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Mark 1 Metaphysical Bible Interpretation

Metaphysical Bible Interpretation of Mark Chapter 1

Metaphysically Interpreting Mark 1:1-8

1:1The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 1:2Even as it is written in Isaiah the prophet, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, Who shall prepare thy way. 1:3The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make ye ready the way of the Lord, Make his paths straight; 1:4John came, who baptized in the wilderness and preached the baptism of repentance unto remission of sins.1:5And there went out unto him all the country of Judaea, and all they of Jerusalem; And they were baptized of him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. 1:6And John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leathern girdle about his loins, and did eat locusts and wild honey. 1:7And he preached, saying, There cometh after me he that is mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. 1:8I baptized you in water; But he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit.
January 4, 1942: Mark 1:1

What is the "gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God"? It is the same as the "gospel of God" that Jesus preached; that is, the truth that man is divine, and that he has within him awaiting development and expression all the potentialities of God, his Father.

Metaphysically Interpreting Mark 1:9-11

1:9And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in the Jordan. 1:10And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens rent asunder, and the Spirit as a dove descending upon him: 1:11And a voice came out of the heavens, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased.
July 20, 1924: Mark 1:1-11


What does John the Baptist represent? John the Baptist represents the natural or the Adam man in the process of evolution, who is about to take on the spiritual or the Christ man.

What is Baptism? Baptism is the name applied to dual action in man's consciousness in regeneration: first, the cleansing action, metaphysically called the baptism of John or the denial of error; second, the constructive action of Spirit, metaphysically termed the affirmation of Truth.

What does the denial of error have to do with the second baptism? The first baptism cleanses the mind of error and makes straight the way of the Lord, that is, prepares the consciousness for the second baptism, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Before the Christ or higher self can find place in his consciousness, man's limited thoughts about man and God must be erased. Where is this truth symbolically, expressed in our lesson today? In verse 4 it is recorded that John came and baptized in the wilderness and preached the baptism of repentance to remission of sins. The original meaning is that there will be a change in the consciousness from old ways and from old habits of thought; this change results in the elimination of the error consciousness.

What is the meaning of John's being clothed in came'ls hair, with a leather girdle about his loins, living on locusts and wild honey? This description of John represents the natural man freed from all outer artifice, strong and vigorous, living off the spontaneous products of nature.

Does one who is rising out of the natural man into the spiritual man have a concept of his higher or Christ self? Yes. In the regeneration the Lord shows us that we are putting off the old man of the flesh and taking on the new man of the Spirit. "I baptized you in water; but he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit."

Why was Jesus baptized by John in the Jordan? Jesus represents the I AM consciousness, which must of its own volition be cleansed of all its thoughts of matter and earthly limitations before it can be raised and synchronized with universal substance.

What is the meaning of the rending asunder of the heavens and the descending of Spirit as a dove upon Jesus? The rending of the heavens means the opening of the mind to the fourth dimension, and the descent of Spirit as a dove is the outpouring of innocence and peace.

What is represented by: "and a voice came out of the heavens. Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased"? The heavens represent the omnipresent spiritual Mind. Modern science has named the substance side of universal mind the luminiferous ether. This ether is, in reality, the body of Christ, the divine Shekinah. Coexistent with the ether is the divine intelligence, the creative Word, which expresses itself in the purified soul and recognizes the soul as its beloved Son.

Metaphysically Interpreting Mark 1:12-13

1:12And straightway the Spirit driveth him forth into the wilderness. 1:13And he was in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan; And he was with the wild beasts; And the angels ministered unto him.
January 9, 1938: Mark 1:1-13 Lesson Interpretation

What does the gospel of Jesus Christ teach? First of all in the truth that the Christ way is through baptism of the Holy Spirit. This means that the entire man — body, mind, and soul — can be animated with the very Spirit of God so that he may demonstrate his sonship to God through spiritual expression.

To the metaphysician what meaning has the statement "John came, who baptized in the wilderness and preached the baptism of repentance unto remission of sins"? John represents the intellect, and his coming indicates the ascendancy of the intellectual over the physical man. His baptism of repentance, in water, represents the power of denial in preparing man to follow the Christ way.

What does the statement that John baptized in the wilderness indicate? It shows that training the thought through denial of error must go deeper than the superficial aspects of life; must extend to the subconscious mind or heart. This training was once called getting the heart right with God.

What is the symbology of the river Jordan as the place where John baptized? The Jordan (south flowing) symbolizes the subconscious thought stream flowing through the body. Man first undergoes a change in this thought stream, and rights himself in harmony with divine law.

Is the statement that John "did eat locusts, and wild honey" of any importance? It shows that the urge to individual change and progress is altogether subconscious in the beginning. John was a child of nature and an ascetic, subsisting on whatever came to hand in his immediate environment. The subconscious urge to right action is common to all.

Interpret John's message concerning tne coming of the Christ. The Christ consciousness arises in the one who has undergone a change of thought habit and prepared the way for the higher viewpoint. When we once conceive of the Christ way we look upon all mental change that went before it as preparatory for the true concept only.

Explain the transcendent experience that followed the baptism of Jesus in connection with the temptation by Satan among the wild beasts in the wilderness. The descent of the Holy Spirit into man permeates his entire mind, subconscious as well as conscious, and his physical body also. When he is lifted by this great experience up into a higher consciousness, he can examine the forces of the subconscious and probe to a thorough understanding of himself. Jesus did this when He realized His divine sonship.

Metaphysically Interpreting Mark 1:14-20

1:14Now after John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, 1:15and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe in the gospel. 1:16And passing along by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net in the sea; for they were fishers. 1:17And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. 1:18And straightway they left the nets, and followed him. 1:19And going on a little further, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending the nets. 1:20And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went after him.
April 3, 1927: Mark 1:14-18

What is the spiritual meaning of the Scripture passage, "Now after John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God" ? According to spiritual interpretation John represents the natural man whose conscious activity has been suppressed; Jesus represents the I AM identity as it comes into a higher realm of spiritual power (Galilee), proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of the heavens.

What is the meaning of the command, "The time is fulfilled, ... repent ye, and believe in the gospel'? In Genesis it is written that God created the universe and man in six days (periods of time). The advent of Christ in Jesus was at the end or fulfillment of one of those periods of time, which has been erroneously translated as "the end of the world." "Repent ye" means, "Be converted," or "Change your mind." The words, "Believe in the gospel," should be understood to have this meaning: "Have faith in the good news." God is Spirit, always present, and his kingdom, [unreadable] center of action, is in every one. "Neither shall they say, Lo, here! or There! for lo, the kingdom of God lies within you."

What is the meaning of Jesus' passing by the sea of Galilee and telling Simon and Andrew that he would make them fishers of men? When man awakens to the kingdom of God within he realizes the necessity for calling into action his spiritual faculties. Before man is spiritually awakened these faculties are active in gathering material ideas; but when man becomes aware of Spirit within, these faculties help him to awaken the soul (become a fisher of men). Simon represents faith; Andrew represents stability or strength. To grow spiritually one must cast his thought force into the invisible but all-potential spiritual realm and stabilize the ideas that he gains there by affirming their reality. Thus faith (Simon) and strength (Andrew) work together in building up the spiritual soul.

In nearly all of Jesus' miraculous works he has Simon and Andrew and James and John with him. Why? Faith (Simon) and the firm conviction of the reality and power of Spirit (Andrew) accompanied by good judgment (James) and love (John) form an invincible spiritual thought combination through which man can rise above and outdo the slow processes of nature.

January 8, 1933: Mark 1:12-20

"And straightway the Spirit driveth him forth into the wilderness." Explain. Jesus Christ, when He was baptized of the Holy Spirit, immediately felt impelled to sound the inner depths of His soul, the subconsciousness. In this wilderness of thought, He must find and perfect Himself.

In the subconsciousness, what is one sure to find? In the wilderness of the subconscious mind one finds both angelic thoughts and wild, undisciplined animal thoughts. One finds ambitions, too, of various degrees of selfishness which must be dealt with.

When is man ready to begin preaching the gospel of Truth? When the illumined intellect, represented in the Scriptures by John the Baptist, has completely surrendered to Spirit, man is ready to begin preaching or teaching the gospel of eternal life here and now.

Jesus first beheld Simon and Andrew casting a net into the sea. Please explain. Simon and Andrew represent well developed ideas of faith and strength, which no doubt, at first, are disciples of the illumined intellect or John the Baptist state of mind. These ideas are ever actively endeavoring to gain new understanding. Simon and Andrew were casting their net into the universal sea of thought. When the illumined intellect merges with the light of Spirit, the way is opened for these ideas also to make contact with the supermind.

Explain Jesus' words "Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men." When the individual with eager mind thus begins to seek Truth, he is on the way to becoming a fisher of men: a gainer of positive, increasing ideas which will enable him to help other individuals to a knowledge of the indwelling Christ.

Jesus next beheld James and John, the sons of Zebedee, mending a net and called to them, and they left their boat and also followed Him. Please explain. James represents wisdom and John represents love. The meaning of "Zebedee" is "the gift of God."

Thus, the source from which wisdom and love spring is divine. Their mending a net represents these divine powers preparing to go forth into the universal, and lay hold of a greater understanding of wisdom and love. Through judgment (James) and love (John) man enters into possession of his divine inheritance, the great gift of the Christ, and - what is all-important - he learns to bestow upon others the same gift that he has received.

January 6, 1935: Mark 1:14-18

Did John the Baptist complete his work? In what way does his life story interest us? John represents the intellect, and when the intellect has proclaimed the advent of a new state of consciousness and done what it can to prepare the way for the new, its task is finished. John's story interests us because it shows us the limitations of the intellect in man's search for Truth.

Explain what is meant by the phrase "The time is fulfilled" in the early teaching of Jesus. An idea that is dwelt upon constantly by the mind grows until it gathers to itself the subconscious forces necessary to its fulfillment. Thus "the time is fulfilled" or the cycle of the idea ended, and the "kingdom of God" or realm of spiritual power is at hand.

Is it easy to enter into the kingdom of heaven here and now? No, it requires faith to take this step, for the hold of the old thought habit that makes death the key to the kingdom is still strong.

Does the increase in discernment in the individual come about under law, or only at random? Discernment comes through earnest application and search under the law announced by Jesus in the words "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

Explain the call of Jesus to Simon and Andrew: "come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men." Simon (hearing or discernment) and Andrew (strength) were fishermen, and the faculties they typify increase the powers of the mind. The inner man grows in wisdom and stature through the right exercise of these powers.

How do we "eat" thoughts and ideas? We eat or appropriate thoughts and ideas by accepting them and affirming their reality in steadfast confidence that they will come into manifestation.

January 4, 1942: Mark 1:14,15

What special phase of Truth is emphasized in the early teaching of Jesus? Jesus emphasized the importance of changing the mind here and now instead of postponing action until some future time. "The time is fulfilled, and the, kingdom of God is at hand."

January 2, 1944: Mark 1:9-22


How may we enter into the kingdom of heaven here and now? By entering into the consciousness of peace, harmony, well-being, active good will, the qualities that characterize the heavenly kingdom of mind and soul.

What does the dove represent that settled upon Jesus after He was baptized by John? It represents peace, purity, and gentleness that enter into us as we deny the hold of error upon us and enter into a consciousness of our better nature as a permanent state.

Does the Holy Spirit take possession of the individual gradually or suddenly and violently? As a rule it possesses us gently and imperceptibly as a gradual awakening to the truth of life and being.

Because it comes gently and gradually is it therefore weak and powerless? No, at the fullest it has driving power. When Jesus Christ was baptized "straightway the Spirit driveth him forth into the wilderness." What does the wilderness represent in the individual? It represents the subconscious mind the unknown realm of forces below the surface of consciousness. This realm must be set in order and brought into harmony with the consciousness of the individual before he can realize unity of mind.

Are individual plans for peace practicable? They are, for they can be put into effect daily by the one making them.

What does John the Baptist represent? He represents the intellect through which we may become aware of the realm of spiritual forces that transcend intellect and that are reached through faith in intuitive wisdom and divine love.

How is faith represented in this lesson? By Simon Peter, the first disciple whom Jesus called.

What faculties do the disciples Andrew, James and John represent? Andrew represents spiritual strength, James judgement or sprititual perception, and John love.

June 10, 1945: Mark 1:14,15

Lesson Interpretation

What is the "gospel of God"? The good news that the kingdom of heaven is within, us (at hand) and that we can establish it all around us by expressing the best that we know and living in harmony with the Christ ideal.

What is the nature of the repentance that we are called upon to make? Repentance involves a complete change of mind and a consequent reorienting of the life from sense to Spirit. Enthusiasm for Truth accomplishes this change.

APRIL 14, 1946: Mark 1:16-20

Lesson Interpertation

What does the call of the Christ signify? An appeal of the higher to the lower, the quickening Spirit to the unquickened flesh, the urge to leave the quest of material substance (fish) and seek instead the ideas of divine Divine Mind (men).

Why did the disciples whom Jesus called follow him immediately? They were seeking the Truth, and the power of the Christ or incarnate Truth drew them irresistibly to Him. The first two disciples, who came at [unreadable] word, were convinced of His right to their allegiance on their first visit, lasting part of one day. Jesus was an authority on Truth.

Was the reward that He offered them of a material nature and sufficient to induce them to leave everything and follow Him? No. His promise to them was that He would make them attract others as He had attracted them. They were to become fishers of men.

Do those who follow the Christ deal altogether in ideas to the exclusion of substance? No, because ideas also have substance, and it is the substance of Truth that exalts life by giving it depth as well as height. The Spirit of truth with it's saving power is what Jesus offered His prospective disciples in exchange for their material conception of life.

What is the first effect of the giving our allegiance to Christ? A quickened sense of our individual responsibility in expressing what is Christlike in our life and words. This is our normal response to the realization of the truth that life is of God and that we share in the divine nature.

What is the outstanding characteristic of the divine nature as it makes itself manifest in mankind? As it becomes active in us it has two characteristic aspects. As we contemplate God and turn our thought expressed in us as our true being. As we turn our thought toward others expressed in us in loving, unselfish service to others according to their need.

August 15, 1948: Mark 1:16-18

What effect has love of Truth when it increases in consciousness? It makes those who experience it desire to share their good with others. They become "fishers of men".

When in search of Truth can we always tell what it is we seek? No. We know that we want more of good in our life, and when Truth is demonstrated to us we recognize it as our own.

February 20, 1949: Mark 1:16-20

Of the twelve disciples that Jesus chose as apostles two were named Simon, two James, and two Judas. Is there any significance attached to this duplication of names in the list of disciples? It emphasizes the importance of the faculties represented by these disciples. Simon called Peter represents receptivity or faith (in its higher aspects). Faith is the first requirement of those who wish to enter into spirital consciousness. Simon the Zealot represents the faculty of zeal. James the son of Zebedee represents judgment, and James the son of Alphaeus represents order, which is the outcome of judgment. These faculties also are of the utmost importance in spiritual development. Judas the son of James represents praise, another requirement of the well-rounded life that is lived in Spirit. Judas Iscariot represents appropriation or acquisitiveness, which is an adjunct of prase, but which in sense consciouness may become covetousness (a traitor).

How does the activity of the sense mind compare with that of divine mind in the world? The activity of divine Mind is far greater than that of the sense mind in its effect on the life of the world. It is expressed in the words "fishers of men," whereas the sense mind is indicated only by "fishers."

What does the fact that Jesus chose His first disciples beside the Sea of Galilee indicate? The name Galilee means "rolling energy" or momentum. The Sea of Galilee represents the store of nervous vitality at the command of those who wish to avail themselves of it through the Christ consciousness. When assembled and concentrated on this work the faculties help us to tap this boundless resource of energy.

What do the nets represent? They represent the habit of concentration that enables us to collect our thoughts (fish).

What is the significance of the word, "men" in the text for today? Men represent the intelligent and illumined thought processes of the I AM in contrast with the unrelated swarm of unenlightened thoughts that have not yet come under the dominion of the I AM.

October 8, 1950: Mark 1:16-20

In learning to express the Christ, what four faculties are of primary importance to us? Faith (represented by Peter), strength (Andrew), judgment (James), and love (John). Jesus developed His faculties (trained the disciples) while He was doing His work of healing, teaching, and feeding the multitudes.

January 7, 1951: Mark 1:9-20

What does baptism signify? It signifies denial of error, and a cleansing or setting free from the hold of error over a person's thoughts and consciousness.

What is the immediate effect of denial? Peace of mind and a rewarding sense of oneness with God. Following His baptism, Jesus saw "the Spirit as a dove descending upon him," and heard "a voice ... out of the heavens, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased."

When we have made denial complete what is the next step for us to take? We are to rise out of negation in in every form (come up out of the water).

What is the kingdom of heaven? It is a state of mind in which the mind is completely filled by a consciousness of peace, harmony, and well-being.

Is the coming of the Holy Spirit a notable event in a persons life? Yes. It is gentle, yet it has impulsive power. "Straightway the Spirit driveth him forth into the wilderness."

What qualities can we develop that will lead us to peace as individuals? Love, faith, trust, obedience. All these are Christ qualities that we develop by use.

Where is the kingdom of heaven found? In the mind and heart of everyone who tries to do the divine will and follow the clearest light within him.

When John the Baptist was imprisoned, Jesus came into Galilee "preaching the gospel of God" What does this recital signify? The seeker after Truth eventually finds that the intellect does not lead to a knowledge of all Truth. He thereupon chooses to follow the Christ as his indwelling guide.

What faculties are first influenced by the Christ? Faith (Simon Peter), strength or confidence (Andrew) , judgment (James), and love (John). These faculties are closely related in the individual (Simon Peter and Andrew were brothers, as were James and John).

November 27, 1952: Mark 1:16-20

Our attention especially is directed to the call to work for spiritual ends instead of for material ends.

What is symbolized by Jesus' command to four of His disciples to follow Him? The disciples represent certain faculties of the mind which have been developing through material avenues, but are now to prepare for spiritual unfoldment.

What does the casting of the net into the sea symbolize? In this lesson the sea represents the race thought, which is the source of the natural man's consciousness. Casting a net into this sea of thought represents an endeavor to draw upon that limited source for ideas of life.

When man follows the Christ — Truth — what change occurs in his objective? When man fills the net of his mind with thoughts of Truth, he becomes a teacher among men and, instead of working for a mere material existence,makes the development of his own soul and the souls of others the prime object of his life.

Metaphysically Interpreting Mark 1:21-34

1:21And they go into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue and taught.1:22And they were astonished at his teaching: For he taught them as having authority, and not as the scribes.1:23And straightway there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, 1:24saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus thou Nazarene? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. 1:25And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. 1:26And the unclean spirit, tearing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him. 1:27And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What is this? a new teaching! with authority he commandeth even the unclean spirits, and they obey him. 1:28And the report of him went out straightway everywhere into all the region of Galilee round about.
1:29And straightway, when they were come out of the synagogue, they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 1:30Now Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever; and straightway they tell him of her: 1:31and he came and took her by the hand, and raised her up; and the fever left her, and she ministered unto them. 1:32And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were sick, and them that were possessed with demons. 1:33And all the city was gathered together at the door. 1:34And he healed many that were sick with divers diseases, and cast out many demons; and he suffered not the demons to speak, because they knew him.
February 18, 1906: Mark 1:21-34


What is the synagogue? The mentality.

What is it to teach? To tell the truth about God, the One Supreme Mind.

What is it that is "astonished"? The undisciplined thoughts.

Who is the man with the "unclean spirit"? Sense consciousness possessed with the thought that it can find satisfaction in the sensations of the flesh.

Why does it recognize the one who speaks with the authority of I AM, as the Holy One of God? Because it is approached on the side of the subconsciousness, in the silence, and recognizes that it is dealing with a Master.

What is the "rebuke"? A denial of sense power and an affirmation of peace, followed by a command "Come out of him."

What is the "tearing" and "crying"? Metaphysically, it is the resistance of the sense thought to Truth. The cause of so-called "epileptic fits" is the spiritual Ego trying to put out a false sense ego that has been built up in consciousness, or the victim of obsession.

What is obsession? The control of mentality by a foreign ego,

How does this differ from mediumship? In degree and character only. The medium who gives up mentality to another ego is liable to be possessed by egos on the animal as well as the spiritual plane of consciousness.

How shall we avoid all liability to this form of error? By establishing the Christ Jesus I AM in us as the one supreme authority, and commanding all unclean, all impure, and all sense thoughts to conform to its law. Then there will spread throughout our whole consciousness a realization of its fame.

Who is Simon's mother-in-law? A thought connected with environment. Simon means "hearing," and the inference is that a reflected thought from the outside, hearing some tale of horror probably, has brought on an anxious, fearful state, which has resulted in a "fever."

What is the remedy for this sort of a fever? Affirm that there is no discouragement, defeat or anxiety on account of the apparent powerlessness of the individual. Then raise her up by declaring that all power is given to the I AM.

June 14, 1914: Mark 1:21-34
All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. Bring forth the royal diadem. And crown him Lord of all.

What is the synagogue? The mentality.

What did Jesus teach the people? The truth about God, the One Supreme Mind.

What thoughts are "astonished"? The undisciplined thoughts.

In what state of consciousness must we be to do the works of Jesus? In the Christ consciousness where all power is given unto us.

In whose name should all healing be done? In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Is any case too hard or too complicated for Omnipotence? No. "All things are possible with God."

What are the "unclean spirits"? All unclean, impure, sensual thoughts.

How shall we cast them out? By establishing the Christ Jesus I AM in us as the one supreme authority, and commanding them to depart.

July 30, 1916: Mark 1:21-34

Spiritual Interpretation

What does the man "with an unclean spirit," referred to in this lesson, represent in consciousness? A state of mind in which thoughts of impurity are dominant.

How is this "unclean spirit" cast out? When quickened by the spirit, man with authority and power, affirms the truth of his spiritual being, and error no longer sustained by thought, cannot dwell in the body consciousness, which, in right relation, is the "temple of God."

What is the truth of man's being? The Real of man is pure Spirit and is not subject to discord, lust or passion.

April 3, 1927: Mark 1:29-31

What has the spiritual combination just mentioned to do with the healing of the fever of Simon's mother? Fever is a negative reaction of anxiety, worry, and fear. When one exercises faith and stabilizes it in love and intelligence, he stretches forth the hand of power and raises to higher planes of consciousness the distressed soul. This is the true method of spiritual healing.

January 3, 1928: Mark 1:21-34

What is the meaning of the phrase,"And they go into Capernaum"? Capernaum means "vilage of Nahum," and Nahum means "consolation" or comforter." So Capernaum symbolizes an inner consciousness of spiritual help; but it is in a state of rest, (the Sabbath day) and [unreadable] be awakened by the word of Truth ("He entered into the synagogue and taught").

What is the meaning of the statement, "And they were astonished at his teaching; for he taught them as having authority"? When one is conscious of I AM power he speaks words of truth direct from the fountainhead and not from any external source (scribes).

What is represented by the man with the unclean spirit, who cried out, "Thou art the Holy one of God"? The man with the unclean spirit symboizes lust. Lust is spiritual life enmeshed in matter. It came from Spirit, and when spoken to by one in spiritual consciousness it intuitively knows its own; but because of its attachment to the body, it resists separation.

Give the meaning of verse 28: "And the report of him went out straightway everywhere into all the region of Galilee round about." Galilee (to whirl) represents the vibratory energy that permeates the body and forms an aura about it. Every word of Truth that man speaks increases the activity of this interpenetrating and all-infolding life principle.

What does "Simons wife's mother ... sick of a fever" represent? Mother-in-law signifies a thought relation of outer or environing character — that is, a reflected thought; in this case, of sickness. Simon's mother-in-law doubtless had been listening to some tale of horror that had set up cross currents in her mentality, resulting in a fever. Jesus took her by the hand and raised her up, which means that He affirmed for her the one Power and the one Presence, and assured her that there was no reality in the error that her imagination was picturing so vigorously. This consciousness of the power of Spirit to harmonize and to heal will eliminate all kinds of sickness, as explained in verse 34.

January 15 1933: Mark 1:21-35

Does the awakening of man to the knowledge of his powers and possibilities fill all requirements? Such an awakening is not enough. The hitherto unused forces of man must become vital factors in his daily life. They must be definitely applied in bringing forth the spiritual man.

What is necessary in order that man, through exercise, may develop his spiritual powers? He must gain an inner conviction of the abiding compassion and restoring power of Being. When this state of consciousness is achieved, a healing virtue pours out of the soul and transforms all discord into harmony.

What is the meaning of Capernaum? This word means "covering of repentance." The name thus indicates a cleansing of the mind, both conscious and subconscious.

At Capernaum Jesus entered into synagogue and healed the man with the unclean spirit. Explain. The unclean spirit of doubt — doubt of the wisdom of following spiritual leading all the way - enters the synagogue (the heart of one's religious convictions) and questions the necessity of loyalty to the Christ ideal. The doubter fears to identify himself with "the Holy One of God," lest he lose what makes his life dear to him - personality. But the Christ ideal, when steadfastly held, rebukes the unclean spirit of doubt and drives it out.

What is one of the preparatory steps in bringing forth the spiritual man? Abiding in the house of Peter, with Andrew, James, and John, is such a step. One must learn to abide in the consciousness of faith in the spiritual I AM.

In the redemptive work, when the soul is set free, what results? A great exhilaration of the whole man follows, and the work of redemption rapidly spreads to "all the city" (all the faculties and forces of the personal man).

After accomplishing many healings, Jesus withdraws to a desert place and there prayed. Explain. In all its redemptive activity, the spiritual I AM realizes that its power and authority rest in its constant contact with divine principle. It therefore withdraws at intervals, to renew its contact with Spirit.

January 16, 1933: Mark 1:14-28

How did the "gospel of God" preached by Jesus differ from the gospel preached by John the Baptist? John preached the necessity of changing the mind and, to that end of cleansing the subconsciousness and the consciousness by denial. Jeasus preached the immanence of the spiritual kingdom and our ability to realize it through changing our mind and faithfully affirming Truth in all our relationships.

What is represented by the statement that after John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of God? When the illumined intellect (John the Baptist) is cut off from outer expression, the spiritual I AM (Jesus) withdraws into the high consciousness of endless activity (Galilee) that it may bring man into closer contact with God, the source of all energy.

What was the substance of Jesus' message? That the kingdom of heaven of realm of mind is a state available now to all who will enter it through a change in their habits of thinking and through faith in the truth of the kingdom. "Repent ye, and believe in the gospel."

Jesus called four of His disciples, Simon, Andrew, James and John, on the shore of Galilee. What does this fact signify? In the high consciousness of endless activity the faculties of faith, strength, judgment, and love (which these disciples represent) have scope for development and are called into play.

Jesus promised to make the fishermen Simon and Andrew "fishers of men." Interpret this statement. Fish represent fruitful ideas, ideas capable of great development. All ideas into which faith and strength enter are thereby developed and their possibilities made manifest. Faith, strength, judgement and love draw men - in their perfect expression the divine ideas of the Absolute - to follow the I AM.

What metaphysical meaning is there in the 21st verse? One meaning of Capernaum is "covering of repentance," which indicates a conscious and subconscious cleansing of the mind. From the outer realms of materiality man turns at last to hind the realm of spiritual truth within himself. this is entering the synagogue.

Jesus' method of teaching differed from the method of the scribes. What do the scribes represent? Jesus' authority was His innate conviction of Truth, whereas the scribes depended on tradition. The latter represent the thoughts that come to us from other personalities, from race opinion, or from books.

How did Jesus prove His authority to be genuine? Through healing the man in the synagogue Jesus proved that He had power or authority to release those in bondage to sin or disease. He claimed only what He was able to prove by His works.

What is new in the Christ teaching? The power of the word is known to the prophets of old. Jesus accepted this truth and used it daily instead of theorizing about it, this giving new meaning to the divine law.

February 8, 1942: Mark 1:21-34

Lesson Interpretation

What is the significance of Capernaum as one of the places where Jesus healed the sick? Capernaum means "covering of compassion," and it was in this city that Peter lived. Peter represents faith, and faith or an inner conviction of the abiding compassion and restoring power of [missing] Being is necessary to healing

What sort of faith is essential to healing? The faith that leads a man to believe in his possibilities as a child of God and to know that he can realize health and wholeness.

What methods did Jesus use in His healing work? He spoke the word of wholeness and He sometimes healed without words, as in the case of Peter's wife's mother. When He touched those whom He healed, it was more to emphasize His words than to impart healing by physical means.

What faculties are most active in the one who is a natural healer? Faith, judgment, and love are foremost. Combined in right proportions, these make work of healing and of ministering to others easy and sucessful. In His healing ministry Jesus often took with Him Peter, James, and John.

Is one conviction weightier than any other in enabling a person to realize healing? Having more weight than any other in most cases of spiritual healing is the conviction that present help is available to a person in his need and that its manifestation need not be delayed but may take place here and now.

How does one become surcharged with the Christ consciousness? Through concentration on Truth. We engage in prayer and meditation in order to renew our contact with the peace and quiet of spiritual living and appropriate spiritual substance anew.

Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum. What does this signify? A synagogue represents the side of man's mind that is given over to religious thoughts. Compassion is rightly expressed through the religious nature. As a teacher and harmonizer of his mental and bodily conditions man "enters the synagogue" or examines his religious convictions and harmonizes them with the principles of spiritual truth.

How is an unclean spirit best ovecome? By denial and strong affirmation: "Hold thy peace, and come out of him." Suppression alone is ineffectual, in fact may do more harm than good. All impurity of thought or life is amenable able to the command of the Christ, and comes out of the person who invokes the power of the Christ to free himself from such bondage.

Jesus "suffered not the demons to speak, because they knew him." Why was this inhibition necessary? Truth cannot be enhanced by falsehood. Neither can the Christ consciousness that Jesus possessed be proved by any lesser consciousness.

January 14, 1951: Mark 1:21, 22

What does the name Capernaum mean? Capernaum means "covering of compassion." Capernaum was the home of Peter (faith).

January 14, 1951: Mark 1:29-35

Is faith active in compassion? Yes. It was in Capernaum that Jesus healed the mother-in-law of Peter by lifting her up from the bed where "she lay sick of a fever." The compassion and restoring power of Being fills the mind of the spiritual healer.

Does the Christ meet all our needs by spiritual means whether they are physical or spiritual? Yes. Through prayer Jesus Christ healed all kinds of illnesses, including fever, leprosy, and palsy, by purely spiritual means. On some occasions He spoke the word of healing aloud, at other times He touched the person seeking healing, and on other occasions He spoke the healing word silently. He healed some individuals without being in the presence of the one healed. He fed the five thousand from five loaves and two small fishes, and there were twelve basketfuls of food left over. He calmed the stormy waves on the sea of Galilee. Surcharged with power from on high, He used that power for the benefit of mankind.

Is the faith of the present generation in spiritual means of healing? To some degree it is, but it is most often in some outer material means. Our need in the present day is to understand the creative word through which the spiritual forces and powers are tapped and used in everyday life.

To bring our desires into manifestation what must we learn to put into our words? Faith, love, power, and judgment.

How does the Christ consciousness make itself manifest? In perfection or body, mind, and soul. The ideal of perfection, "Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect," expresses the Christ consciousness.

How can we do healing work? By developing a powerful realization of the truth that all life is God and is therefore perfect. When we do this and thus become surcharged with consciousness of the one perfect life we can heal with a word, a look, a thought, or a touch.

How do we renew our strength for further healing work? By communing with God in prayer and meditation. This is the method that Jesus used, and it restores us also.

Metaphysically Interpreting Mark 1:35-39

1:35And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose up and went out, and departed into a desert place, and there prayed. 1:36And Simon and they that were with him followed after him; 1:37and they found him, and say unto him, All are seeking thee. 1:38And he saith unto them, Let us go elsewhere into the next towns, that I may preach there also; for to this end came I forth. 1:39And he went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out demons.
October 19, 1919: Mark 1:29-39


In the individual consciousness, what is the meaning of Jesus coming "into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John"? It signifies the spiritual I Am coming into a firm, unyielding, enduring consciousness of faith and strength (typified by Simon and Andrew), supported by judgment and love (James and John).

What results from entering into this state of consciousness? The results are a positive activity of these spiritual forces, directed by the I Am, which brings about a healing, redeeming work within the soul, represented by Simon's mother-in-law (mother of faith).

What effect has this living demonstration of the power of Spirit in the soul consciousness? It awakens to the soul the knowledge of the power of Spirit to free and to make whole. All that are sick, all those thoughts of a demoniac character are brought to Simon's door (the door of faith), and are healed.

What is the meaning of "and in the morning a great while before day he [Jesus] rose up and went out, and departed into a desert place and there prayed"? The I Am gets its sustenance, power, inspiration from the one Source (God). In order to carry on the redemptive process it is necessary for every one, who is unfolding spiritually, to daily withdraw from the outer (as Jesus did), and seek his inner union with the Father. In this way renewed courage, ever-increasing light, greater ability to demonstrate are given the earnest seeker of Truth.

What faculty is it that always leads in seeking out the I Am and revealing unto if the course of action of the thought-people of the soul? The faculty of faith. Faith is the rock upon which the activity of the spiritual I Am is founded; it is the key which unlocks all the doors of the inner spiritual realms, so that the soul may receive the rich gifts from the kingdom.

For what purpose does the I Am come forth (come into activity) within the soul consciousness? The purpose of the I Am is to spread the glad tidings of the Gospel throughout the whole circuit of the soul (Galilee) , to teach the way of Truth to all the nations (to all the different states of consciousness).

January 23, 1927: Mark 1:35

The text of today's lesson is composed of extracts from parts of the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, the general theme being prayer. What is prayer? Prayer is the exercise of faith in the presence and power of the unseen God.

Metaphysically Interpreting Mark 1:40-45

1:40And there cometh to him a leper, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 1:41And being moved with compassion, he stretched forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou made clean. 1:42And straightway the leprosy departed from him, and he was made clean. 1:43And he strictly charged him, and straightway sent him out, 1:44and saith unto him, See thou say nothing to any man: but go show thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. 1:45But he went out, and began to publish it much, and to spread abroad the matter, insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into a city, but was without in desert places: and they came to him from every quarter.
September 21, 1924: Mark 1:35-45

How does one who is following Jesus in the regeneration make a union with Spirit within? Prayer opens the door to spiritual consciousness. Although the light may seem far away ("a great while before day"), and there may seem to be no prospects that our words will yield fruit ("a desert place"), our work is to rise up and pray as did Jesus. The consummation will follow.

What is the meaning of: "And Simon and they that were with him followed after him; and they found him, and say unto him. All are seeking thee"? Simon represents the light of faith which follows aspiring prayer. When we are lifted up from earthly consciousness all our faculties are attracted to the spiritual center, and the whole man is spiritualized. "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself."

Give the metaphysical meaning of: "And he went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out demons." Galilee represents the whole circuit of life activity in consciousness. The synagogues stand for brain and nerve centers in the organisrn, where spiritual forces are at work. When man enters into the consciousness of the spiritual life (Galilee) he speaks words of Truth (preaches) and denies away all conditions of error (demons).

What does leprosy represent in man's consciousness and how is it healed? Leprosy in the body is the result of impure thoughts in the mind. Such thoughts are foreign to the spiritually minded, but they lurk in the subconscious, and it is the duty of every overcomer to purify them. Metaphysicians find that they can purify the mentality by saying both aloud and silently: "In the name of Jesus Christ I will; be thou made clean."

Why did Jesus advise the man who was healed to go to the priests and make the usual offerings for the forgiveness of sins? When one is healed, his first duty should be to acknowledge the true source of his healing, which is God in consciousness, we should give the substance of our spiritual thoughts and aspirations; thereby the body is transmuted into finer substance and the temple of the spiritual man, Christ, is erected.

When we give personality the credit for our healing and fail to fulfill the divine law, what are the results? When we fail to make connection with the inner Source, all the spiritual centers within are closed against us: ("Jesus could no more openly enter into a city") and there is an influx of thoughts from every quarter. This condition results in psychic experiences that are often distressing.

January 9, 1944: Mark 1:32-45

Lesson Interpretation

How can we identify ourselves with Truth and thus begin to comprehend the nature of the Absolute? By making the statement "I am ... the truth," as Jesus made it, in the consciousness of the Christ mind.

What gives our words power to heal? Speaking them in the consciousness that they are true gives them healing power. Such words endure because they partake of the nature of the Absolute.

Why would Jesus not allow the demons to speak when He was casting them out? Demons represent error or falsity in personal consciousness, therefore demoniacal words have no true power, and Jesus did not admit that so-called demons could affirm power. The falsity of the personal consciousness should not be accepted as true at any time.

Is meekness an integral part of Truth? The Christ mind, which is "the truth, and the life," is meek. Jesus showed meekness by going elsewhere when the multitude sought Him because of the works they had seen Him do.

What is involved in the statement that Jesus went "throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out demons"? Galilee represents a consciousness of endless activity. Healing is done best where one realizes that divine power is infinite and eternal.

What other faculties are called into action in the work of healing? Compassion for humanity and a yearning to help it out of its errors are called out in those who speak the word of healing for others.

How does prayer influence our search for Truth? It helps us to make contact with Truth and understand it and in this way to make the power of Truth manifest.

What gave Jesus the authority out of which He spoke and taught? His understanding of Truth and His faithful expression of it formed the basis of His authority. For the conviction that He brought home to His hearers He relied not on the elders but on the I AM within Him.

How can we be sure that we are following the right course? By desiring to know only the right and by following the guidance of the Christ mind within us we shall know what to do.


Transcribed by Tom Schulte on 9-28-2013