prosperity.
  7. Is the ambition for wealth commendable or reprehensible?
  8. Of what is gold the symbol, metaphysically understood?
  9. What is the deceitfulness of riches? What is money?
  10. Does great wealth bring happiness? Does extreme poverty make one any better than the rich? What is the truth about riches?
  11. What is the only true deed or title to possessions?
  12. What do we want when we ask for "our daily bread"?
  13. How does the hoarding of money injure society?
  14. Should we prepare for that "rainy day" by saving part of our money?
  15. Was Jesus poor? Was He ever in want? What does it mean to turn stones into bread?

página 203

  1. Explain the meaning of the rich man and the eye of the needle.
  2. What are some of the financial and bodily results of the pinching attitude toward money?
  3. What attitude toward hard times and lack is most helpful to us?
  4. How shall we learn to get the most and give the most with the means we have at our disposal?
12. Superando o pensamento de falta
  1. Why must we constantly examine our thoughts and separate them?
  2. By what standard do we judge our thoughts?
  3. What is the work of the superconscious mind in the body?
  4. How may we use this superconscious mind in our outer affairs?
  5. What is the importance of thought elimination or mental clean-up?
  6. How do we go about this work of eliminating error thoughts?
  7. What further benefits accrue from the use of denial words?
  8. Where or what is the "kingdom of the heavens," and what is it like?
  9. What is meant by "loosing in heaven"? What should we loose and what should we guard against loosing?
  10. Where and what is "substance"? How do we contact it?
  11. What is the result of clinging to past ideas and methods?
  12. What is mortality? Do we escape it by dying? How otherwise?

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  1. Explain the new birth and the relation of denial to it.
  2. What do Bible characters mean to us? What can they do for us?
  3. What do David and Goliath stand for in consciousness?
  4. What is the modern "golden calf" that most men worship?
  5. Name some of the evil results of the error of money worship.
  6. Would the doing away with money entirely solve the problem? What is the solution?
  7. What "little but mighty" idea in consciousness is symbolized by David?
  8. What are the weapons of this David that slay the giant fear?